Chapter 15


Your POV

"Where's the food?" I sighed, banging my head on the table.

Everyone in the restaurant was getting their share of food except us.

"Don't worry, it's alright!" Myungsoo said, twirling his wine.

"No it's not! We've been waiting for 2 hours with no food." I cried, my stomach crying as well.

Myungsoo just smiled and sipped some more wine. I fell asleep on the table, before being awoken by one of the workers.

"Sorry, we have to clean this table for now. Sorry for the delay, but we suddenly ran out of caviar, and couldn't get it until now." the worker bowed.

"Well I'm going to go home anyways." I said, getting my bag.

"Sorry ma'am, but you need to pay for the wine." he said.

"Uh, where's the guy that went with me?" I asked.

"Sorry, but he said there was something important so he already left." he smiled at me.

I looked into my bag to find my wallet, and there was nothing there. As if I forget my wallet, out of all things.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bring money with me, can I pay you tomorrow? I'll write down my number and address." I said.

"I'm afraid I can't do that ma'am." he said, bowing to me.

"Ah, well what do you want me to do then!?" I asked, enraged by the fact that he couldn't even wait for a few hours before i arrive back in the morning to pay for him.

"Is it okay if you sit over there for a while? We need to clean up the place before any customers come. I'll contact the manager about this matter." he said and walked off, cleaning the tables.

Stupid Myungsoo, being the usual stupid jerk that he is. I dialled his number countless times but he wouln't pick up.

The dim lights, that may as well not be there, in the restaurant lit up, focused on the stage. Some guy was playing the guitar, while I was stressing out, trying to call Myungsoo. His voice lit the entire restaurant. I placed my phone down and listened to the guy. His notes were perfect and his voice was harmonious. I was so entranced by him that I didn't realise that the worker was tapping me on my shoulder.

"Ma'am, the muscian offerred to pay for you." the same male worker said, urging me to come on stage.

"Well tell him thanks." I said, getting my stuff.

"Ma'am, shouldn't you show your appreciation?" he asked, pestering me to go on stage.

I rolled my eyes and went on stage.

"Yah, thanks for paying for me." I said and bowed.

"Is that all you're going to do for someone who did you such a massive favour?" the guy asked.

"It wasn't even that much, I'll pay you back if it means so much to you." I said.

"It's not that. I want you to do something for me." he said, placing his guitar down.

"What is it? Get it over and done with." I said, waiting for him.

His face was covered by the dim light as he turned around.

"Can you open that for me? I couldn't open it." He said, passing me a box.

"Really? You can't open this?" I asked, opening the box to see a diamond ring inside.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"What kind of girl wouldn't like a diamond ring? It's pretty." I said, looking at it and passed it to him.

"You can have it." he said.

"I'm sorry, but I'm taken already." I said, passing back the box to him.

"I guess I just have to do this the hard way." he said, taking his hat off and kneeled down infront of me.

The lights weren't dim anymore, they shone bright on him as he gazed towards me.

"Gayun-ah, will you marry me?" Myungsoo asked, looking at me.

"DING DING DING DING DING DING DING!!!" I shot up, smashing my hand on my alarm clock.

I smiled, thinking of the dream. Myungsoo and I were married because of our parent's business, but we never had a thing for each other. We lived through 2 years of torture with each other bickering non stop, before we suddenly changed. We became a couple instantly, and he "remarried" me, but this time round, we both voluntarily agreed to the marriage. That didn't last too long before we got to this stage.

How old is he to be playing these kind of corny games?

I walked out of my bedroom to see that Sunggyu's already left the couch. I walked out of the door to get the daily newspaper when I saw someone infront of Sunggyu's apartment.

"Pretty noona, who are you finding?" Sungyeol asked, opening the door.

"Is your brother inside?" she asked, giving Sungyeol a smile.

"Yeah he is, but he's taking a shower. Noona, you're really pretty!!" he said to her.

"I bet you say that to all noonas." she smiled, ruffling his hair.

I scanned her from head to toe. Her legs were long, even if she didn't wear heels, her hair was soft and silky, and her s-line was clearly visible.

Sunggyu quickly rushed out and pecked her on the lips before inviting her inside.

I walked back inside the apartment and sunk onto the couch. I sat where he sat yesterday. I looked at the photo frames of us on the shelves that were filled with books he told me to read.

I looked at the surroundings and realised, everything here has something related to Sunggyu. The only reason I ever felt lonely or sad, wasn't because Myungsoo wasn't there, it was because Sunggyu was gone. His presence was the only thing I needed, yet I lost it.

I sighed. it wasn't of disappointment, it was of relief. It's about time he found someone, and that I let go of him.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. It was hard to think of anything that i have that wasn't related to Sunggyu.

The shampoo I'm using was borrowed from Sunggyu last week. I sighed, putting away the shampoo after using it.

I dried my hair and went to pack up the stuff to make the place tidy. I looked at the clock that Sunggyu fixed for me and saw that I didn't have much time before I had to go and meet Myungsoo. Just the thought of seeing Myungsoo made me happy.

I went to my bedroom and took out the make up that seemed to be dusty. I looked in the mirror, how do I fix myself to seem acceptable? I wanted to make today memorable, a day where none of us can forget.

I placed on the false lashes before straightening my hair. I looked into my closet and found the pair of heels that I never wore. I tried it on and looked in the mirror. I guess I don't look too bad.

I found the beige dress that I longed to wear and placed it on. I smiled in the mirror, practicing to see whether I should be surprised or extremely happy when Myungsoo proposes.

I took my the same handbag that I've always been using and sprayed the perfume Sunggyu bought for me. I locked the door and found myself standing infront of Sunggyu's door. For some reason, I wanted Sunggyu to see that I'm beautiful too.

Sungyeol opened the door and allowed me inside.

"Pretty noona!!" Sungyeol said, moving his studies aside for me to sit.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just some maths stuff." he said.

"Ah, I see. Where's your brother?" I asked, looking around.

"He's still not back yet, but he'll be back soon." Sungyeol said and got back to work.

"Did you want me to help you?" I asked.

"Noona, why are you dressed up today?" he asked.

"I'm going on a date later." I smiled.

"Don't you like Hyung?" he asked.

"Noona and hyung are best friends, remember?" I asked, pinching his innocent cheeks.

"Of course, because you like me, don't you?" he winked.

I laughed and looked at him. When has this kid grown this tall? When has this kid turned out to be a man? What am I even doing here? Why am I toying around with his brother.

"Sungyeol-ah, let's take a selca yeah?" I asked, taking out my phone.

He smiled and the photo was taken.

"NOONA! I want to take one on my phone, so all the guys can be jealous!" he said and took out his own phone.

He smiled and was about to take a photo when I kissed him on the cheek.

"I guess that would be a good proof to your friends right?" I laughed.

"YES! THEY'LL BE SO JEALOUS!" He said and immediately placing the photo as his phone's wallpaper.

"Sungyeol-ah, noona has to go alright? See you later!" I said.

"Noona, come back safely." he smiled at me.

"Ah, Sungyeol-ah, thanks for calling me your pretty noona, you're a very handsome boy yourself." I smiled before walking out of his apartment.


Sunggyu's POV

I walked inside the building just to see Gayun walk out. I wanted to say hi but she walked away too fast. I sighed and continued walking.

Sunggyu-ah, what are you doing? Get a move on already! She's already back with someone, get a grip on yourself. I mentally said walked up to my apartment.


Your POV

I smiled and took a deep breath. I caught a cab and told the address to La Belle.


Myungsoo's POV

"Yah, kids, you got to behave yourselves alright?' I ordered the kids as they mucked around in the empty restaurant.


Myungsoo's son POV

After the witch talked to us, it seems as though my sister was happier. She was smiling alot more, and surprisngly, she agreed to dad's cheesy way of proposing.


Your POV

I arrived at the restaurant, and no one was inside.

I walked inside to see the children cutely dressed. I smiled and greeted them. I gave Myungsoo a hug and sat down.

The waiters brought out food this time, surprisingly.

I ate and looked at how happy the children were.

"Myungsoo, let's go for a dance." I said, forcing him on stage.

The restaurant played a soft melody as we glided on stage.

"Myungsoo, I'm really happy." I smiled, looking at him.

"Me too." he said, smiling, showing his pearly whites.

"It'd be great if I always feel this way." I said and leaned in and gave him a kiss.

I could hear the children making sounds in disgust.

I smiled and broke away.

"You can feel like this everyday." he said, and I knew what he was about to say next.

I was too nervous to continue listening.

"Myungsoo, hold on a sec. I need to use the restroom." I said and dashed downstage to get my handbag.


Myungsoo's son's POV

"She sure ruined the moment." I remarked, drinking my orange juice.

"Yah,yah,yah. It's all going to plan, just wait a little bit. I could totes see her blushing before!" dad said.

I rolled my eyes and went back to listening to music.


A/N: DUN DUN DUN~~ hhehehe that was irrelevant sound effects but ANYWAYS! I think I'm going to make this one have a happy ending :3 all my other stories have sad endings so far in my opinion so yeah haha

there's a foreshadow in here somewhere about what myungsoo is going to do, so if youre desperate to know, youll find the answer in herE! KEKE XD

anyways, anticipate the next chapter, it'll be the ending! :)) 

and thanks for giving love to this fic so far, i love yous! :L

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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T