Life From a Fangirl to an Idol

Kim soo ra(Landlord daughter) pov

Hmm....shall surf the internet while mummy is getting ready my breakfast. HAHAHA! As usual i am going to go to asianfanfics to read DARAGON fanfic. Click click click.

Hmmm.... nice! Knock knock knock* somebody knocking on my door.

"Who's there?" I shouted.

"It's _____________! Your mum said breakfast is ready..."

"NAHHHH!!! I want to read some fanfic first!" I argued.

Suddenly, she came into my room without my permission and sat on my bed next to me.

"YAHHH! i didn't allow you in!!" I said in a pissed tone.

However, she ignored me and closed my laptop.


"What's daragon?" she asked.

"It means g-dragon and dara romance fiction.ewwww you don't even know. How could you? I will open it up for you to see!" I said.

I thought she would stand up and leave immediately because she doesn't seem to be interested in this kind of stuff but when i opened up my laptop, she quickly poke her head infront of my laptop.

I squint my eyes at her... something is definitely wrong with ___________.

"SO! This fiction is about dara and gdragon having a one night stand and then dara got pregnant. In the end, they were forced to marry each other and fell in love! SO SWEEET RIGHT?" I chuckled.

" crappy.... this won't ever happen.... so unrealistic!" __________ said.

I quickly debate,"I swear they were into each other in real life too!"

__________ rolled her eyes at me and shook her head before she left my room.

WHY THE HELL IS SHE SO SENSITIVE AT DARAGON!? she............ rolled her eyes at me?!

Suddenly, my MSN messenger pop up. Hmm... it seems that my friend has started on a chat with me.

"OMGGGG!!! Look at GD AND TOP's HIGH CUT PICTURES. They are with a GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!" my friend sent.


I scrolled down the pictures my friend sent. AWWW... top's soooooo cute. kekekekeke! GD's hot like usual. KYAAA~ And did my friend said they were with a girl? :O!

Hey... i am jealous. The girl is so pretty! The girl.... the girl.... looks familiar. She looks like __________. No way.... man......

Ack... i am feeling so uneasy now. The more i look at the girl, the more creeps i get. I place my eyes closer to the screen and my hair starts to stand. Hmm... the girl in this high cut sure looks prettier and classier than _________. Okay. conclude the girl is not ________. GREAT.

"She's pretty!" i sent.

"OH NO! You won't say that when you see the next few photos!!!!!! i'm dying" My friend sent.

Lol... what is it that makes my usual calm friend said she's dying...?

Pop* Pop* Pop* three photos came into view as my friend sent me the photos.

HOLY CRAPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't breathe now. GD BACK HUG THE GIRL and what's worst they look blissful together. I WANT TO KILL HERRR. Okay... atleast the girl with TOP's pose was not so intimate. Next picture........ My heart had just died! My love is overrrrr..... GD and the ugly girl was staring into each other's eyes. WHAT THE HELL.

"I'm crying........" My friend sent.

"Yes me too!" I replied.

"I heard rumours that the girl is actually a student of sm academy!!!" My friend spammed.

"Oh really....? then why is she with GD and TOP?" I sent.

Wait...... wait........... something is wrong. something is so wrong. The girl looks like __________. The girl is from sm academy. Oh right. I can't think now. My brains just got wrecked. It can't be.........

"Her name is __________. It's written on the magazine page. She's so lucky!!" My friend sent.

Her name is ___________. Same name? Same face? CRAP.

"___________!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed so loud that i almost shook the entire house.

Your pov

ouch. My ear hurts. An ear piercing scream just rang into my ears.

"What's wrong with Soo ra???" Land lord kim asked worriedly and climbed up the stairs to soora's room.

Just then soo ra stomped out of her room and glared at me fuming with rage.

Joong ki came out of his room too, looking surprised. He's still sleepy headed, stratching his head and staring at Soo ra.

Soo ra came to me with her laptop and placed it infront of me.

"IS THAT YOUUUU?" she snapped.

I gawked at the laptop screen when i saw my high cut photos on soo ra's messenger.

I slowly lifted up my head and smiled at her.

"SO IT'S REALLY YOU???!!!! YOU WITH GD AND TOP? OH MY GOSH! I am really going to kill you!" She flared and shook my body back and forth.

