The challenge taken up between class 1-1 and class 1-12

Life From a Fangirl to an Idol

Previously...."YOU ARE GOING TO BE MY DRAMA TEACHER??" ___________yelped.

Joongki raised his eyebrows.

JoongKi POV

Her shock face is quite adorable, i am going to about it.

"Isnt it good that i am going to be your teacher?" I asked.

"NO!! " her face was as red as a tomato and she dashed to her room.

I folded my arms together as my eyes followed her before she slammed her door shut. This is getting more interesting...

I looked at landlord kim, "One moment she was all crazy about me and the next moment she is hating on me. Do you think she has some mental problem?", i said while twirling my index finger indicating she's gone mad.

Before i could went to the kitchen to help aunt kim to wash the dishes, i heard a vehicle stopping infront of the house.

"It must be Jaejoong sending soora back already. AUNT KIM let's go out and help!" i said to aunt kim.

"UMMAAAAAA!!!!" soora shouted, her eyes welled up with tears as she walked into the living room.

I went to help Jaejoong with our luggage. "THANKS HYUNG!!! I will treat you with a sumptuous meal next time!" I said while we punched our fist together.

"And EXPENSIVE!!!" jae joong faked a serious face.

"ARASOOO oh!" I punched his shoulder.

"AISHHHH... look at the lovey dovey two there hugging nonstop... Soora, if you miss your mum so much, you should not have come with me" I chortled.

"Aniyoooo!! I still want to come with you oppa!" Soora pouted, and this brought a loud laughter in the room.

Suddenly, __________'s door open with a loud bang and ___________ hastened her way to the living room. All eyes was on her.

She was looking at the floor and she held out a paper and a pen to Jaejoong. "Sign..."

I laughed softly to myself.

Jaejoong immediately put on a broad smile on his face and took the paper to sign his autograph on it. "Jaejoong oppa!!! I am a huge fan of yours!! You really look more handsome in person." She spazz and spazz***

She is such a playgirl. I thought she like me? hmm....

"OPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Who is sheeee????? Your girlfriend???? when did you start keeping secrets from me. She does not look like your type of girl!!!" Soora bawl at me.

"That's right... how come i dont know anything huh joongki. Do you still consider me as your friend? But why does your girlfriend likes me too?" jae joong teased me.

"Noooo...." i said in sync with ___________.

Soora face turned even greener with jealousy

land lord kim save us just in time,"_____________ is our new tenant and she studies at SM academy. She will be living with us from now on. Soora stop pouting!!! I said dont be rude. She is your unnie, she is 16. Both of you are girls, you can gossip and go shopping together so what not good about it?"

"Not anyone can be my friends!!!" soora said to __________ and she went to lock herself in the room.

"Sorry __________, she is still as childish as ever," Landlord kim consoled __________.

Aunt kim went up to take a look at soora, leaving me,__________ and jae joong in the living room.

____________ is not looking angry at all and i cannot figure out her facial expression to determine what she was feeling but she was looking at jaejoong the whole time.

"awww... your autograph is so cool! I wish i can sign like you do!!!" she gave a thumbs up to jae joong. Jae joong laughed.

"You should come here often jaejoong oppa! AAAHHH... i can ask you about composing music and singing!!" She continued. and he replied.

ok....what am i standing here when both of them is having a sweet conversation without me. I scratched my head and i slowly sneaked away from the living room when suddenly, jae joong called me,"Dongseang ah. I am going off now!! see you next time!"

"OH OK...." I shouted so that it is audible for jae joong to hear when he is at the doorstep.

when jae joong was off from view, __________ walked back into the house. We had an awkward stare and i cleared my throat and said," when have you been so close to jae joong to send him off instead of me?"

"I dont know. Maybe Jae joong likes me better to let me sent him off instead of you. OH...YAWN*** I am tired. good night," She said.

Joongki!!! hold my anger... .hold it hold it.

I opened the door and i went into the room. HMM.... My room! My smell* I miss it. I jumped and lied on the bed. My eyes drooped over but when i almost fell asleep, i slapped myself awake because i need to wash up before sleep.

I took my stuff and walked sleepily to the toilet. Just after i opened the door knob of the toilet, i heard a loud scream from inside. "WHO's there?????omg... there is a ghost?"

I jumped up from shock immediately, "who's inside? you scared me to death....."



"Didnt you know how to lock the door when you are inside the toilet. Do you want me to see you so badly?"

"BWOHHHHHHHH???? i am not a ok. i think you are the one who wants to see me you ."

Suddenly, she slam opened the door and our eyes met.

"what are you doing? Get out of the way... i am going outside"

I just stood there folding my arms together.

" You want to die?" She bawled at me.

"You see i am still too young to die and a millions of fan will cry so i cant die. If i die, my spirit will come and find you and haunt you forever"

She began pushing me but to no avail. "HAAA... so you really want to die!!" she gave an evil smirk.

"I am not scared!"

"You are really not scared?"

"I am really not scared. Faster kill me if you want."

She gritted her teeth and i cant figure out how she is going to "kill" me. All of a sudden, She took out her tooth brush and poke it into my nose and she push me to the floor.

Before i can screamed in agony, she took out her phone and snap a picture of me with her toothbrush in my nose. "HIAAAAAAAAAA!!!! delete that picture!!! consider i save you just now!" I pulled out the stupid tooth brush and stood up fuming in rage.

She stick out her tongue and ran into her room. I wanted to chase her but she locked her room.

what kind of women is she?? breathe in and breathe out. I will settle this tommorow because i am too tired today. I stared at her toothbrush that i am holding now. I smirked. or maybe now?


The next day.

Your POV

Knock* Knock* Knock* knock* knock*Knock* Knock* Knock* knock* knock*Knock* Knock* Knock* knock* knock*Knock* Knock* Knock* knock* knock*

Who's spamming on the door? I looked at the clock groggily, it's only 5:40 am. I am going to kill whoever it is outside if he/she did not have any perfect reason to find me at this hour.

I dragged my way to the door and opened it. Awww... so bright....Is it a flashlight or something? when my eyes adjust back to the intensity, i saw joongki holding onto his phone and snap a picture of me. WTH!??? But  before i could react, he dashed back into his room and lock himself in.

TT. I ran back into my room and look at my wall mirror, my jaw dropped in utter shock.Then, I rubbed my eyes so that i can get a clearer view of myself, I look horrendous!!! My hair was all over the place and my saliva dried up at my jawline because i drooled in my sleep.

"SONG JOONG KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "  my voice shook the entire house.

Joong ki's POV


That's a good way of revenge! i looked at the picture that i just took of her in my phone, she really looks terrible here.

"Good job joongki!" I patted myself on the head.

I jumped onto my bed and rolled from one end to the other. Suddenly, i heard another scream coming from outside. I quickly sat back straight up, I laughed softly to myself. HA!!!

That was what i heard,"AHHHH!!! there is a lizard on my toothbrush! scare me to death. HELPPPP. Help me get it off... pls. huhuhuhu..."

"Why is it so noisy early in the morning?" Land lord kim asked anxiously.

"WHO IS IT who keeps on disturbing my beauty SLEEPPP!" Soora grunted.

I quickly opened the door and hasten out. All of them is standing outside the toilet. I could see ______________ hiding at one corner of the toilet.

I broke the silence and said, " AHHHHHH... why is my zool zool doing here in the toilet and on __________'s toothbrush? Hmmm... i wonder. "

I took the fake lizard from her tooth brush and throw it into the dustbin. I swear i can feel all eyes on me. Soora narrow her eyes at me and i just held out both of my palms out to indicate i know nothing. Then we saw __________  closed the toilet door forcefully.


Your POV

Why am i walking to school with him? My eyes darted to my right and spotted joongki walking beside me. There was a freaking long awkward silence.

"Is the treat tonight still on? i believe you aren't a liar right?" Joongki broke the silence.

Oh~ I forgot i have to treat him dinner tonight.

"I didnt say it's not on," i mumbled.

"I was just checking" Joongki replied monotonously.

Then i realised a group of girls spotted joongki and start screaming at the side walk. They started calling their friends to come and then a few minutes after that, the whole walk way was filled with fangirls blocking joongki's way and MY WAY.

It reminded me that joongki is an idol. It even reminded me about my sudden change of attitude towards him. I sighed.

I elbowed my way through the crowd, barely survived because i was squeezed, and i almost could not breathe.

"_________!!!! ____________!!! Are you going to leave me here? You can't do this! I am your best friend!!! help me" joongki poke his head out of the crowd and shouted through the noise.

He made me stopped at my track. My eyebrows knitted together as i thought of the trouble to go back through the crowd to save him again.

I took a step forward and then i felt so guilty. I know the fangirls wont beat him up or something but what if i really hurt his feelings...

I sighed and i stomped my way back to help him. I tried to elbowed through but this time i failed. This was really getting on my nerves....

I bellowed as loudly as ever,"Please get out of the way because joong ki and i is going to be late for school!"

The fangirls suddenly stopped screaming, stop pushing and stared at me with their big round eyes. They started to formed a path for us to go through.

I went over and gripped joongki's wrist. i pulled him as we walked but he was so heavy.

"You are so cool just now!" joongki said.

'Thanks!" I replied.

The crowd started to make noise again. "WHO IS SHE????????" "Is she joongki's girlfriend?" "Did you see how rude she is just now?I am going to kill her"

So we finally reached the gates of sm academy. whewwwww* finally we made it. Am i seriously going to face this every single day with joong ki?

Joongki broke free from my grip and i looked at him in astonishment. I gripped him all the way here? I blushed.

"Your friends are here." Joongki told me. But i don't see eun ri or kris walking towards me. However, it seems like a female student was heading in my direction.

"SO, it was true that joongki is going to be teaching in our school. but how unfortunately he is teaching in the stupiest class in the first year. Hi. My name is kang ri ah." I think she is talking to both joong ki and i. She held out her hand for us to shake but we didn't.

"OH HOW RUDE. ah. you must be the new student in class 1-12. I heard from others that you sang ring ding dong , gee and shy boy during class. How stupid." Kang ri ah said to me with her most annoying tone.

"Joongki!!! You are really charming and handsome in person. why not we have a bet? There is going to be a class performance competition for the first year taking place three weeks later. How about it? If My class, class 1-1 won the first position in the competition, joongki will come over to our class and be our drama teacher and if .." she got cut by me, " and if our class won the first place, joongki remains as our teacher and no one is supposed to say anything bad about our class from then on."

She made an evil laughter and i gave her a weird look. "So you dont know... I am the god daughter of LEE SOO MAN, I learnt music from him and i am super talented. Moreover, My class is the best class and you all are just ants compared to us. We will definitely win."

i can't take it anymore... i really want to box her in the face. FINE. We shall see who is going to win. you .

I stomped off, heading to the school. I think joongki followed me.

When i was about to go to my locker to take some stuff, I walked past the free stage set up that is near the school's cafeteria.

I stopped, because something caught my eye. There is a group of male students dancing cypher,jerkin, airchair and many hip hop break dance on the stage.

Their friends below cheered and they shouted,"GOOO class 1-1 GOOOO!".

I cringed when i heard class 1-1. So i am really stupid to even want to fight with an incredible class like them. My heart sank and i felt really sad, really sad.

Then i thought of our class, i seriously thought that we wont even get to pass our first year, so how the hell are we going to beat them to get the first place.

This is the first time i ever regretted about giving up studying and came all the way here to learn music becuase i thought i can debut as an idol someday.

Tears trickled down my face and i shake uncontrollably. Someone walked closer to me and he hugged me tightly in his chest. My crying was muffled by the hug.

"I believe in all of you, class 1-12," Joongki whispered in my ears.

I weeped louder and we stood there hugging for a few long minutes.


I could have written longer but i felt lazy today. haha

Once again, i hope you can appreciate my story by commenting and subscribing. THANKS LOVELYS




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Chapter 18: update soon!! love your story
xxxden #2
Chapter 18: update sooooooon :))
Chapter 16: waaaaaaaaaaa
your video is good
updated soon
Chapter 15: waaaaaaaaaaaaa
plsssssssssss update soon...............
Chapter 14: waaaaaaaaaa
I love the story, pls update soon ............
Chapter 2: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Your story is very interesting ...... I love
still so plssssss
fresita123 #7
Is that Kim So Eun?
Chapter 14: Ahahah wow. ktr dude. Haha. Omg. he is going to sing the song that i've made!! Hahah bravo!! ^^
Chapter 14: love it!!!!
Can´t wait to the next chapter... please update

Chapter 13: Woah. daragon. ^.^ fighting! Ahahaha