Teacher cha

Life From a Fangirl to an Idol


After an unexpected met up with YG CEO and Big bang's g-dragon, i dragged my body back to the alley where our new training room was supposed to be. I still had the name card on my hand and i kept on placing it up infront of my eyes to take a good look just in case i was dreaming the whole time.

"Where have you been slacking off when your classmates are working so hard to furnish the room!?"

I was in a daze and i didn't realised someone was leaning at the wall beside the door of the room talking to me as i walked past.

Joongki's POV

She clearly didn't hear me and she was walking like a zombie into the room.

I stared at her for a few seconds as she walked past, totally ignoring my existence.

I placed my hand on her shoulder to stop her but she screamed and threw my hands off her. "AHHH! GHOST! GHOST!"

I couldn't helped but laughed at her and said PABO.

She suddenly stop screaming and stares at me. "Wh-y a..re you he.r..e?", She stuttered, obviously too happy to see me.

"Dinner with you obviously."

"But... I have to help furnish the room"

"Cant you see they have all went home"


What an irritating and boring conversation, she was really slow. i pulled the back of her collar and dragged her out of the alley before she can asked more questions.

"Let go of me you DUMB ! I can't walked backwards like that! " She shouted and struggles to get off my grip.

I glanced at her and she was still struggling. AISH... I let her off.

"You are really a ert!"

"Is ert my nickname? You dummy head can't even think of a good nickname"

"Don't call me that. I used to be the top few in the class okay"

"Ya... and you said used to be. I guess it is not the same now"

I could see her fuming with rage as she glared at me. hahaha. I just like to bicker with her like that. I think i have never said this before but i think she was the most fascinating girl i have ever met.

"Yahhh ert sit down!" she shouted at me.

I turned to my side to realise she had already found a sit in a tent cafe.

"...We are eating here? i thought you would treat me with more expensive food"

"The food here is nice!"

"I know, i like the food here too."

Auntie Song who seemed to have seen me sitting here took on a bright smile and walked hurriedly to my side. "Ohh joongki-ah! You are back!! You don't know how much i miss you. and ohhh! Who is this girl beside you. She look so young and pretty. Your girlfriend right?"

I wanted to laugh when auntie Song mistook __________ as my girlfriend but _________ cleared and ordered our food quickly.

___________ looked down at the table and she pouts. Is she trying to act shy around me or...

I didn't even realised my hands were moving on it's own towards her... towards her left cheek and then it rested there.

She blushed heavily and i could feel her cheek burning up. I smiled at her reaction and I patted her head.

She was still staring at me in shock so i tried to change the topic.

"Are you going to delete my photo or not? I know you like to stare at it every night before you went to sleep", I said, teasing her.

I saw her coming to her senses and then muttered,"What photo... i didn't look... BWOHHHH! you ert! of course i am going to delete it but you also have to delete mine too."

She took out her handphone and i took out mine.

She touched the screen of her phone and then i saw her searching her photo gallery.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" Suddenly, she broke out into fits of laughter and she clapped when she laughed.

"Your...face is EPIC!! hahaha. I can't stop laughing" She held onto her stomach with one hand and pointed to the picture on her phone with the other hand.

I panic and i snatched the phone from her hand to look at my picture. Holy crap, i really looks funny. The picture of my shock face with a toothbrush stick into my nose. I quickly deleted the photo.

"oh... i think i am crying... hahaha"

"Shut up!"

She still couldn't stop laughing and I tried to hush her down but to no avail. The more i look at her, the more eager i wanted to laugh as well.

I searched for the picture of her in my phone and then i showed it into her face. "AHAHAHHA!  You looks funny too! Oh.. so unglam!" I laughed so hard in her face to make her angry.

"Give it to me!" She tried to snatch my phone from my hands but i raised my arms high so that she couldn't reach.

"I am going to send it on twitter", I lied.

"NOOOOO! You broke your promise! Delete it!", She sound so agitated.

"Opps... i send it" I said while i tried to act like i was so shock and unintended.

Suddenly, a fist plunged it's way into left eye and i fell off my seat by the force.

My left eye was searing in pain and i quickly cupped my left eye. I stared at her with my mouth agape in shock.

"YOU...YOU..." I couldn't find any other words to say and i am still lying on the floor.

She snatched my phone from my hands and I believed she was trying to delete her photo.

"Oh my god! You didn't send it on twitter...?" she covered in shock when she realised she was wrong.

"Help me up can you?" I said to her with an irritated tone because i am pissed.

"Mianaeyo! really. so sorry..."She apologized to me sincerely as she picked me up from the floor.

"Omo! Your eyes... it's all red and swollen now!" She said, panicking.

She tried to touch my eye but i slapped it away.

After that, when our food arrived, we ate in silence. I wasn't angry with her anymore but i wanted to make her feel guilty.

I could feel her occasional glances at me but i dimly ignored it.

When we finished our food and she paid for the meal, we slowly walked out of the tent cafe.

All of a sudden,__________ stopped on her track and to my curiosity, i turned back to look at her to notice she was frowning while looking at something infront.

I turned back to the front and saw a familiar figure. The mushroom hair, the old clothes, and the geeky spectacles. It was teacher cha.

Teacher cha was walking while taking secretive glances to his left and right. I know  ___________ also sensed that something was suspicious and we decided to follow him closely behind.

_____________ told me about the strange behaviour of teacher cha in the day while i nodded at her as she speaks.

It was indeed suspicious and i also found him slightly weird today but i couldn't thought of what it is.

I looked at teacher cha's figure still walking secretively as i kept on pondering what I thought was wrong with him and suddenly i remembered.

I tapped on __________'s arm excitedly and said,"I remembered why i think something was wrong with him! I remembered teacher cha has a big mole with hair on his right ear but then today, this teacher cha didn't have that mole."

"Huh.... You are not joking right?", __________ said while giving me questionable looks.

"It's true! why wou...ld" I tried to emphasised it but before i could finish my sentence, ___________ took my hand in hers and she pulled me behind a truck.

I glanced down at my hand and smiled. This was the second time she held my hand. The first time was outside the school and then now. My heart started jumping jubilantly as i stared at her face.

I just realised she has great features, she look feminine really... I looked at her eyes, her nose and her lips...

"Oh my gosh! Look joongki!!! there is two teacher cha!" she suddenly spoke while shaking my hands.

I turned my head to look at where she was looking and I saw two totally alike person.

I gasped in shock and stammered as i said, "It cannot be... what's going on. Are they twins?"

___________ let go of my hands and rushed up to them and confront them.

"Who the hell is the real teacher cha... omo this is so creepy." she said, flustered.

The two of them gawked at the sudden appearance of _______________.


"___________! why... why are you here... we... aish... let's go in the house to talk shall we?" One of them said.

Go into the house with them... no. I am starting to feel really nervous and cold sweat was forming on my pores.

Someone from behind speak and then i realised joongki was still around,"If you want to talk, talk here!"

The two teacher cha gasped when they see Joongki.

"Joongki, you saw us too...ohno..." one of them said.

"Tell me which is the real Cha Oh hyuk teacher." Joongki said with a serious tone. I have never seen him like that before and somehow, i find that attractive.

The one with the mole on his right ear raised up his arms.

"And who's you?" Joongki and I asked in unison at the other guy.

"I am his twin. My name is Cha oh suk." The man replied us.

so they explained what's going on. As we all know, cha oh hyuk was a bad teacher and he finally realises he couldn't teach. Cha oh hyuk decided to give up his career as a music teacher to pursue another career as a business man. However, He still has a 2 year teacher contract with sm academy and that breaking the contract will need 1 million korean won to settle it. Cha oh hyuk then begged his little brother cha oh suk who was also musically talented, teaching students piano at a small shop to help him by potraying as him instead while he can run off to become a business man. They met up today because Cha oh hyuk want to tell Cha oh suk that he was going to Canada to start a business.

OHHHHHH... "Isn't faking another person's identity a crime teacherssssss?" I asked while looking at the two teacher cha and teacher song joong ki.

"That's why we want to keep it a secret _________ and also my dear joongki sshi!" the two teacher cha gave us a pitiful look as they begged us.

I wanted to say "Don't worry! i wouldn't say because I know teacher cha oh suk is so much better compared to oh hyuk teacher. " but instead i just said, "Okay..."

When Joong ki and i reached home, it was already 9pm. I was very tired after a long day and my body felt heavy and sore, i quickly wash up and sleep.



Oh... it's freaking saturday and why am i here...

I looked around the place again to realise i was with my classmates at a park.Teacher cha had called us in the morning to meet here in the park. It was still 7am in the morning. Yawns*

It was not only me who seems very unhappy because everyone was sitting at the big rocks in the park, some slowly dozing off, some slapping mosquitoes on their leg while some staring into space.

