The turning point of class 1-12

Life From a Fangirl to an Idol


I walked slowly to my class groggy headed. I panic as i remembered what just happened. He hugged me tight in the school as i cried.

I need to get this out of my head!! I slapped both my cheeks and i walked faster to my class.

Wait, i have another problem. ><

How do i break the news to the class? I am so doomed. I didn't realised i was walking in and out of the class.

"What to do...? What to do? "

"Why are you muttering to yourself standing at the door of the class?" Eun ri questioned me while giving me a weird look.

"I was just... erm... as I was saying i am so happy to be BACK!" I said faking my excitement. However, eun ri was not looking at me as i said. Is there something wrong?

"___________!!! I have something to tell you. Errr...because you said you are my friend, i have to tell you this! BECAUSE it has been troubling me since last night!!!" Eun ri said quickly while looking flustered.

I placed my bag on my seat and hurriedly face to the back to look at her. She looked really troubled. "Are you okay...?"

"I'm so freaking not! i really can't believe what just happened last night! He HE HEEE kissed me!!!" Eun ri looked like she almost wanted to scream it out but she didnt.

My mouth formed a wide 'O' and i forcefully blinked my eyes and then looked at her in daze. "WHO?", i shouted unknowingly and eun ri covered my mouth in surprised.

"SHHH... you don't want the whole class to know right... Let me just explain how the whole issue starts. Erm. One day, when i finished shopping for some food at a supermarket, i struggled as i carried 4 plastic bag on my own. I placed them down on the floor so that i can call my oppa to come and fetch me with his car. But, i didn't know he was so fast! When i was talking in the phone without noticing, a man snatched all my 4 bags and ran off. I wanted to chase but he was so fast and i was afraid. There was something i noticed about the man, he was carrying a violet colour bag and he has rainbow colour shoe laces. It's very eyecatching, that's why i noticed  it immediately." Eun ri explained and i nod my head as she said.

"And then... Yesterday i saw kris with the same colour of bag and the same colour of shoe laces..."

"OH MY GOD. So the one you kissed is KRIS? But how...?", I said with volume slightly louder than a whisper.

"Errr... you promised not to tell anyone ok?"

"I Promised!"

I saw her breathing heavier and then she continued, "After school, I stopped him when he was on his way home. I confronted him on the issue. At first he insisted that it wasn't him then i lied that i took a picture of him when he ran off. I threatened him that i would upload the picture on the internet, so he was all panicky. I took the chance to spam more words at him and then me while he took a picture of it. I ...I.... don't know anymore. He said he would upload this picture too if i were to upload the picture of him running off..." Eun ri voice began to shake.

"woah woah... it so sound like a drama but it's okay, you get to kiss a hot guy," I patted her on her back.

"You are not helping..."

"So what has happened has happened, you can't really do anything about it. OH... why not you find a chance to delete that picture and also to get him to apologize?"

Eun ri didn't speak anything when i suggest that idea. I realised she was looking at something behind me. I turned back to realise it was kris walking into the class.

UHOH! I am so going to get out of this.

I took out my phone and pretended to text.

Kris sat next to me as usual. He said nothing and place an earphone at his ear.

Just then, teacher cha appeared in the class. Nobody seems to care as we all did our own things.

Then, a loud boom was heard. Teacher Cha threw his materials on the teacher's table forcefully.

We all looked up in surprised.

"Can't you see that i am standing infront here and why are you guys still sitting there staring at me? Aren't you going to greet me?", Teacher Cha bellowed.

OH... "Classs..s st.and..!" our class chairperson said, so we stood up and greeted him.

After we had sat down, there was so much whispering going around saying that our teacher was being all weird today.

"Class chairperson!" Teacher Cha called out.

"Call me Louise! Seriously, i thought i told you a lot of times already!" Louise retorted.

"Ok... Louise. tell me how many songs have you all practise singing and dancing?" teacher cha asked.

That was weird, why is he asking us when he knew it perfectly well what he had taught us all this while.

Louise laughed and said,"Teacher Cha! You must be joking with us today! Why are you asking us? Did you have a memory loss or something?"

Teacher Cha stood there with a serious look.

Louise cleared his throat and then said sternly,"For the past 2 months since the start of the year, we learnt 2 songs for dancing which is I'm y and I know it and Ran it and do it well. Then for singing, we learnt TVXQ - Holding Back The Tears and SNSD's Star star star"

"That's bad!" Teacher cha shook his head.