I got so dizzy by her shaking and i tried to cooed her,"Er... sorry! I didn't know you are a fan of Big bang!"

Joong ki turned the laptop towords his side and then he's jaw dropped in amazement when he saw the photos.

"Daebak!" he blinked and pointed his finger to the screen and to me.

I waved my hands vigourously and mouthed the words,"Save me!"

However, joongki just stood up from the sofa and then walked off like a zombie. URGHHHH.... jerk.

I am now almost suffocated by soo ra. cough* cough* cough*

Fortunately, land lord kim pulled soo ra back and she felled on the floor.

Soo ra gazed blankly at me and then ran back to her room, weeping.

Oh crap!

Yeah~ how did all these happen to me all of a sudden? From yesterday..... oh yes... yesterday.... My heart papitated faster when i remembered being so daring asking him to be my..................... my.............. piano teacher for 1 month. I deserved to be killed. It's soooo embarassing.


I turned back to see jiyong running towards me. "About...thanking you for this... and being sorry for just now.... i can give you a favour"

I smiled and raised my eyebrows then said,"How about... being my piano teacher for 1 month?"

Suddenly, kwon ji yong laughed like mad and clenched his stomach.      ok...wth?!

"Excuse me?!"I timidly said.

"Sorry... this is too funny! I thought you would say... you know... let's go on a date... or treat me to a sumptous dinner or something... but BUT what Piano teacher? AHAHHAHAHA!"

My face became all rigid and i stared at the crazy guy infront of me.

"I don't know how to play a piano..."I muttured.

Suddenly, he stopped laughing and raised his eyebrows at me. However, he started bursting out laughing again.

"BWOHHH!!? HAHAHAHA! You should make a better lie......this is..... hahaha... too funny.... YOU. YOU... a student in sm academy don't know how to play a piano?! Muhahaha!"

I feel like punching kwon ji yong. I totally looks like a laughing stock in front of him. what's wrong with me don't know how to play a piano.

"I'm from a low income family so... i wasn't able to learn piano because of the high fees" I confessed, blushing heavily at him.

"Ok stop stop" Ji yong said and raise his plam infront of my face.

I gave him a serious expression so that he knows that i am not joking.

There was a silence for a while before he said again,"Are you serious?"

I nodded with no facial expression.

"Are you freaking serious?" he asked again, giving me the wtf face.

I made a forceful nodded with no facial expression.

He sighed.

And sighed again.

Ji yong opened his mouth trying to say something but closes again.

"Okay...Fine! I will be your piano teacher for 1 month. I will teach you every thing from 1st grade paino to the 8th grade in this 1 month! You watch me!" He said confidently and poke my forehead.

I blinked at him, still stunned by what just happened. He..... kwon ji yong, G-dragon.... agreed to this?

Ji yong winked at me and said,"Tomorrow's the first lesson. Come at 8pm at level 3. There's my own personal producing room there!"

I opened my mouth to say thanks but no voice came out. What the . Have i become a mute?

"Hwaiting!" Ji yong cheered me up and springed back into the studio.

End of flashback~

"__________! Aren't you going to school?" Land lord kim asked in a concerned tone.

I jumped up from the sofa and check my watch. Crap. I am going to be late.



At training room of class 1-12.

I was late by 10 minutes today. .

That mean teacher choi punished me to do 100 star jumps outside the room first before i can go in.

i was talking bad about him inside my brains as i was doing the freaking star jumps.

He looks like the drama school 2013 teacher except that he is uglier. geez

I slumped and lie down on the floor after those tiring star jumps.

Apparently, my classmates weren't having a good time too. I don't know what's going on in their head because they were doing hip hop stunts when they can't and fell face flat on the floor several times.

Teacher cha came over to me and said,"Time for you to practise!"

I waved my hands at him, panting,"I haven't rest enough yet!"

"GET UP!" teacher cha bellowed at me.

I quickly get back onto my feet and stared at him in surprised. Don't tell me teacher cha has became like teacher choi. Omg Nooooo

"You! practise some hip hop break dance!" teacher cha said and played a video for me to watch.

After the 1 minute clip is over, the one word i can utter is "Mad!"


Short chapter ^^ I think i am going to post shorter chapters with more frequent updates! Wont that be better? :D

Thanks for reading XD Muacks*

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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha