Grocery Shopping

Christmas Miracle


Sulli's P.O.V
"We'll need chicken, ginseng...and rice as well. You know if you keep eating ramen you hair will drop," I said to her.
"Nah I don't mind! I'm too lazy to cook anyway."
After buying the ingredients, we headed to a nearby cafe to get some coffee. As usual we ordered Caramel  Frappacino's they just tasted soo good.
After that we also went to so some shopping or actually I went shopping. Amber does not like shopping she gets bored really easy, but she went along with me anyway. After an hour or so we headed back to her house.
-At Amber's house-
"Yay! Finally home!" Amber exclaimed.
We were both starving so I immediately went to command because of Amber's hunger she decided to help me out. We finished cooking lunch really quick. And Amber looked like she enjoyed doing all the cooking for once.
While she set up the table, I took out all the food one at a time. The food looked delicious. I was drooling. When Amber saw me she started to laugh.
"You're drooling, DROOLING!" She said before laughing histerically.
We all took a bite and it was delicious.
"It's been awhile since I had such a nice meal!" Amber said.
It was an awesome meal and u could tell Amber definitely is enjoying it as she made her own proper meal for the first time.
*We have school tomorrow And we both aren't feeling too well. Since we had a lot if things going on lately. I'm only fine thanks to Amber. Thank god I have a friend like her. She always makes me happy.*
"Amber can we not go to school tomorrow. I want to stay at hone for one more day before going back to school and I was wondering if you could accompany me?" 
"Sure! I hate going to school anyway and my parents don't care so it's my pleasure."
Today was awesome and I was feeling a lot better. I bought lots if clothes just now as I looked at all the plastic bags on the sofa. I guess it wasn't really grocery shopping after all it was just shopping.
Tomorrow i want to go watch a movie. It's tbeen awhile anyway and I love movies.
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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful ending ! I love your stories !! Please make more Dongho! I love dongho
Chapter 22: What a cliffhanger!!
Chapter 21: Crazy lady -_-
Chapter 20: Awww lucky pancAkes and ice cream!
Chapter 19: oh lord this ! PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 17: HAHA TAKE THAT HYUNA ! I am not a real big fan of her ! Idk why i just don't like her ! PLEASE UPDATE !
dimskiedims #8
daebak!! ^_^