Class best rapper Jong Hae shouted,"So you finally knew.... HA!"

"I am sincerely sorry. really from the bottom of my heart, i am very apologetic."Teacher Cha bowed before us.

HUHH!? The whole class stared at him in daze.

"Is this real or is it a dream? Louise please slapped me," Zack, the american geek said.

Louise on the other hand did not hold himself and gave zack a tight slap that resounded the whole room.

"ARE YOU CRAZYYYY??" Zack touched his painful and red cheeks.

"So it's real... oh my gosh... i knew somebody is going to went berserk one day and i didnt even thought that Teacher cha will be the first!" Louise held his head with both of his hands.

"Listen up!" Teacher Cha finally spoke again.

"There is an upcoming competition held for the first years. Classes will be competing with each other. However, not all classes can take part in it. There will be a pre-competition to select 6 classes and aish.... I shall say this as the teacher of the class that, even though we are the last class of the first year, let's AIM FOR BEING SELECTED FOR THE COMPETITION! LET's AIM FOR TOPPING THE COMPETITION" Teacher Cha punched his fist in the air and shouted.

Louise stood up quickly and confidently,"YES WE CAN DO IT Class 1-12!!! We can't be looked down on anymore!!!!!!!!!"

"This is the first time i am so hyped up! We need to show our CLASS POWER!" Jong Hae, the class best rapper joined in.

The class cheered. We jumped around the room as if we were still a bunch of elementary kids.

"Teacher Cha. is it because you have a pay rise after that or what?" kris asked jokingly.

'OF COURSE NOT!" Teacher Cha laughed.

"As you all know..."Teacher cha spoke as we quietened down.

"The school did not allow the last 3 classes to use more than 5 hours a week in the dance studio as well as the recording and instrumental room. If we really want to practise, it's definitely going to be hard..."Teacher Cha sighed after he said.

"HOWEVER, our class spirit will not die down like that !! we will fight our way out! Therefore! I found a secret room where we can dance, learn any instrument, singing and do anything within there!"

WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO. The class cheered and clapped even louder as teacher cha said.

"WHERE IS IT? Tell us tell us!" even the quietest student which is also our best dancer in the class Yu Han said.

"Let us all go NOW!" teacher cha shouted with delightment and then he went out of the class immediately.

We follow suit and made a lot of noise as we walked past the other classes to catch their attention and most importantly to show our class spirit.

Most of the classes just looked at us in awe. HAHAHA.

Where is he going to bring us to...Why are we heading out of the school premises?

We turned right and walked and turned left and walked. We reached a street which is bustling with people,there were many stalls set up to sell food and drinks. We walked past a few stalls and we headed into a small alley.

"Are you ready?" Teacher cha asked all of us.

I glanced around and i noticed a door on the right. I took a deep breath.

'TADAAA!"" Teacher cha opened the door and we hurried in.

I expect to hear WOW WOAH WOOO COOL OMG, but there was just complete silence.

Because we were all stunned. It was an empty and dark room. No furniture no nothing.

Jong Hae broke the silence,"so... all of this is your prank teacher cha?"

"Wait what!? What prank? Don't you think this place is good? Look! It's big and spacious!! We just need to furnish and paint the wall. While the materials and instrument we can all bring it here." Teacher cha said in an encouraging tone.

Nobody spoke so i said,"WELL!!! At least we found a place where we can practised in peace! We have so many people here so the work won't take much time right!? COME ON!"

"Thanks ___________!" Teacher cha winked at me and i smiled back.

They began looking at each other as if waiting for somebody to say something.

"What are we waiting for? Let's start work now! We need to think about the future!! The future where we can all learn music in cosy room where we made it ourselves and remember? OUR GOAL is to get ACE the competiton!" I patted at all of their back as i said.

MiMi made the first move and said,"Eunri and i will be going out to buy some lightings!" and they both headed out. while louise and zack said that they will also head out to buy some paint.

Seungri and yuhan went out to bring some instrument from school. Kris and i will stayed here to think of the interior design of the place. It left with only Jong hae and Hye Jin(the most obese girl in the cohort).

When Jong hae realised he and hye Jin was the only ones left, jong hae looked at Hye jin with the most disgusted look and dashed out of the room while saying that he would look out for the room furniture on his own. Hye jin gripped his uniform tightly as he ran but still could not stopped him. "OPPA! WAIT FOR ME!!!" 

Hye Jin sat down on the floor and fuss like a baby. "You all are so mean!! Why are you all leaving me out like this."

kris took out from his bag a packet of potato chips and handed it to hye jin.This shut her up and she headed to the corner of the room while she munched on her chips.

Last but not least, teacher Cha was looking at his phone the whole time and has a worried look on his face.

All of a sudden, Hye Jin made a loud piercing scream, "There is a dead body here! helppp AHHAH. omo. omoooooo!"

kris, teacher cha and i were wide eyed with shock. Teacher cha quickly used his phone's light to search the area and indeed there was a man lying at the corner of the room.

I hid behind hye jin while i saw kris running out of the room already. "His is not dead yet, he is still breathing and  why does he... looks familiar? AREN'T YOU CHOI CHAE WAN!" Teacher Cha started kicking the guy's .

The man yawned and stetched himself. "oh... so it's cha oh hyuk teacher. HELLO HELLO!",he took teacher cha's hands and shake it himself.

Teacher Cha explained that he has asked his senior who is this guy choi chae wan to teach us dancing and composing of music. Choi chae wan... was supposed to debut as a member of shinhwa but he was kicked out for some reason.

Now this is getting more into shape but i still have a problem, i could not tell them about the challenge i took up with class 1-1. Yes, not now.

Our class started cleaning up the place and we painted the walls. We chatted and gossip all the time. It was one of the best days in class 1-12.

I went out of the room to take in some fresh air. I knew there was a small beach nearby and i strolled my way there.

I kept on smiling like a fool because all of these today felt like a dream. I sat under a tree staring at the sandy beach and the moving waves.

I began singing Sunny and Luna's duet 'It's me' , " Saranghae Saranghae saranghae cheon  beoneul malhaedo mojara,Geuriwo geuriwo geuriun sunganmada deo geuriwo..." ( the chorus,"Oijik neobakke moreuneun geureon naya neomaneul sarangghae jul saram baro naya"

I was putting in so much emotions and i was so into it that i didn't realised there was somebody standing next to me listening to me. When i finished singing, somebody applaused. I turned my body quickly to realise there were two person standing there. I could not see their face because it was already getting dark.

"I love your vocals. I think you have great potential! Hello my name is Yang Hyun-suk. If you don't know me, i am the founder of YG entertainment." the man said to me as he handed me his name card.

YANG HYUN SUK? zomg... how does he appear out of nowhere...This scares me. I was staring at him with my big round eyes still surprised by his sudden appearance.

He looked down at my uniform and said "You are from sm academy? That's a big disappointment but if you are interested to switch school,you can call me anytime!", he smiled at me.

I was still reeling from shock and i can only replied him with a, "Oh..."

"But... You just puff and appear", I asked in astonishment.

"HAHAHA! You really have a sense of humour darling. I didn't puff and appear! I was just finding this man who was standing beside me now and then your voice penetrates through the air. I really don't understand why this guy likes to hang around in this beach", he was laughing and explaining to me and then ceo yang looked at the man beside him with a questionable and sort of a teasing look.

My eyes darted to the man standing beside him. He wore a jacket which reads,"Your Mother knows me better than you."

I think the words on his jacket was pretty funny and i laughed. This caught the guy's attention as he finally turned from his side to look at me.

"Ji yong ah... what do you think of this girl?" CEO Yang talked to the man beside him.

Oh... so it's Big bang's G-dragon...

"I think she is pretty good."

For some reason, my heart started beating faster after he said that. I think that was very encouraging because it was coming from bigbang's GD!

They headed to their car and drove off. I kept on looking at ji yong's back view as he walked. His voice stuck in my head. "I think she is pretty good."

My heart wants to know you more... ji yong.



:D How is it? I know some part resembles dream high 1. ><

I really hope you guys do enjoy reading my story.

LOTS OF THANKS to those who subscribe to my story. YAYS

Comment on what you think of my story yeah~ and subscibe too if you havent!

Ji yong is acting all cool here in this chapter. LOL

and yes, what will happen to kris and eun ri? haha

Teacher cha was acting not like himself. what's wrong. let's see in the next chapter>>>>







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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha