Time lesson

Spoil me
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*****   Siwon's been on the phone in a conversation for the last 10minutes.  Well to be exact, he's been on the receiving end of a very hostile conversation for the past 10minutes.  Just one third of the way to their destination Changi International Airport.  His manager have already plugged into his own iPhone to block out any unneeded roars.  Leaving Siwon all to defend himself, and to be honest, not so well out Mr.Perfection is doing.    *****   "So thats why you didn't come home right away after gym with Minho?"
"don't you start baby me!"
"But... it was for Changmin and..."
"a-and what... don't you try push it over to me, like it was a favour for my sake..."
"...but...its changmin..."
"So?!... just bcos he's part of the Kyu-line?!....More like you hope he'll nominate you in! beside Siwon you didn't come home till way pass your curfew... and you think putting the blame on Changmin will do... don't you worry about him... he'll hear from me!"
"it wasn't that late...."
"Excuse me?! you didn't come home till 4am!!! and you were DRUNK!!! .. fine... you know what... i don't care no more... do whatever you like!"


The call ended way more aggressive than Siwon had predicted.  He's currently on his way back to Seoul after attending the Chanel cruise in Singapore.  He was indeed hoping for a nice couple hours of cuddling when he gets back, before his tight schedule starting again soon.  However from the sound of their conversation, that's unlikely to happen. 
Siwon didn't expect that something happened more than a week ago will come back firing on his .  It all started a little over a week ago, when Siwon was casually gyming with one of their dongsaeng, Minho.  Siwon will never understand how he could easily persuade Kyuhyun's friends to go to the gym with him.  And seem near impossible to get the maknae to join along.  Little did he know that every single time Kyuhyun's wasn't able to watch over Siwon at the gym.  Kyuhyun would make sure at least one of his friend would be there to so-call accompany (SPY) the taller.  Kyuhyun has too much worry about all the instructors and gym buddy eye gawking on his Wonnie.  Those yummy shoulders, those vainly arms, the rocking six pack, his sweating body in nothing but shorts and tee.  All to the buffet eyes of random gym goers.  That it self can drive Kyuhyun nutz. 
So on a normal somewhat smooth day, when Siwon didn't have any night shooting.  After an early dinner with Kyuhyun (most likely at home).  Siwon would definitely cook for Kyuhyun if he has the energy or some times the young would insist on takes out if he thinks Siwon's is too tired.  On this particular night, they called upon Choi's cooking maid to come over and make some homestyle dishes.  Very much to Siwon's delight cause he always believe Kyuhyun's drinking-snack style of dinner isn't healthy at all. 
Same old, same old, after dinner Siwon would take up to 2-3hrs driving to and from the gym, sometimes he'll take up to 4 hrs.  But always, he'll always text or call Kyuhyun.  Especially now days both been so busy its unlikely for the older to spend to much time outside when he knows Kyuhyun is waiting for him at home.  Hence Kyuhyun was waiting in their apartment most likely either gaming, watching radio star re-runs to improve his mc-skills or simply munching on snacks.  Or frequently all three at the same time. 
So when the time was up for Siwon to be home, curfew was agreed at 11:30pm.  Yes, just a little more strict than that fairy chic, but never once did Siwon complain or got home JUST on the dot.  Thus when the older fail to text or call Kyuhyun around 10:30, the young was starting to feel a little uneasy.  There was still no call on 11:30.  On the second!  Kyuhyun started making calls to people whom he believes to know the location of one ChoiSiwon.  
First was manager-Jonghyun, that man sticks to Siwon like hair on soap.  But according to his drunken voice, today was the manager's night out with the other managers for a debrief.  Kyuhyun didn't wanna scare the hair-manager.  So he didn't inform him about Siwon MIA.  Second person would be Minho, knowing the young was definitly with him that evening.  Kyuhyun even receive a snap shot of Siwon on treadmill from Minho to prove he did accompany the taller.  But again according to Minho, Siwon left about an hour ago. 
What Minho neglect to inform his Kyu-hyung due to Sulli's sudden text in the middle of their conversation distracted him.  If only Minho told Kyuhyun about Changmin's call, maybe he wouldn't be so hurt when he found out later. 
And therefore the next couple hours was very much torturing for Kyuhyun.  He called pretty much every one that night whom he thinks that might know where Siwon would be.  Whoever did see Siwon told him the guy was eagerly driving of to somewhere after gym.  Before Kyuhyun knows it, it was 3am already, and his heart is just about to pulse it way out.  He start telling himself to calm down and think of the next step.  If anything bad has happen to Siwon, just say like a car accident.  Police or hospital would have contacted his family already.  If he were to be kidnap, but who would kidnap a hallyu star? what for? but what about those sasaengs fans? the more Kyuhyun thought of it, the more he got worry. 
He told himself to laid off the phone for now, since it need charging anyway.  He convince himself to take a shower, before acting out again.  Kyuhyun trying to convince himself that nothing terrible would have happen to his Wonnie, perhaps the guy was drinking with his elders and just too drawn into their topics that he forgot.  But the tears that Kyuhyun let out in the shower did little conviction to his own optimistic thoery. 
Which so you could imagine the bewilderment and utter relieve when Kyuhyun exit their bathroom and come across his Siwon already tucked into their bed (topless with only his briefs).  Kyuhyun for a second thought he was dreaming or hallucinating. 
Walking over felt like a year, finally reaching out to rub those arms and cup that heated cheek, conclusively convince the teary young that Siwon was indeed in their bed safe and sound. 
"Idiot... where have you been?"
Kyuhyun ask the sleeping man, however Siwon was too tired and a little too drunk to response to any question. Truth be told Kyuhyun wasn't really expecting one anyway.  He didn't feel anything but pleased to see Siwon back in front of him.  He totally forgot about their curfew agreement or how Siwon fail to text or call him or simply answer his phone.  That very moment, Kyuhyun was grateful that he get to cuddle those waist to sleep again. 
The next day was a bit awkward for both of them, neither mention anything regarding the night before. On one hand:  Kyuhyun was a little ashamed and felt silly for going berserk on Siwon 4hours disappearance.  He's an adult,  why did he have to act like the kid who lost its sheep's and start calling everyone.  He only hope the taller wouldn't find out from the people he called the night before.  One the other: Siwon knew he was in deep crap for not informing Kyuhyun about that surprise shooting.  The witty Changmin manage to prank him into a show shooting while he thought the young wanted a drink. 
In Siwon defend, he did finish gym with Minho around 10 and was just about to head home.  When Changmin called for a drink, naively he headed towards the address.  When he realise it was actually for a TV show call upon sport-friends.  It was all too late for him to call or text Kyuhyun. And every one knows Siwon puts 100% of himself into any games once his in it.  Which led us to having a Siwon freaking out in wonderment if his babyKyu would dead lock him.  To his favour Kyuhyun didn't mention anything about the night before and Siwon wasn't gonna pull the trigger himself. 
Everything was jolly and dandy, Siwon would continue his tight schedule.  Kyuhyun would be at home waiting for him after his own schedules. No one brought up the issue of Siwon's mystery missing hours.  Till that day, when bloggers and sites start mentioning about Siwon's barefaced appearance on Changmin's show. 
At first kyuhyun was only curious in finding his perfection Wonnie even bold enough to appear on show with no make-up.   But then the more he reads into the show, even before it made it on air.  Kyuhyun has easily put the puzzle pieces into its slot. 
He got so furious that he started calling Changmin, but lucky or not.  The younger has so much on his hands these days, all seven calls were diverted to voice mail.  It was exactly at that moment Siwon called to inform his baby he's on his way from the hotel to the airport for his flight.  But what an ear full he end up getting.  