Suddenly, a loud piercing whistle rang into my our ears and I thought i almost will went deaf. It was teacher cha oh suk hyuk standing before us.

"TIME TO WAKE UP Sleepy headed and do some exercise. hmmm.... well, it was sort of our first training for the competition!" Teacher cha said excitedly while he pushed us all to form twos by twos in a queue.

Louise was standing beside me and then he beamed at me when he realised i was looking at him.

Mimi and zack 1st row. jong hae and hye jin 2nd row, kris and eurni 3 rd row, me and louise 4th row and seung ri and yu han last row.

"YAY! Yoohooo! Guys! Let's stay awake! This is the starting of our training! Let's think of the fruitful ending that we are going to get! Cheer up guys!" Louise patted at each of our backs.

He was sure optimistic.

"1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, 3  2 3 4, 4 2 3 4" louise shouted as he led the warm up stretching exercise.

I think i saw eunri and kris elbowing each other and giggling. WHAT!? I need to ask eunri about this later.

"Let's go GUYS! woohooo!" teacher cha cheered as he jogged at the last behind us.

"ALL right! All together now! Let's sing this!" zack shouted and played a song from his phone.

It was SNSD's dancing queen! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXZxc8GSXnI)

The guys in the class cheered and sing along when they realised it was SNSD's dancing queen.

They started dancing the cat paw move and the body shake which was the song's main dance move.

Jong hae shouted,"Oh my god! I LOVE SNSD!" which made all of us laugh.

I didn't know all the boys in the class loves SNSD. Of course duh~ it's girls' generation.

we then sang, sistar's loving u(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpt6dgQcAks), Tvxq's mirotic(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtJS32n6LNQ) and super junior's no other (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnMoDDbEccE).

It was so hard to sing while jogging but it was a very fun experience espeically with these funny classmates who kept on joking and mimicking the vocals of the singer.  Teacher cha also said that singing while jogging was a good training for our vocals as well.

We jogged 3 laps around the park and then we went back to our training room to rest.

We havent finished painting the walls and placing the furniture in the room so we all could just sat on the floor.

"Let's finished all this up shall we?" teacher cha suddenly said.

Nobody answered at first and i looked at the faces of my tired classmates. I need to get them motivated.

"Ofcourse!"I said while i jumped up from the floor to one of the walls to start painting. I was really happy when all of them followed me without complaining about being tired. Everybody was happily working till the end.

When we were all done with the room, we looked around the room rejoicing. This was the effort that we all put in.

3 side of the walls are mirrored. At the left hand side of the room when you just walked in, it was the spot where we practised dancing, there was also a radio player on the floor there, while on the right hand side, there were 4 keyboards, 2 guitar, 1 drum set placing there, which was the place where we learned our instruments and about composing. Up at the back of the room, it was the singing corner.There were 5 standing microphone and 2 large speakers. Just next to the singing corner at the right hand side, it was our relaxing corner. YAYS!! There are 2 sofas placed opposite of each other and a glass table in between. There was a medium sized refrigirator at the corner and a white board on the wall next to it. It was SO DAMN COOL.

It was indeed spectacular. No practice room in the school can compare to this.

"Hell yeah!!! THIS IS SO GOOD GUYS! I LOVE YOU ALL!" Kris shouted and hugged all of us.

We screamed and cheered, even teacher cha joined in. Some of the guys even rolled on the floor and played around.

Louise and obese girl hye jin came back with plastic bags full of chips and snacks which we all were glad to ate them all.

It was 3 pm and teacher cha said that he would end here today and see us in school on monday.

We all gladly went back home and so did i.

I skipped back home because i was so happy and then i didn't even realised I kept on making occasional laughters.

It was really a joyful day with my classmates.

"OHH I'm curious yeaaahh" My handphone rang.

'Oh. yoboseyo?"

"BWooo? wae? now? wait..." I couldn't even asked furthur and the person hang up on me.

URGHHH. Stupid ert joongki.

He said meet up at Starbucks. Fine... since i'm happy today, i don't mind making a trip there.

When i reached, I looked around but i don't see joongki anywhere. I sighed and when i was about to leave, i heard some one go : psst* psst* here you pabo! here!

I turned my head to the side the sound was coming from. There were 1 couple happily chatting with each other, behind them was a family having their chocolate cake and at the corner was someone holding a newspaper up high.

