1-Best day of Yoo Youngjae’s existence

Jump. See If He's Worth The Fall


He expected the unexpected. He’s a genius so he already knew what will happen.

What did you just say?

 He’s a genius, really huh? Maybe saying that he was a genius is better. Remember that Youngjae is expecting to receive failing grades.


FAILING GRADES. Geniuses won’t have that . And he clearly sees those on his school card.


Maybe he is not a genius anymore but he’s not an idiot to know that failing grades means losing his academic scholarship, so he will not be able to study any longer and he will also lose the financial assistance that comes with the scholarship. Therefore he’ll also have to leave the small apartment where he lives because he will not be able pay the rent any more soon.


Okay calm down. Think.

He starts to brainstorm a solution for his miserable life.

Calm down. Breathe.

You are not yet that miserable Youngjae. You still have that part time job in the coffee shop. Talk to the manager to make it full time, he’ll have mercy on you since you cannot study for now. She may even let you stay in there if you beg enough. Work hard to earn money fast so that you can go back to school as soon as possible.

So that’s plan A.


He sat down on a nearby bench trying to think of plan B.

He looks around.

This might be the last time you’ll ever set foot in this school. Then he whispers to himself,

“No. I won’t let that happen” but it’s already happening….


Drowned in his own thoughts, he starts to walk to the locker room to pack his things.





He didn’t notice that he already reached the stairs so missed the first step. He tried to get hold of something that can save his dear life but unfortunately, he grasps something that fell with him and hit the landing hard.

Youngjae landed face first. It took him a minute to recover.

Nose, are you still there???!

Thankfully it does not feel flat. Yeah, it is still there.


BUT he should not feel relieved…


“I you wanna die… do it on your own ……don’t ..involve me”


His heart almost jumped out of his rib cage.

The voice was almost inaudible and it came from a guy lying beside him. He realized why the guy is there….

DAMN it.


“I-I am s-sorr-sorry! A-are you oka-“ he trailed off when he saw the guy’s leg. Youngjae’s eyes widened.

The guy is not okay.




This day couldn’t get any luckier.

What will I do? Curse it.


“Don’t move. Try to relax, okay?” He told the other guy with black hair. He feels funny saying those words because he is panicking, he cannot even relax. It is better to call to the hospital but he calls the schools clinic, instead.


The guy was brought to the clinic and was treated immediately.

He told the doctor what exactly happened.

He tripped down the stairs and he accidentally grabbed the guy’s arm, maybe the guy lost his balance so they both fell.

“You should also be checked t if that‘s what happened. We need to be sure if you are really okay” Dr. Kwon said with a concern.


“I am fine, really.” He said truthfully.  He keeps his stare in the floor. He bites his lip.


But Dr. Kwon insisted, better obey the doctor.



“There is no problem with your lab results, Youngjae-ssi”

He sighed in relief.

“Though we’re afraid that the patient needs to be sent to a hospital, our facilities here are not enough. There is an open fracture in his left leg. And he needs blood transfusion. “


Oh no. no. no. no!

Broken leg. Blood transfusion. What the heck?

Is his bones made of glass to be that fragile? And blood loss… it’s just !


The nurses are now preparing him for the transfer to the hospital; they lifted him and carefully place him in a stretcher.


 I want to object but I know the doctor won’t listen to me.





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expect an update as soon as tomorrow or the next day :) love you all guys!!!


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Chapter 26: This fic was so good and so cute!
vanilLaJae04 #2
Chapter 26: This fic is so beautiful ♡
I hope you write a sequel to this some day, even if its just a one shot hehe.
asdayuni #3
Chapter 26: Really just found this beautiful story.....
Uhhh, I want a bonus chapter hahahaha.
I read it on one shot, it took me 4 hour full to read this story hahahaha.....
Thank you for made this beautiful story author-nim :))
Chapter 26: Awww,they are adorable. You sure you won't write a sequel?
TuanbaaabyG7t #5
Chapter 26: I don't want this story to end at all ! Lol . It's one of the best fanfics I've ever read !!
bap_panda #6
Chapter 26: Awww. This is cute and awesome. The storyline is simple but unique at the same tym. Pls do a bonus chapter. I'll read it for sure. What will happen to jongup and Zelo. And what will b mrs.jung's reaction to daejae couple???
Chapter 26: Bonus chapter please!!! :) I've re-read this story countless times and damn it's just as good as reading it the first time :)
lolipopcandy #8
Chapter 26: I need a bonus chapter!....please :D
I also want to know what happened between Jongup and Zelo...Oh and if youngjae ever meet his first love again! Thnks for the awesome story!! Read it in a day, that good it was :3
Chapter 25: It's really good~
Hope you update soon~ ♥
Chapter 26: Awesome story