I'm going to be a Model

Christmas Miracle


Sulli's P.O.V
I had enough time to buy my presents and went back home. I bought some dinner for me and Amber and boy was it delicious. I also got Amber a present secretly. I was soo happy I hope she bought something for me too. Well I wouldn't know anyway and she probably stayed home just now to protect(?) it.
"Amber come eat dinner stop lazing around!" I screamed from downstairs.
"Sheesh! I'm coming!" 
We sat down at the table and crowed the food down. It must have been a new record I even had a slight tummy ache after that. Anyway, I went to have a long nice shower which I was deprived of because of the past day events. 
-After the shower-
I came out so refreshed like I was being born again. I suddenly remembered what happened today but I kept wondering why Dongho was just hiding behind the shelves when he saw the way Hyuna acted. I hope he changes the way he looks at get and look more at me instead. *Ok this is going too far what am I thinking. STOP DREAMING!* Moving on. I went to my desk and started labeling my presents one by one. 
Than it hit me... I FORGOT DONGHO'S PRESENT!!! Oh no I started panicking I totally forgot about the bear I didn't buy it in the end. *I'm so stupid why didn't I remember now Hyuna has the bear she was the one who got it in the end! Ugh she's such a bi**h! Makes me so angry!* After all the swearing and tantrums I finally calmed down. I still have about a week I could just go to a store and get one everything should be fine.
First I have school tomorrow so I better go and sleep or it'll be another scolding from fatty-mac-naggy-pants. I washed up and went to dreamworld.
-The next day-
(I'm skipping to school cause its just a normal morning so...yea)
I went to school and noticed that Dongho was already at his seat. Amber and I made our way to our seats as usual and overheard a few gossips here and there and on cue the teacher walked in. *Oh how I hate this day nothing interesting I would'nt even mind if the discipline mistress just walks in and says, "May I see Sulli."in like a super stern tone. I mean just imagine it I could escape class anyway it won't be such a bad thing.*
Just as I thought that the discipline mistress walked I. Saying exactly what I thought suddenly I got all scared. *Mayve that wasn't such a good idea.* I walked behind her closely but u know not too close. We walked into the room and closed the door. 
"You are such a good student." She said as she looked at me smiling. That gave me a shock. "There was a parent who wrote a letter to the school saying something about you being very kind to her daughter at some mart-"
"But anyone could do that are you sure it's me?" I cut her off.
"She is not a nobody. She and her husband own a cosmetics company. And they wanted to ask if they could use our school as a sponser. Oh and of course they want to shoot part of the commercial in school so you will be their model."
"Are you kidding me! An I on a hidden camera show?" I said a little too loud. "Oh sorry I forgot my manners for a moment." I apologized. But on the inside I was so happy. I'm going to shoot a commercial for a cosmetics company. *This is the best day of my life!!!*
I walked out if the room smiling like an idiot and went back to class.
"Why are you smiling? The discipline matter just requested to talk to you what did she say?" Amber whispered to me.
"I'm going to be a model for a cosmetics company!"I shrieked. Which earned me some stares but who cares this is like awesome. Suddenly I just forgot everything else all I could think of was that u was going to be a model I just couldn't stop smiling.
Dongho's P.O.V
Why is she smilin so much? She just got called out by the discipline mistress and that is never a good thing. *Wait a minute...SHE'S THE GIRL FROM THE MART! Could she have received something from the parents of the girl. Maybe she was praised for it!*
Anyway she was kind of cute especially when she smiles she is like an angel. I stared at get for a while than I noticed her looking at me. I turned away and blushed and I could see from the corner of my eye she did too. I smiled to my self and continued 'focusing' on the lesson.
-After lesson-
Everyone crowded around her desk asking her what the discipline mistress told her. She looked so puzzled and she did not even have the time to answer everyone kept asking her the same thing over and over again. I walked over tired of all the noise. I slammed the table. 
"Everyone keep quite and let her answer!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. 
She told us everything in detail and everyone was letting out gasps! *She's going to be a model!! Oh my gosh! Well I got to admit she is pretty and she would make an awesome model!*
Everyone was as shocked as I was and couldn't stop staring at her. Our mouths were wide open.
"Close you mouths! You are going to attract flies you know!" She teased and let out a chuckle. 
"Well congratulations!" I said cheerfully.
I walked away my heart beating like mad. *Wait why again? I mean I don't have feelings for her but why do I get butterflies just speaking to her? Could I have a crush on her? But I never had any interest in girls so how?* Well anyway it was time for lunch and my stomach was grumbling. 
I rushed into the canteen and went to sit down with the rest of them. We were chatting and talking when there was a commotion at the door within seconds the whole school knew that Sulli was going to be a model for a cosmetics company. Just than, she walked in totally unaware of what was going on. Everyone went up congratulating her one by one. And she was smiling and blushing like mad. Somehow it made me happy to know that she was happy.
Sulli's P.O.V
*God it's going to be a long day today I think everyone looking at me everywhere I go. It was nice yet disturbing.* But in going to be a model so I'm dying of happiness nothing I repeat NOTHING can ruin this day.


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Chapter 24: Such a beautiful ending ! I love your stories !! Please make more Dongho! I love dongho
Chapter 22: What a cliffhanger!!
Chapter 21: Crazy lady -_-
Chapter 20: Awww lucky pancAkes and ice cream!
Chapter 19: oh lord this ! PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 17: HAHA TAKE THAT HYUNA ! I am not a real big fan of her ! Idk why i just don't like her ! PLEASE UPDATE !
dimskiedims #8
daebak!! ^_^