Facing the Enemy

Christmas Miracle


-Recess is over-
Sulli's P.O.V
It's history period now. I was best at history and was enjoyed it as well. *Arghh! I'm so tired now and who was that new girl with Dongho just now?* Just than the teacher walked in.
"Ok students we are having a new student with us today so please put in your best behavior," the teacher announced.
After the teacher said that the new student walked in. *Isn't that the girl that was sitting with Dongho at the lunch table just now?*
"Annyeoung I'm Hyuna. Pleasure to meet you! " she said cheerfully. Well she looked rather sweet and kind and u could see all the boys drooling over her making me give out a chuckle and so did Amber. I saw her let out a laugh from the corner of my eye.
Hyuna's P.O.V
*The boys in this class aren't that handsome. They aren't cute either I still think Dongho pops is the best.*
Most if the students were girls in this class. I took a seat next to another girl who looked quite tall. 
*This girl is quite pretty. Well she is pretty but I'm still prettier than her so I have nothing to worry about. There are so many girls in this class but none if them are as pretty as me anyway.*
-After history-
Sulli's P.O.V
*Should I introduce myself to this girl? Well I guess I should at least know my enemy to an extent as well right so I think I should.*
"Annueoung, I'm Sulli. Pleased to meet you," I said as I stretched out my hand.
She just stared at my hand. Suddenly she stretched out her hand and slapped mine away.
"What do you want little girl. I have no interest in making friends with girls. Well I'm fine if the girls are popular but girls like you is a no so don't bother trying to make friends with me," she said before walking away with her nose held high.
*What is wrong with her. I just introduced myself what the heck. She being such a bi**h thinks I'll let her lay hands in Dongho oppa! NO WAY!*
After that Amber came in. She heard the whole thing. 
Amber's P.O.V
"What the heck is wrong with her! Who does she think she is to talk to you like that!" I said in a fit.
"She said she wanted to only make friends with popular girls and I'm like what the hell!" Sulli replied.
*How dare she say that. No one cares if she is popular but with that attitude she is going down. I hope Dongho has the brains to see what she really is and that Sulli us way better*
Sulli's P.O.V
Well I had nothing to say. For the rest if the day I just...I was just speechless. I had nothing to say. She was only nice infront if people she likes and guys of course. That madee very angry. Well school will be over soon so I will be able to go home since its Friday anyway.
I don't want to go home but I had to. The past month my dad started hitting me. I mean I know that mom passed away recently and I can forgive that but why? I used to love my dad and he loves me a lot as well so I have no idea why he suddenly starts hitting me.
-After school-
Sulli's P.O.V
"Bye Sulli I'll see you next week!" Amber said as she walked away. I was sad knowing that in the first day of school I already had to say goodbye to her fir the week well I'm going to head home than.
-At home-
The moment I walked into the house I saw my dad lay lifeless in the floor. I looked at him in shock. I dropped my bag onto the floor and ran to his side.  "APPA WAKE UP!" I shouted over and over again. But he did not even budge.
I immediately grabbed the phone and called for the ambulance. Not long after they arrived and rushed him to the hospital. 
I sat outside the emergency room as tears rolled down my face.
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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful ending ! I love your stories !! Please make more Dongho! I love dongho
Chapter 22: What a cliffhanger!!
Chapter 21: Crazy lady -_-
Chapter 20: Awww lucky pancAkes and ice cream!
Chapter 19: oh lord this ! PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 17: HAHA TAKE THAT HYUNA ! I am not a real big fan of her ! Idk why i just don't like her ! PLEASE UPDATE !
dimskiedims #8
daebak!! ^_^