"Jonghyun- hyung... why didn't you say anything till now?"


"Siwon-ar...i'm pretty sure i was drunk that night.  I didn't remember anything about Kyuhyun looking for you till you mention it now!"


"Crap-a-tastic... what am i gonna do... he sound pissed"


"You don't expect me to have any answer for that right?.... here we are now...lets go"


Siwon and his manager exit out their van and quickly surrounded by his bodyguard.  Siwon could spot his own fans miles away.  Seeing his Singapore elf even took the task to see him off, being the gentleman he is.  Siwon just couldn't simply wave them off ...right.  Plus he was hoping to give as much blessing to his fans since he might not be able to breathe pretty soon.


Waving his fans over, manager-nim got quite fret.


"What are you doing Siwon?"


"hyung... at least i could do this before i'm dead right?"  A pathetic smirk he gave to his manager, in return his hyung only roll his eyes and let the man be.


So for the next couple minutes, Siwon took each and one of his fans hand.  Giving them a firm grip and bless them.


....."God Bless You"....."God Bless You"....."God Bless You"....


Deep down, Siwon was begging 'Please God, Bless Me too'!!!!




Kyuhyun would not answer his call from then on.  Not the 40plus times Siwon tried before the flight finally took off, not the other 40plus times the minute he landed to when manager dropped him off at his apartment. 


The moment of judgement arrived, and Siwon couldn't juggle the feeling of whether Kyuhyun would really don't care or would he already has boxing gloves on and ready to strike. 


Opening their front door, heartily anticipating that s

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afiwonsj #1
ruxuxkg fjzruzjg bk
Chapter 31: Make up after being away for a while.. :))
Chapter 31: Yay! !!! Just when I was missing Wonkyu! Oops .. y me! Lol.
Dreamer3201 #4
Chapter 30: The last scene is just romantic...:)

Wouldn't it better,siwon, if kyuhyun gets a reality tv show of his own since you get to have updates 24/7? No need for Kay...but then everyone will see...i'm sure the jealous siwon wouldn't like it..
Saravy #5
Chapter 30: Awww!! This was super sweet! I really loved the interaction between Kyu and Siwon in this.^^
Chapter 30: Hopeless wonnie hire someone to recording all his baby scheds and moves......XD
Chapter 30: awww so lovely couple ^^
Angela17 #8
Chapter 30: Aaaakh.. I love this chap.. Cute cute cute...