5- Don’t dare show your face to me

Jump. See If He's Worth The Fall


I can taste copper and rust.


I wipe the red liquid on my lips using the pad of my thumb. To stop the bleeding, I my lower lip. I hate the taste and I dislike how my jaw hurts. And I hate the red-green-brown flaws which are now decorating my handsome face…





When I arrived 10 minutes ago, I went straight to his living room because I forgot to close the gates when I left earlier. He was on his wheel chair and gulping down a bottle of brandy. I saw another empty bottle on the floor. I move toward him. I was right, the jerk is intoxicated.


Before I could ask what is wrong with him, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and he tried to get up. But because a good right leg and a fractured left leg cannot support a drunken person, he lost balance. I lost my balance too. The back of my head hit the floor. I almost lost my consciousness and it took a minute to comprehend that he is on top of me, straddling me.


All of a sudden he hit my jaw twice, then near my right eye and thankfully the fourth did not land on me. He stopped mid air and he look like he fell out of his trance though he his normal face still looks scary for me. His eyes widened.




I pushed him off me with a gentle force, I wanted to hit him back but I was too dizzy. The hit near my eye is really good.


I am not sure if I heard him whisper, “I thought you’re him” or I misheard him.


I caught my breath. “What was that for, huh? you son of a bi—“


“it wasn’t my intention, I’m drunk” He pressed his palms on his temples.


Then I noticed something that there are tear stains on his face. Foolish me to set aside my anger because of those…





Now, I am holding an ice bag against my right cheek bone. I am still seating on the floor, afraid to get up just to dramatically kiss the floor like what happened when I tried to.



“Does it hurt?” He ghosted his fingers on my chapped lip. I am taken aback by the gesture.


The devil master plays concern to his poor slave...?


I glared at him after I slapped his hand away.


“You’re mad at me? *sighs* Of course. You can go now and I think I’ll go sleep” He said, I keep my stare down but I sense when he turns his wheelchair around. His laugh made me look at him. “I was too drunk that I forgot that my bedroom is upstairs”


He laughs again.


And it keeps on echoing in my rotten brain.


As if my legs have their own rotten brain, they bring me beside him. I scoop him out of his wheelchair and carried him bridal style. Eww. Do my hands and arms have their rotten brains too?


“What— Why are you doing this?“


“Let’s just say that you knocked my brain out off my head when you punched me.”


“You are making me damn guilty by being kind like this”


“Which one is your room?”


“Black door”


The door looks like an entrance to hell. Suits him very well.


I made him sit on the edge of his bed.


 “I can’t believe I went here to get my face bruised and now I am definitely late for work. I am close to getting fired. I can’t afford to lose that job…  Does ruining my life make you happy, master?”


I am trying to make him feel the guilt more.




My hands is already holding the doorknob when he said,


“If my drunken memory serves me right ... at the hospital you told me you cannot pay your rent..?”


“And so? Don’t tell me you’ll ask me to live here.” I grunt.


“No. I am obliging you to live here.”


“So you are pretending to be nice? Better luck next time, I am not falling into your trap. Nu-uh. It will be a lot easier for you to boss me around if I am just around the corner”



 I knew it. I am not foolish Jung Daehyun. You are not a kind person. I will not survive a day with you, especially when you’ll be drunk again. The possibility of you killing me is high.


“You choose, you’ll stay here or stay behind those cold iron bars”


“I thought we already got over that me-going-to-jail issue? I am your slave now right?”


Either choice is not healthy for me. What did I do to deserve all this sufferings?



Come on Youngjae, you know how bad you were. Very very bad.



“Come to think of it ”







For the second time of the day, he left my house.


How the hell did the legit stupid idea come out of my pretty lips? I actually asked him to stay and live here IN MY HOUSE WITH ME? God that brandy made me crazy.


I do not know why I do not feel like taking it back. It is crazy but maybe a brilliant idea. After I hit his fat face he still helped me get here in my room, I admit he is kind. My slave could be my personal nurse and maid. Three in one. Haha. He’ll be of great use~


I am looking forward to his decision. I hope it will favor me.


I know I sound weird; I need to sleep this craziness off.




And most importantly I still need to forget the pain in my chest. I have no idea how to but I need to completely get over you –

Moon Jongup.







