I met JoongKi

Life From a Fangirl to an Idol

So i was in korea, in sm academy, in class 1-12.

Your POV

My classmates beamed and cheered for either eun ri and i to start singing. I could not stopped fidgeting, and my palm start sweating, looking at their enthusiastic faces, i couldnt reject them. All of a sudden, a heavenly voice struck the classroom, eun ri was singing Taeyeon's Can your hear me. My heart stopped beating for a second or two because her vocals was so beautiful and she sang it so meliflously. (Listen to her singing>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF5EIJSQu1s) The people in the room stoned for a moment by her beautiful vocals and they begin swinging their hands from side to side. I swear i could see hearts and hearts in the guys eyes when they were looking at eun ri.  I too begun to imagine Eun ri with an angel's wings singing in the clouds and then she started tearing her wings and shouted with a devil face, "IS THAT ENOUGHHH??"

I think i almost had a heart attack but it was not only me who got a shock. A few of my classmates fell off their chair. I couldnt help but laugh. We still applause for her almost perfect performance. I stood there, realizing it was my turn to start. I laughed stupidly to brighten up the atmosphere first. "RING DING DONG RING DING DONG RING DIGIDIGIDIDIDIDI GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY You are my shy s_**hy(sorry) shy boy oh oh oh my boy" I sang my best while doing the dance move and a aegyo at the end. I did a pose as i pointed to kris to have another perfect ending. I closed my eyes to expect some cheer, but there was a complete silence. I opened my eyes to realize all of them had their jaws dropped. Is it that BADDDD!?

One of them broke the silence, " I am not surprised huh.... she is posted to our class anyways... what do you expect of her... ERRRHMMM" He cleared his throat at the end.

Eun ri and i found a seat in the class room. I sat beside kris and eunri sat behind me. Wait... i saw eun ri eyeing her blazing fiery eyes at kris. She was looking at his bag???? and his shoe.

"HEY YOU PIGHEAD. That was the superbly duperly embarrassing performance i have ever seen in my life" Kris throwed a pencil at my head as he said.

"SHUT UP YOU!" I hissed.

So there is 10 students in class 1-12 currently.




Han chin Ho,Louise( the one that look like 30 year old) He is the class chairperson.

zack(an american geek)

Kim jong hae(the one that look the most normal to me, he is the best rapper in the class)

MiMi ( whatttttttt?????? she didnt want to say her real name and apparently that's what everybody called her. She's a nerd, but her vocal was spectacular)

Yoo seung ri(the drummer but he always talk to himself)

Goo Hye Jin ( the most obese girl in the cohort. Her talent was composing songs)

Oh Yu Han( He is a guy but he carried a doll every where he goes and he doesnot talk to anyone. He dances whenever a song is played so we consider him as the best dancer in the class)


I was speechless and almost went crazy because apparently i was way too shock,  when all of them kind of introduced themselves to eun ri and I.

Eunri does not look too surprised, i wonder if she knew that already. I pulled my hair and shouted " WHAT KIND OF CLASSMATES IS THAT?". I was even more surprised because none of them gives a about what i just said. Well... at least they knew it themselves.

I think if i continued with them, i could turn bald someday. Finally, i knew, i was in the worst class in SM academy. OH WELLL.... my luck had reached it's limit anyway.

I could not stop but take a good look at the teacher as well. He has a bowl cut just like Taemin's mushroom hair, he wore a specs, a nerd smile and a non-professional outfit. I sighed.

"OH RIGHT. Shall we start with our lesson?" Teacher Cha said with a smile.

I raised my eyebrows. when he placed a korean story book on everyone's table. I flipped open to see that it was a kid's story book, i could not laugh...People are learning about music and here we are learning basic korean.

"Today's story book title is 선녀와 나무꾼, which is in english fairy and the woodcutter." teacher cha said.

I elbowed kris and whispered," How the hell do you survived all this while?"

He shrugged,"I like being here, they are nice. You will know eventually..."

So we spent half the day studying korean, which is according to kris that because teacher cha cant teach music.

After we had our short lunch break, class 1-12 proceeded to the dance studio. I was so enthusiastic about it! But i was suspicious about teacher's cha teaching skills. So i knew it, he placed a CD inside a cd player and said that it was our free style dancing time and walked off. I felt like punching him, he is seriously getting his pay like this? why isnt the principal sacking a person like him.