The sound was still coming from this direction so i walked my way towards the sound and i stopped infront of the man who was with the newspaper. I couldn't see his face and i am not sure whether it was him because it would be totally embarrassing to call the wrong person. The man started pointing at the newspaper. He was pointing at a picture on the newspaper and at a closer look, it was a picture of joongki. Oh well...

I sat at the chair infront of the man and i kicked his leg,"What are you doing hiding away behind a newspaper. This is so annoying!"

"I'm a famous actor okay... people will notice me and i will have crowds of fangirl blocking my way again" joongki said behind the newspaper.

I folded my arms and i stared at the annoying newspaper infront of me. "Are you really going to talk to me like this the whole time. Urgh!" I slapped the newspaper down onto the table.

"OMO OMO! What are you doing? didn't you know that a small move like this can create a big problem for me," Joongki panic and fumbled his bag and took out a cap and he wore it on.

"Can you please get to the point why you call me here?" I said while looking at him with an impatient look.

"Get to the point....? Oh.. yes! Why.. erm... hahaha. Let's order a coffee first shall we as we talk?"Joongki said looking very flustered and he waved at the waitress.

I place his hands down and held it in mine. Joongki stared at me looking very surprised.

I blushed. This kind of staring by a hot guy like joongki will made any girls blushed too so... i think it was just normal for me to blush as well.

I held his hand for the third time unknowingly and this time I was strangely conscious of it. His hands were so warmth that i wanted to hold on it for long.

What the hell was i thinking?

I quickly let go off his hand i cleared my throat before i speak but joongki said first, "I need you for a party tonight. It's a party for idols and actors to attend so as to bond them together. I usually hate attending these kind of events but... my company insist that i should go. Well... I need a partner."

"NO! I will not be your partner. I am definitely not going to that party. I mean... it will be so awkward ok... i havent even debut yet and.." I said while joong ki cut me off again.

"You sure you don't want? This is going to be a big party and idols like SHINEE, super junior, dong bang shin ki, almost all smtown artist basically, yg idols, jyp idols and MOREE"Joongki said while trying to act all enthusiastic about it and he just emphasised on the word shinee. He must have went into my room and saw the posters!

"SHINEE, super junior, dong bang shin ki, almost all smtown artist basically, yg idols, jyp idols and MOREE" "SHINEE, super junior, dong bang shin ki, almost all smtown artist basically, yg idols, jyp idols and MOREE"..... This just kept on ringing in my head.

THIS WAS WAY TOO ENTICING. Any fangirls would die to attend this kind of party and me too.


"You what? If you really don't wish to go, i can call another girl to attend with me!"

"wait. I can go.... with you. to the party."

"Ok DEAL! let's get out of here and prepare for it now!"

Am i dreaming? is this real? I am going to see them all at once? kYAAAA~ Fan girl mode on* within my mind.

Joongki's pov

Out of so many idols and actresses i knew, why did i asked her to be my partner. Am i crazy....

I should have called park bo young, the actress who acted with me in the werewolf boy or moon chae won who acted with me in nice guy.

There were way better girls than _____________. I am really crazy.

I brought her to my favourite salon to do her hair and makeup while i did mine too. I constantly glanced at her direction because i was anxious about how she will look. _____________ caught me a few times staring at her and this made me really embarrassed.

After my hair and makeup was done, I waited for ___________ for 1 more hour.

She has a soft wavy hair now and her makeup makes her features look more distinct, the bright colours on her face makes her face stand out under the lamp.

I jerked abit on the sofa when i saw her and my mouth slightly open. She was gorgeous.

"Kekeke. You are so gorgeous that joongki can't take his eyes off you." The stylist said to _________ and they both giggled at me.

I didn't even realised i was staring.

Next stop was to bring her to my personal stylist to find her a dress and a heels.

I went to changed into my suit and wore stefano bemer shoes.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Oh. As handsome as ever joongki! I smiled to myself in the mirror.

"She's done!", my personal stylist came over and told me.

I have no idea why i am nervous. I took a deep breath and went into the room to see her.

She was standing with her back facing me. She was wearing a red long night gown which reveal slightly of her back.

My palms started sweating and i called her name.

She turned her body to face me.

My heart fluttered as i stared at her absolutely stunning beauty.


Another chapter is up!!

Sorry for not updating in a while because i was busy...

Next chapter will be so much fun! xD

Once again, thank you for reading this story!

love ya my readers and subscribers^^

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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha