Chapter 8


Your POV

As I hold onto Sunggyu, I carefully slid the note beneath the couch.

"Shh, it's okay." he said, comforting me.

"I'm sorry, I know you must be really mad at me. I'm sorry." I said, crying even louder.

"Yeah, it is your fault!" he said really loudly, holding me up and gently pushing me onto the couch.

"You, your fault. Everything is your goddamn fault." he said, slamming the door on the people who were leering into see what the situation is.

"You idiot. All your fault. if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have to come look for you and waste my time having to comfort you." he screamed at me, holding a cup under the sink and drinking while trying to catch his breath.

"Well I'm sorry it's my fault! I'm sorry my husband left me! What do you want me to do? Be stable?" I yelled back, trying to hold in the tears.

"See? Is this what you want?"

"What?" I asked, giving him a weird look.

"You keep saying that it's your fault, and you push everyone away when they try to help you. I'm just giving you what you want, aren't I? I'm not comforting you, and I'm agreeing with you that it's your fault." he said while boiling the water.

"Well, that's not what I mean." I muttered.

Inconsiderate, cruel, ruthless bastard. I said under my breath.

"Now, me yelling at you didn't feel so good did it?" he asked, coming over, showing his "angelic" side.

I shook my head ever so slightly.

"Exactly, so stop pushing me away. Okay?" he asked, passing me a cup of hot chocolate.

I reached for the cup, but he retrieved it.

"Answer me." he said, looking at me with his (small) eyes.

"Yes." I said, rolling my eyes.

I reached for the cup, but he still hesitated.

"Promise?" he asked, squinting his eyes at me.

"Yes!" I said, reaching for the cup but he still held it away from me.

"Pinky promise?" he asked, squinting his eyes so much that they were now just lines on his face.

He held up his pinky and waited for me to respond.

"Urgh, you're 25 years old for god's sake." I laughed, pinky promising him.

"Excuse me, it's 24 and 8 months." he said, giving me his diva look.

I smiled, knowing that at least someone's here for me.

"Did you.." I drifted.


Sunggyu's POV

"Did I what?" I asked.

"Did you, watch the video?" she asked, trying to hide her face.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"It's none of your business." she said sternly.

"Even a blind man could've guessed it. You're not the type to do these kind of things. You were the anonymous person who sent money to Myungsoo, right?" I asked, leaning my head back onto the couch.

"How did you..I mean no! What the heck are you on about?" she lied.

"Right, and you would just go and sleep with guys like this hmm?" I asked.

"Well, maybe I changed." she said.

"Mhm, of course. Of course you would have changed. I guess you wouldn't care if I said anything to Myungsoo about this right?" I asked.

"Y-y-yah! Why would you even tell him for? It's not even true!" she said quickly.

"So, the part where you change isn't true, but the part where you did all this for his sake is?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow at her.

"Urgh, just don't worry." she said.

"Why?" I asked seriously this time.


Your POV

"I don't want to talk about it." I said.

"You're going to tell me sooner or later. Spill the peas." he said.

"It's spill the beans idiot." I said.

"Beans. Peas, same to me." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, maybe there is no beans or peas to spill." I said, placing the cup down.

"Just say it princess, stop beating around the tree." he said.

"Beating around the bush doofus." I laughed.

"Okay, seriously, tell me." he said, waiting for me to tell him.

Well there wasn't really much to it. It was just me basically selling myself for his sake. What else was there?

"And you did all this for a jerk who left you?" he asked, trying to make sense of what I'm saying.

I nodded, looking at him.

"Ah, well, I think it's time we fix that bruise on your face. He may look weak but he sure does damage to a girl like you." he said, searching for the first aid kit.

"Yah! What do you mean a girl like me?" I asked.

"You know, small, petite, little, loud, loser." he laughed as he walked over with the kit.

"Wow thanks, Prince Romantic." I said as he drenched the cotton wool with some medicine.

"Why would you even need this, it doesn't even hur-ow!" I squinted when he placed the bud on my cheek.

"Yeah, it doesn't even ow!" he laughed, while he placed a band aid on my cheek.

He began dabbing slightly near my lip.

"Are you sure I need it there too?" I asked.

"God, you don't even know how fragile you are." he said, shaking his head.

His finger brushed past my lips as he tried to fix a band aid on it. He looked at my lips and right at me and my lips, then me again.

Sunggyu's scent was lingering as he leant forward, gently pulling me closer.


Sunggyu's POV

This is it hamster gyu, you're not going to be a coward anymore! I moved forward, and I know I'm finally going to do it.

"It's getting late." she said, backing out as our noses touch.

"Ah, yeah. I better go." I said, scratching my neck as I was trying to find my jacket.

"Well, sleep tight!" I said, walking out the door.

She waved and closed the door, as soon as the door closed, I slammed myself against the wall, sliding down it, slouching on the floor. God that was embarassing.


Your POV

God, that was close. I could hear him having a tantrum outside as soon as I closed the door. I giggled slightly and went back to the couch, cleaning up the medical equipment.

I looked for the doctor's note beneath the couch and pulled it out.

I scanned it over thirty times, and stil I could not believe my eyes.

AIDS. The word was loud and clear, right on the paper.

"Ah, miss, it seems as though, you've been diagnosed with something unfortunate." the doctor said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's best if both you and your partner be calm about this situation." he said calmly.

"I will inform him later on. Just tell me doctor." I smiled.

"It seems as though, you have AIDS." he said.

The blood drained out of my face, and I could feel myself going numb. From the beginning, I knew this would have happened, I knew it. But why am I so surprised?

"This, this, this disease, it won't kill me immediately right?" I asked.

"Not in usual cases, but, it seems as though some of your other organs have been affected as well, so that can affect how seriously in danger your life may be." he said.

"Is there no way to cure this?" I asked, almost on the verge of begging.

"Unfortunately no. Many patients have asked the same as you. I'm sorry to disappoint you." he apologized.

I woke up screaming, as I dreamnt of the same nightmare of that day over and over again.

I found myself on my bed, as per usual. Nothing different. I was sweating droplets. I went to wash myself and prepared to go back to work.

"Did you want a lift?" Sunggyu asked, as he walked inside my apartment.

"Yes, you can now become my personal driver." I smiled as I quickly took my bag.

"Kim Sunggyu, ready at your service." he smiled, linking arms with me.


Sunggyu's POV

Her smile was uneasy throughout the whole car trip, I wanted to ask her what's wrong, but I figured it's too early in the morning to get emotional.

"See you later." i said as she walked out of the car.

She waved and ran inside the work place.

I drove quickly to work before getting scolded again.


Myungsoo's POV

"You called me sir." Sunggyu said, bowing to me.

"I think it's best if you follow me outside." I said to him as I walked towards the door.

"Are you sure this is work related sir?" he asked.

"Let's have a man on man talk." I said, continuing my way to the stairs, leading to the balcony of the company.

"What is it?" he asked informally to me.

"Are you taking Gayun now that I have thrown her away?" I snickered.


Sunggyu's POV

Just looking at that bastards back, talking cockily like this about someone who did so much for him makes me so pissed off. But I can't do anything, afterall, he's still my boss.

"Is this all you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Tell me, what's so interesting about a woman who lets every guy have a turn? Or is it because you haven't been laid?" he asked, looking at me from head to toe.

"So this is the type of guy you are." I said.

"What?" he asked, glaring at me.

"You bastard. You think she's been doing this because she's a ? What the hell is wrong with you? You're living in glory, while she is suffering, what, did you parents replace your brain with tofu?" I asked.

"What did you say? I live in glory? She's suffering? She's making my reputation bad, she dirtied my company's name. She's suffering? She has every guy in the world now that I've set her free." he said, grabbing onto my collar.

"You bastard!" I screamed, throwing a punch right across his face.

I punched him a few times before kicking him to the ground, placing him under me.

"You lied to her parents, and your parents, about her being the one who cheated in the relationship, and her parents kicked her out. She lives in a place that's even smaller than your toilet, and what? You're suffering?" I asked, heaving as I try to catch my breath.

"She works thousands of jobs a day, just so she can support herself, and you're the one suffering?" I asked, throwing a punch again.


Myungsoo's POV

I caught his fist, turning the tables, making me dominant, and this time, it was my turn to knock him out.

"She needed to have a backbone. I gave her a chance didn't I? And she wanted this anyways! Look at her! She even has videos of herself like that online! She's even seeing not just you, but another guy. Why her Sunggyu? I thought you had better taste than this." I smirked.

"You think she works because she needs to support herself? Bull, she had enough money in order to survive if it wasn't for you! You shouldn't have backstabbed her to her parents! Her friend couldn't even shelter her anymore because she was becoming a bother, her husband was with another woman, and the only place she could go to was a tunnel for homeless people!" he snarled at me.

I took a moment to absorb this as he took short breaths.

"She didn't even need to, but she had to survive on the pennies she earned, where as you, you earned millions just by signing some stupid papers! She had to save every grain of rice she had, where as you would waste food as you please! Not only did she have all this burden of taking care of herself, she had to take care of you too! And this is the kind of respect Gayun gets out of it." he laughed.

"What? She did this for me?" I asked, standing up, walking over to the seat close by.

"No sherlock. Who do you think was the person who sent you the money when your company was struggling?" he asked.

"What, so then that explains why she slept with another guy and had videos of it go online?" I asked.


Sunggyu's POV

"Aish, dumb . If it wasn't for your short temper, angering that Howon kid, he wouldn't have tried to seek revenge on you. He gave her money everytime she slept with him. How did you think she was going to get money from selling at restaurants and convienence stores?" I asked.

"I didn't ask her to." he said.

"Bastard. Show some gratitude." I said, walking off.


Myungsoo's POV

Tch, what? She? Do this for me? She probably just wanted to dirty my name for revenge. I knew it.

But then again, who the hell would send me so much money? And she isn't someone who would do this kind of thing..


Sunggyu's POV

The other employees looked at me weird throughout the whole afternoon.

Then finally, the letter arrived. Finally, he gave me a form of resignation. I happily signed it, packed my stuff, and slammed it onto his desk.

I'm sick and tired of working for a bastard like him.

"Crazy bastard." I muttered as I walked out of the work area.


Your POV

"Sungyeollie, how was school?" I asked as he watched t.v

"It was really fun. Pretty noona, how come you don't visit anymore?" he asked.

"I've been really busy lately, but I'll try to visit more often." I smiled.

"That's good. Because I really missed you. And my friends won't believe that you're my girlfriend, I have to show you to them!!" he said, turning off the telly.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Oh, hey." Sunggyu smiled, walking through the door with his stuff.

"Hyung, did you cause trouble again?" Sungyeol asked.

"Aish, this kid." he laughed, ruffling Sungyeol's hair.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"I found a place with better pay, so i quit this one." he said, placing the box onto the table.

"Want a drink?" he asked.

I nodded, and followed him into the kitchen.

"Ah ." he said.

I turned around to see him cut his finger on a piece of glass from the cup he accidently broke. I quickly ran outside to Sungyeol.

"Yeol, look after your hyung okay?" I asked and took my bag, racing outside.


Sunggyu's POV

"Hyung, are you okay? You scared pretty noona off." Sunyeol asked, running in.

"Yeol, don't come in, there's glass everywhere." I said, trying to shoo him off.


Your POV

That was a close call. From now on, I need to keep a good distance from him. If my blood was to come in contact with his, he could be infected with AIDS as well.

I ran as fast as I could as I looked to my watch, seeing that it's almost six pm.

"Sorry I'm late." I bowed to the boss as I went to get my uniform on.

I tied my hair back and followed my boss.

"Some new stock just came in, can you stack them up for me?" she asked.

"Yes! I'll do my best!" I smiled, beginning to work right away.


Myungsoo's POV

"Buy me something from there."I ordered my driver as he parked outside the convienence store.

"Is there anything you would like to eat?" he asked.

"Anything." I said.

He quickly raced inside and bought a few snacks before coming out.

"Here you go sir." he said, handing me the bags of snacks.

The hours past and I watched her dusting, cleaning, brooming, stacking and serving different customers. Isn't she going to stop?

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost midnight. I was about to leave when she wallked out of the store. I was going to come and talk to her but she ran away quickly. Crap, did she see me? I followed her, but it turned out she was just running to...a bar?

I followed her inside and sat a few tables away from the bartendar. She was serving drinks and snacks.

"Ey, pretty lady." one of the drunk men came, trying to make a move on her.

Before I could interfere, she showed her finger, with our wedding ring on it.

"Sorry, you came too late." she smiled, pouring him a drink.

I sank a little into my chair. I can't believe what I'm even seeing.

I turned around and back to see Gayun no where in sight. Where the hell did she suddenly go? I tried looking for her, but it was no use.

I walked outside the bar and got back inside the car to see that the sun was beginning to rise. I told the driver to drive off before I saw Gayun's back. We slowed down and monitored her. I just wanted to make sure she got back home safely. Well, I thought she was going to go home.

She turned the corner and walked somewhere before walking out with stacks of newspaper and milk cartoons. She was handing them out to different houses.

"You can go first." I said, getting out of the car.

She then proceeded to a restaurant. What the hell? Does she do this everyday? I'm sure she doesnt, right?

I went back home, exhausted from just monitoring her. Is what Sunggyu said true? Did she work this hard because I was on the verge of being bankrupt?

I continued monitoring her the week, and turns out, the only time she had to herself was from 4.30, til to 6pm, before her next work started. How could she possibly rest in that amount of time?

The following week, as if Sunggyu's words were haunting me, an amount of money came through the bank on an anonymous name.


Your POV

I laid down onto my bed as I felt myself relax for a little. Finally, a weekend to myself.

I stretched, smiling as I finally felt my burden of the week being left behind me. I decided that I'm going to work even harder since there's no point staying a live for a short period of time and making no use of myself.

I went to the bathroom, cleaning up myself. I haven't been feeling too well lately. The coughs and noseblocks have bene attacking me, and it's hard for me to recover, since I rarely have any rest at all.

I tried to take painkillers and medicine when possible, but it still didn't seem to help  too much. I tried to take another painkiller, but it just irritated my throat even more. I lifted the lid of the toilet and embraced myself for what was to come next.

My chest was heaving and I was trying to take deep breaths, but something felt like it was clogging my lungs. I tried to swallow it down with some water, but that was no use, and it turned out to be even worse. I spittled some of the water, and tried to wipe my mouth clean, but the liquid was awfully thick. Well not that thick, but it was much thicker than water for sure.

i wiped my mouth, hoping it's okay, but I looked down, and my hand was filled with blood. I spluttered while trying to find a towel. I cleaned my face and laid back down on the bed.

What the hell just happened? I cleared my head a little and tried to sleep, I pulled the covers over me, but I was still too cold. In the end I just decided to turn on the heater and wear some warm clothes on.


a/n: hehe, please comment! :) thank you! i know it's been long since i've updated this fic, but i really wanted to finish my fic "our 69th date" before 2012 ends, but I'm having some troubles on it, so I thought I would update here! :D

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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T