When the CD played, Get Right- Jennifer Lopez filled the studio. The weirdo doll guy Yu Han started dancing poppin, sliding and what not. The whole class cheered and clapped. We joined in eventually, i was not so sure about dancing so i followed Yu han's move. Hmmm  at least i learned something today. Yuhan is a better teacher than cha cha teacher.

 School ended~ it was 7pm. I walked home or maybe still slighty limping because my knee cant straightened up due to the painful cut.

Suddenly,  i could hear a group of rowdy guys behind me talking really loudly. I hope i dont get into trouble with them and i started walking faster.

"HEY YOU THE GIRL in french plaits stop thereeeeeeeeee~" one of them shouted at me. They sound like they are drunk but seriously, it's only 7pm.

Of course i didnt dare to stop, and one of them push me to the floor. I felt so scared, i started to whimper. "AAAAHHHH... it's a pretty girl. " One of them their lips. I closed my eyes as i realised he held his hand high and just when it almost wanted to land it on my right cheek, a man stopped him by twisting his wrist. The bully screamed in agony and he and his friends escaped immediately. I was still scared and would not dare to open my eyes.

My saviour helped me up and said in a warmth voice,"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself anywhere? You should not go out alone at this time. 7pm is consider quite late here in this area. haha.Why dont you open your eyes already, to take a look at your saviour?"

OMG. His voice make my heart thump. BO DOM BO DOM BO DOM. He sound so sincere, so kind........ I slowly opened my left eye... he looked like a cute guy.... and then i opened my right eye. My legs turned jelly and i almost fell down again but luckily he held on me tightly by the arm.

"JOOOOOONG KIIIIIIIIII?" I almost screamed. I swear i could feel my cheeks burning hot.

He smiled at me like a cute dork, " Shall i take you home?"

I could not think.... i just nodded. He is sooooooooo good looking.

"I saved you, so arent you going to buy me a dinner or something?" he said with his usual killer smile.

"I...I sureee! WHY NOT? but ... i didnt bring a lot of money today? Maybe tommorow night or something? .... are-you-free-tommorow-night-because-you-said-youwant-to-have-a-dinner-with-me-and-i-didnt-say-no-sorry-i-am-so-nervous..." It seem like i am talking to myself.

"huh? What are you saying????? you mean OHHHH. I can make it tommorow night." There he goes with his killer smile again.

I felt so hot.... i mean... my face... my heart cant take it anymore. Yes, find something to stop this awkwardness.

"OHHHH HAHAHAH. ohhhh i reached my house already... THEREEE!" i pointed at the brightly litted blue roof house on the right side.

He stopped moving and there was a weird silence.

I bitted my lips...what's going on? did i said something wrong or what?

"Oh great! Looks like we are going to live together" he broke the silence.

"HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????" I shouted.

He laughed as he proceeded to the front gate of the house. OHHH.... is that one of his joke? ok... not funny. But  WAITTTTT... he has the key to this house?

My jaw dropped. Are you serious with me god?

JoongKi's POV

Just when i wanted to open the gate with my key, i turned back to look at the cute girl. I smirked when i saw her staring at me with agape.

She is so cute.....  I thought.

"Are You going to come in or do you want to stand there the whole day and feed the mosquitoes?"I said.

She then scurried over with her slightly short legs.

We went in and landlord kim was standing at the door with a bright smile.

"Welcome back both of you! I have cooked dinner, come quickly to eat before it turns cold" land lord kim said joyfully.

"landlord kim!!!!! I miss you so much!!!!! ah wait. AUNT KIMMY!!!! HAHAHA" I went over to gave her a tight hug.

" You have grown fatter havent you? oh my chubby aunty!!!" I proceeded to squeeze her cheeks.

"OUCHHHH! how old are you already... still so childish!!!! ahhh wait, ____________ why arre you still standing there? come in quickly!" Landlord kim said to me then to the girl.

So the girl's name is called ________. such a cute name too. keke

We went in and i immediately could not hide my happy feel. There was a table full of FOOOOD!!!

"It's been so long since you came back! so i tried my best to prepare all these. Not sure it was good..." land lord kim said.

"IT WILL definitely be delicious! when has it been not? THANK YOU SO MUCH AUNT!" I replied.

