
Spoil me
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"Kyuhyun-ah how are you feeling today"

"Same same hyung" *cough

"Well we need to head over to china soon"

"HYUNG~~" Siwon come bragging into the room while a sickly Kyuhyun wince at the sudden loud sound

"Ops sorry baby-darl..but HYUNG... Kyuhyun cant go, he's too sick."

"What and you'll leave him while we're gone"


"exactly... you'll end up staying and there is goes the main members of our SJ-M.  So NO siwon, kyuhyun is coming.  He'll be alot better if you STOP mothering him like his two" Manager hyung shooting a loud look at siwon, before turning gentle to the bedsicken kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun-ah, rest well.  Try not to let his big mother goose disburb you too much.  I'll come with the new schedule tomorrow."

"Yes hyung. Thanx for the chicken congee again" Kyuhyun smile thankfully at their manager, whom been very busy re-orgainsing SJ-M activity. 

"What congee? who made them? whats in there?" Siwon eyes start searching around the room for said congee. 

Manager gave up, he stood from his seats and walk towards the bed room door, while pulling Siwon out along with him. Once their out and far enough away from the room he punch hard enough for the handsome face to whine in pain.

"You listen up. Stop this nonsense with kyuhyun.  He needs to sleep, he doesn't need you hovering over 24/7.  Just stay quiet, bring him food and water when he ask.  Stop this behaviour, is creepy and bothersome."

"Hyung, first that hurt.  Second what so creepy about this? my baby is sick, i look after him, nothing is wrong"

"Siwon, Kyuhyun started of as a minor cold and now he cant even leave the bed. Its bcos you've been overly craze about it.  You need to step back. he need space, you're making his situation worst.  Don't force me to find you another drama."

Manager left a lost puppy pouty-Siwon aginst the close front door as he continue to drum over his manager's accusation.  i am really making my baby worst? no way... his only been forbidden him to drink anything but water, and eat anything with too much added crap, which means Kyuhyun have only been on a water and plain rice diet for the past week.  No wonder he has lost a few pound.

He quietly entry their room, gently tiptoe towards the bed, seeing a tired looking kyuhyun sleeping soundly like a baby on Siwon's black pillow.  He lower himself to plant a warm tender kiss on his sick-redden cheek.  And continue staring at his baby's face, until sleep over took him.

Kyuhyun woke up after nearly 4 hrs of peacful and siwon-free sleep.  Siwon have been waking Kyunni up every 2 hrs to feed him some weird chinese medicine he got from a church member.  At first kyuhyun was fairly against it, however as he grew weaker, he was tooo tired to argue against Siwon. 

The room was dark, even thought the curtains have not been close, should be around the early am's.  Kyuhyun could hear a faint breathing sound very close to him.  He open his blurry eyes, rubbing it gently, as his eyes comes to focus, he could see his Wonnie siting on the carpet floor with his upper body hugging on the edge of the bed while holding on one of his hand.  Siwonnie's face was towards Kyuhyun, so kyuhyun slide down a little, with his middle finger he gently touches the tall nose of Siwon.  He always loved how sharp his Wonnie's features are.  Kyuhyun move his fingers to the thick brows that dances to his liking he his sad, soon arriving at those full lips which does wonders and suddenly kyuhyun's cheek got redder.  He could sense Wonnie waking up as the hold on his hands tighten.  Kyuhyun breathe deeply, and senseing the sick boy awake already, Siwon woke up as if instructed.  Its amazing how his body listen to the boy's wants and need rather than himself.  Siwon was actually tired as hell, since he was too worry of his baby, he havent had a full night sleep in a week. Whenever he wake Kyuhyun up to drink the medicine, himself was also awake, hence he was on the edge of being sick himself as well. 

Siwon could see the sparkle of his baby's eyes in the dark and once again he felt his heart sunk as he remember the words from their manager. The painful thought cause siwon to stop this admiration, he got up from his position, which earn himself a somewhat loud groan in pain.

"You ok sweetie" Kyuhyun worringly question, successful making siwon turn to sit himself down onto the bed while running his own hair into his newly cut short hair.  Siwon loves it when Kyunnie nickname him, he smile warmly to his baby as his baby play with his fingers in the dark.

"You feel cooler now.  Hyung was right, you just need extra space and sleep." He sigh making his kyunni frown at the suddne distress he could see on his wonnie's face.

"Whats wrong? you dont want me better?" kyunni tease

That snapped Siwon out of his train of thoughts.  "of cos not" he pratically yell out.  Kyuhyun chuckle at the sudden nervous Siwon.  He tug on his shirt, asking for a hug which his Wonnie happily granted with a second thought.

"hmmm.... i'll heal much faster with real food as well sweetie" Kyuhyun tested the water. 

Siwon could only shook his head at the stupidity of his own action for the past week, after hugging kyunni he realise how much weight the young have lost.  He pulled away, gently pecking a kiss on kyunni's forehead and then down t

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afiwonsj #1
ruxuxkg fjzruzjg bk
Chapter 31: Make up after being away for a while.. :))
Chapter 31: Yay! !!! Just when I was missing Wonkyu! Oops .. y me! Lol.
Dreamer3201 #4
Chapter 30: The last scene is just romantic...:)

Wouldn't it better,siwon, if kyuhyun gets a reality tv show of his own since you get to have updates 24/7? No need for Kay...but then everyone will see...i'm sure the jealous siwon wouldn't like it..
Saravy #5
Chapter 30: Awww!! This was super sweet! I really loved the interaction between Kyu and Siwon in this.^^
Chapter 30: Hopeless wonnie hire someone to recording all his baby scheds and moves......XD
Chapter 30: awww so lovely couple ^^
Angela17 #8
Chapter 30: Aaaakh.. I love this chap.. Cute cute cute...