Friends??/Ur single or not??

What's Wrong With Him???!!!

At the shopping mall.. 

Sooyung and Kris is walking infront and being lovey dovey all the way to the bridal shop.. 

Leaving Hyoyeon and Kai walking together in awkwardness and filled with silence.. 

They kept walking following the couple closely with a great gap between them.. 

Until they arrived at the shop, Kai and Hyoyeon still in silence.. but without they knowing,

both of them had been stealing glances at each other when the other person look away..

"Hyoyeon-ah, you come with me to choose the cloth okay.. and Kai you'll go with Kris..

See you later.. and chagiya, after done choosing don't forget to get ready for the photo..okay?"

Sooyoung said while pulling Hyoyeon to her side without realising Kai's lightly frowning.. 

"Arasso my sunshine.. see you minutes later.." Kris said and kiss Sooyoung.. the kiss really make 

Hyoyeon and Kai felt awkward and they also don't know why.. 

Then both girls and both boys went to different part of the shop.. 

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon side.. 

"Sooyoung-ah, why don't you choose the dress with Kris?? As far as I know, all couples do that.."

said Hyoyeon while looking through the wedding dresses.. 

"Naah.. it's too common.. we're both agreed to choose the styled that we want.. and it will more fun

if we choose different style right??" said Sooyoung while laughing.. 

Hyoyeon just rolled her eyes in disbelieve.. 

"You guys are very weird you know.. I don't know how both you could end up together..

When we're still highschoolers, you guys sure fight a lot and now you guys are getting married.."

Sooyoung who is trying to choose the dresses just laugh in repond.. 

" Soo, why don't you try this on??" Suddenly Hyoyeon said while shos Sooyoung a dress she 

picked out.. 

"Wah.. it's beautiful and it really my taste.. you really know me well Hyo.."said Sooyoung 

while taking the dress from Hyoyeon's and left Hyoyeon to try the dress out.. 

After trying out the dress, Sooyoung decided to take the dress.. Even though Hyoyeon suggest to

try others but being a hard headed girl she insists to choose it.. 

"Aratta, do whatever you want.."said Hyoyeon.. 

"Hey Hyo i've got an idea.. why don't you choose a dress and wear it.."said Sooyoung while 

searching for a dress.. 

"Me?? No way! Why would I?.. Soo.." 

"A'ha.. here you go.. come one wear it.. please.. do it.."said Sooyoung pleading with aegyo tone.. 

"Sigh.. Fine, i'll do it.." 

While Hyoyeon get changed, Kai came to the womans part.. 

"Owh Kai, wow you look nice in that tux..haha.. why are you here?? Is Kris done??"said Sooyoung 

But before Kai could say anything, Hyoyeon came out from the dressing room dressep up as a bride..

"Soo, is it okay?" Hyoyeon ask but when she lift up her face, she froze and blushed when she

see Kai is staring at her from top to the bottom.. 

Kai's POV 

The moment Hyoyeon showed up, I was so dazed by her.. The wedding dress really suits her so 

much.. Without me knowing, I just check her out until Sooyoung nudge me.. 

"Kai-ah, close you mouth" I quickly close my mouth when Sooyoung whispered to me.. 

"Hyoyeon-ah, you're beautiful.. Is it fate or what?? You guys wear a matching wedding clothes.."

I just stand at my spot when Sooyoung went towards Hyoyeon.. 

"Kai-ah, why don't you wait with Kris for awhile and said to him, the wedding photo needs to be

postponed because my parents invite for lunch.."said Sooyoung.. 

"Arasso, i'll be get going first.." Before I leave I take a last glance of Hyoyeon in a wedding dress..

I don't know why I did'nt realised her beauty before.. I must be a fool.. I chuckled to myself and make 

my way to Kris.. 

End of Kai's POV  

When it times to return home, Sooyoung and Kris said they can't send Kai and Hyoyeon home 

because Sooyoung's parents already waiting for them.. 

"It's okay.. I'll send Hyoyeon home.. Taxi are quite a lot here.. So don't worry.."said Kai calmly

and avoiding Hyoyeon surprised look.. 

"Owh.. okay.. we'll be get going now.. bye.." with that, Kris and Sooyoung left them both alone.. 

Kai called for a taxi, and both of them get in without saying a word.. 

After a few minute, Kai decided to break the ice.. 

"It's been awhile since we last met.. How are you know?? Are you married or having a boyfriend??"

said Kai.. He did'nt believe he asks such a question.. 

"Haha.. I'm fine.. Well, i'm single.. no one ones to date a girl like me.."Hyoyeon said while trying to 

act like an old friend.. 

"Really?? No way.." 

From that, they start to talk about this and that.. the awkwardness slowly drifting away.. The 

old friendship of them suddenly comes out.. 

They laughs and did'nt realised they had arrived at Hyoyeon's house.. 

"Owh well, thanks for sending me home.."said Hyoyeon.. 

"It's my pleasure.. we're friends right?" Kai said.. 

'Hmm.. I guess we fated to be just friends huh?'Hyoyeon thought to herself.. 

"Yeah.. friends.."said while trying to hide her hurt.. 

After Kai left, Hyoyeon enters her house only to find Doojoon and Jessica with a serious face 

in the living room.. 

"What's wrong guys? Where's Hyongin?"ask Hyoyeon.. 

"She fell asleep after exhausted playing.. Hyo, now please explain about this picture.. Hyongin

said that he is her father?? Is it true?" Jessica ask with a low voice and gives the picture to Hyoyeon..

Hyoyeon realised that it already time to tell everything.. 

"I'll tell you guys the truth.."




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lisarini22 #1
Chapter 39: make season 2 please lol><
Hyosmilely #2
Chapter 39: So sweet ~
Hyokai2003 #3
Chapter 38: I meant Naeum
Hyokai2003 #4
Chapter 38: Update plz. It's so catchy, I wanna know what happened next and how Anaheim will react.
Chapter 38: Please update I wanna know what happens after the wedding!❤
KimHyeJoo #6
Chapter 38: Update pls^^
Chapter 38: Update soon ^^
Hyosmilely #8
Chapter 38: Live a happy family soon