"How's work? And where is my daughterrrrrrrr? I miss her sooooo much ok. All because of you that she went to live with you instead" Landlord kim pouted.

"Why did you sound like i snatch her away? ________ don't listen to her. I will explain ok.... I went to JeJu island to film a drama and because landlord kim's daughter love me so much... wait not that kind of love but family love. haha. that she wanted to follow me to the filming site to live with me. Oh gosh AUNT!!! dont you know that she bring me a lot of trouble this few weeks? I almost could have lost my mind because of your daughter!!" I said.


I sat comfortably at the sofa as i listened and watched joong ki and land lord kim bickering non stop. So i sort of have a clearer view of what's happening but there is still something i not quite understand... why does he lived with his aunt and not his parents? Should i ask? but will i make the atmosphere go weird? ok, i shall shake that idea off.

Ok... so no wonder i dont see joongki in the house for the last week and also land lord kim's daughter. I must be stupid or what. land lord kim couldnot have lived alone and there is also 2 rooms left vacant that time when i was here. All i know was that landlord kim's husband died 7 years ago.

BUT I STILL CANT GET THAT EXCITEMENT OUT OF MY HEAD that joongki is living in the SAME HOUSE AS ME. HEll yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. I cheered with myself in my head. I must have gone mad. I am sortta a fan of him. keke. He is so good at acting. IKR!?

"Hey DUMB HEAD! come here and eat your food! why do you always like to be called at!" Joong ki scolded me.

I made a face at him but he just laughed at me.

"WOAHHHHHHHHHH. soooo many food, i dont even know where to start with" I said excitedly.

Joongki place some kimchi on top of my rice and said "eat that!"

I looked at my kimchi and then i looked at him, "you know what... i could not believe i can be sitting infront of you tonight eating on the same table with you and you just place a kimchi on my rice and ask me to eat it. we are living in the same house and we  and WEEEEEEE. omg-i-tell-you-i-love-watching-your-drama-sungkyunkwan-scandal-and-nice-guy-wolf-guy-and-running-man.....", the words just blurted out themselves without going through my brain.

OMGGGGGGGGG.... WHAT DID I JUST SAIDDDDDDDDDDDD. Kill me please. I think heat is coming out from my cheeks and ears and i start fanning at it. I glanced at joongki but he is watching the TV??????????? WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

I snapped,"Are you even listeningggg....?

Joongki nodded his head but his eyes was still fixed on the tv screen.

"You said you like me." Joongki said.

My mouth agape and i dont know why but i feel like my heart is exploding.

I turned my attention to my food! OK FOOODD. I am going to enjoy it and not joongki......

I heard him calling out to landlord kim who was upstairs and said" I think Soora is on her way here already with our luggage."

So landlord kim's daughter is called soora. I smiled, wondering how she will look like. "Joongki, how old is she?" I speak and when i looked up at him, i realised he was looking at me with a weird look.

THUMP THUMP THUMP... my heart races again. "what are you looking at?" I said shyly.

Joongki took out a tissue and wipe something from my face. I stared at him blankly, his face when he was so close to me.....why am i staring at his face?

"You are just like a kid. Soora is 14. She is the prettiest girl in the class and she is really cheerful." he said with a smile.

Just then, landlord kim came down from the stairs. She was wearing a flowery top and a tight pants. She must be excited to meet her daughter again.

"Joongki-ah, heard that you have been recruited to be a drama teacher in the worst class of the first year in SM academy... is that right?" Land lord kim questioned joongki.

I was eating happily with my food and then i think i heard " drama teacher" " worst class" "first year" "sm academy". My brain took some time to chain the words together....

COUGH* COUGH* COUGH* "I.....I ... cho..ked...on...m..y....fo...o.d" I kept on coughing. I saw joongki at the corner of my eyes, running to the kitchen to bring a glass of water for me to drink. Finally i cleared my throat. Both of them heaved a sigh of relief and sat back onto the chair.

'Why are you so dumbheaded? to even choke on food? is it really so delicious?" joongki chide at me.


Joongki raised his eyebrows.


OH YEAHHH. another chapt is up. i hope this one is better! :D ideas keep on coming in my head and i wish i can write everything out now. haha

I sincerely hope you all like it. Finally met joongki right? How is the story going to proceed on? Let's see

comment if you like and subscribe FOR MOREEE.








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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha