Is it Fate?

Christmas Miracle


-After Class- 
Sulli's P.O.V
Ring!!~ Ring!!!~
"Ok class you may go for your break!" The teacher said before walking out of the classroom. I immediately ran out if class hoping Dongho would not follow me. I didn't even look up when running through the very crowded hall ways. I mean it's lunch no one will stroll. And during my haste...*BAM*
I fell directly on my and it hurt as hell. Well I don't know how painful hell is and lets just say I don't fancy finding out. I looked up and sighed...Dongho. Really this couldn't have happened before I embarrassed myself in front of him? It must happen after? My luck is just bad. Real bad. Or is it fate?
Just then I realised he was still standing infront of me. 
"Need help standing?" He said as he stretched his hand out. 
"Thanks!" I said and tried to walk away but he stopped me once again. 
"Are you trying to avoid me?" He asked. 
Me being the super ish(?) at lying just replied, "It's that obvious?"
He chuckled. *I'll never get tired of hearing that.* 
"So you were avoiding me. Why?"
I just couldn't answer it so I just stood there and pretended not to hear anything.
"Sorry watcha say I gotta go Amber is waiting. Bye!" And I ran away. 
As soon as I was out of his sight I started hitting my head. I mean what the heck was that! He is so going to think I'm some weirdo and then he'll be the one avoiding me!!! 
"AH PABO!!~" I shouted. 
"Who's the pabo?"
Oh just Amber I woul. Have freaked out somemore if I knew anyone else heard that. 
"I'll tell you later...let's just go eat." I said. 
Dongho's P.O.V
Why is she avoiding me? Just as I thought we got closer she starts running away from me. What the heck did I do. Could it be fate?
Suddenly I saw Hyuna walking my way. *please go away!!! Please go away*
"Hey oppa!!!" She what ever she sounds like.
*My dreams and hopes-HEY KEVIN HYUNG!!*
"KEVIN HYUNG WAIT UP I FORGOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!" I shouted an ran away without acknowledging her existence. 
She gave me her -glare. Oh I can so totally slap you infront of all these people!!! Yep my inner diva is acting up. 
After dragging Kevin hyung out of her sight I panted like crazy. God that girl is crazy she chased me all the way and finally gave up. Oh Kevin hyung saved me!!!
"What's up Dongho?" Kevin hyung asked. 
"Oh nothing I just wanted to run away from Hyuna she keeps sticking to me. Thanks for saving me hyung!" I said as I turned to walk away. 
"Welcome I guess?" Kevin hyung said. 
Hyuna's P.O.V
"Hey oppa!!" I said when I saw Dongho.
"KEVIN HYUNG WAIT UP I FORGOT TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!" He shouted. Did he just ignore me? I'm already so popular is he crazy ditching me like that not even caring that I was talking!!! 
*SHIN DONGHO YOU WILL PAY!!* I realised people were giving me stares so I bowed my head and walked away. Never again will I be embarrassed like that. 
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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful ending ! I love your stories !! Please make more Dongho! I love dongho
Chapter 22: What a cliffhanger!!
Chapter 21: Crazy lady -_-
Chapter 20: Awww lucky pancAkes and ice cream!
Chapter 19: oh lord this ! PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 17: HAHA TAKE THAT HYUNA ! I am not a real big fan of her ! Idk why i just don't like her ! PLEASE UPDATE !
dimskiedims #8
daebak!! ^_^