“You are late and you have bruises on your face. Yoo Youngjae-ssi, remember that you work must be responsible enough. This is not a five star hotel but you cannot face our customers when you look like that.”


I apologized a dozen times to manager Hyujin. She said if my tardiness became consistent she will certainly fire me. No. I. Will. Not. Let. That. Happen. So I focused on my work. I did not allow myself to be pre-occupied by other things. I can think about that later. I was at the kitchen because manager Hyujin did not allow me to serve the customers. I made the frappes and bubble teas perfectly like I was a battery operated robot. Though I was late, I think I did a pretty good job.





I am walking on the sidewalk with my hands in my pocket. The air is cool but not that cold. Now I have the time to think about the offer. To be honest it is tempting. I mean I will live in a house as impressive as those in the movies without paying the rent. It will help me save money faster. If I would be able to accumulate enough amount of money sooner, I would be back to school sooner.


It is an easy decision IF THE OFFER IS NOT FROM THAT GUY.


But unluckily it came from him.


Choosing to live with him is like choosing to go straight to hell after death.


No, I am exaggerating—

No, I am not.


He is bad and mean and heartless. He will make you do this and that.


No, I think he could be kind. Consider that he gave you something to eat while you are doing his school papers (only that it was a raw ramen).  He let you use his awesome car (to drive him home without license). He tended your bruises and gave you ice (because he knocked you down).


That convinces me that he is kind. Sarcastically speaking.




But how about finishing your studies and being successful in the future? I messed up with my studies but I have to be successful and I have to be worthy of her….



Fine. I will accept his offer.








I woke up when my phone rang. I forgot to turn it off. I guess another girl-who-wants-to-be-my-girlfriend is calling.


No. I am wrong.


There is no caller ID. I stared at the number.


I thought this is impossible. But I know that phone number very well. I tried to ing forget everything about him but hell, I still have it all memorized. I am aware that alcohol is not yet wearing off my system but I am damn sure the number is his. I know it’s him.


I am hesitant but I pressed answer.



“Dae. I miss you so bad” I hear him taking a deep breath.


My body froze however my heart beats triple time by the sound of his voice. I remained silent.


“Hey please talk to me. Dae please say something”


“ you” I hissed.


“Baby please don’t be like that. Dae, I want to see you… Are you fine? I heard you were—“


“Don’t dare show your face to me”


I consumed all my sanity and strength to hang up.



i hope with this chapter, i would be able to redeem myself because i facepalmed with the previous chap, i think it is not as good as it should be..... and laziness is freaking always winning over me (and when i say laziness, it means lying flat on my bed doing kpop video marathon XD) so please, inspire me guys~


btw, congratulations to MAMA 2012 winners and also to the fans....!!!!


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expect an update as soon as tomorrow or the next day :) love you all guys!!!


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Chapter 26: This fic was so good and so cute!
vanilLaJae04 #2
Chapter 26: This fic is so beautiful ♡
I hope you write a sequel to this some day, even if its just a one shot hehe.
asdayuni #3
Chapter 26: Really just found this beautiful story.....
Uhhh, I want a bonus chapter hahahaha.
I read it on one shot, it took me 4 hour full to read this story hahahaha.....
Thank you for made this beautiful story author-nim :))
Chapter 26: Awww,they are adorable. You sure you won't write a sequel?
TuanbaaabyG7t #5
Chapter 26: I don't want this story to end at all ! Lol . It's one of the best fanfics I've ever read !!
bap_panda #6
Chapter 26: Awww. This is cute and awesome. The storyline is simple but unique at the same tym. Pls do a bonus chapter. I'll read it for sure. What will happen to jongup and Zelo. And what will b mrs.jung's reaction to daejae couple???
Chapter 26: Bonus chapter please!!! :) I've re-read this story countless times and damn it's just as good as reading it the first time :)
lolipopcandy #8
Chapter 26: I need a bonus chapter!....please :D
I also want to know what happened between Jongup and Zelo...Oh and if youngjae ever meet his first love again! Thnks for the awesome story!! Read it in a day, that good it was :3
Chapter 25: It's really good~
Hope you update soon~ ♥
Chapter 26: Awesome story