Chapter 10


Your POV

After the "date" thing with Myungsoo, we began seeing each other a little more. First, it was things such as having coffee once a week, then it came to a point where we texted during work and called each other til late.

I quitted the job at the night bar and got some rest. The doctor said my health improved a little but everything comes with a price. Sunggyu hasn't been talking to me much, and Sungyeol was too busy with his studies. Sunggyu lied, saying he was working late hours and such, but I would catch him at a cafe or bookstore. I know he's avoiding me, and I wish he didn't. He must be hurting a lot, after all, we did have a thing back then, sorta.

I wanted to aprroach him, but there was no way, he would have his phone turned off or visiting friends when I want to hang out with him. I'm worried about him. I wish i could see him.

"Is there a cheaper way of treating this?" I asked the doctor.

"I'm sorry, but there isn't any that I know of. If you continue at this rate, I'm not sure if you'll be able to live that much longer.." he answered.

I blinked a few times, taking in the information. I just began making things up with Myungsoo though. And now I won't have much time left with him.

"Is the disease easily transmitted?"

"Well, it depends how careful you are. It shouldn't be too hard if you don't expose your wounds to others. But things like saliva and tears doesn't affect anyone. Although., milk affects the child." he said.

"I'm barren."

"Well that is just one less thing to worry about. Just be aware of your health and take a good rest. Be sure to take some medication at least. The pain's going to kick in soon." he said, pushing up his glasses.

"I see. Thank you." I said and walked out of his office.

I sighed. Where am I going to get that much money to supply daily medication, visits to the doctor, and money for vaccinations? I scanned through the isles of the convience store and took as many noodle packets as I could. At least this would get me through the month without wasting so much money. I got a few packs of udon and some meat. I smiled to myself, Myungsoo's coming today. It's been a while.

I walked out of the convenience store, happy with myself. Who needs medicine when you have ramen?

"Excuse me, but are you Gayun?" a guy in a black suit asked me.

"Oh, yeah, I am. Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." he said and grabbed firmly on my arm.

"Yah! What are you doing?" I screamed, squirming, trying to get out of his grip.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, as he squished me inside a vehicle.

"Shush it." another guy said.

"But I need to know where you're taking me!!" I screamed.

"TELL ME!" I screamed when they didn't reply.

One of them hit me in the head real hard and I fainted.

"Oww." I said, trying to rub my head.

"What the hell?" I screamed when I realised that I'm strapped on a chair.

"Are you always this noisy?" someone asked.

"What?" I asked, squinting my eyes, trying to see in the darkness.

The person a small lamp and it dimly lit the room.

"I don't know how he fell for you." a little girl said.

"What the hell are you on about? Did you get me here? Did you know that it's against the law to kidnap someone?" I asked.

"Ey, grandma, shut  it. You're so loud. Were you raised by apes?" she asked.

"Yah, just becauase you're a kid, I'm tolerating it. Who are your parents anyways? Allowing you to do these kind of things in broad daylight." I said, shaking my head.

I never knew that the young generation has changed this much. I never knew they would kidnap someone.

"Kim Myungsoo is my dad." she answered.

My mind went blank and I sank back in the seat, retreating from the tense position I was in before.

"Ah, hey." i said, after a while, "Did you need something from me?"

"Stay away from my dad." she ordered.

"Excuse me? Do you know who you are?" I asked.

"I do, I'm his daughter. Someone he brought to the world. Someone you couldn't give birth to." she said.

"Shut up you little brat! What would you know?" I screamed as she dug up my wounds.

"I know more than you think. I knoew that you were my dad's first wife, and he left you because you can't bear a child. i know that you're that anonymous person who sent my dad money when he was in need. I know that you and Sunggyu had a thing. I know that my dad got jealous of Sunggyu and you and fired him. I also know that you have aids, because of a guy by the name of Hoya. And the other thing I know is that my dad is going to have a date with you today." she said, twirling her hair innocently.

"So you kidnapped me here to tell me how much of a freaky stalker you are?" I asked.

"Oh, you shouldn't have praised me so much. I just did a little investigation. I wasn't stalking, I just have connection with a lot of people." she smiled.

"Well if that's it, then release me. I don't want to listen to your stupid talk anymore." I said, struggling uselessly.

"Oh, but I'm not done yet. What I wanted to talk to you with today is, the relationship between you and my dad. Back off from him." she  taunted.

"Yah, little kid. What makes you think I'm going to listen to your orders?" 

"Think about my dad. He has a company to take care of and two children who needs their father. What if you infect him with AIDS by accident? Can  you garuntee that you won't shed a single drop of blood when he's around? Are you sure that your nails might not slightly graze him by accident? Can you promise that you won't do anything ual with him?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Well, I, um, well, I.."

"See, you can't even say yes." she laughed.

"I know you miss him, and I know it's hard to stay away from your husband, but do it for him. What if he gets sick and uses the company's money to pay for the medication and we become bankrupt? What if he falls and leaves us behind? My brother is still in elementary school you know?" she asked.

"Okay, what if you do get back with him? What if he loves you again? What if you die and leave him behind? Would he want to leave with you? Would he leave us behind? Then what? Are you just going to let every down because of a stupid love?" she asked.

"You're too young to understand love." I said.

"I'm too young to understand love? Love is between two people, right?" she asked.

"Uh, y-yeah?"

"Then it shouldn't matter if Sunggyu gets hurt right? I mean, love is only between two people after all, so it shouldn't mean anything to you if you love my dad. I wonder how much it would hurt him if we took little Sungyeollie away from him?" she asked.

"You wouldn't dare." I gritted.

"Oh really? I have a few men waiting outside of Sungyeol's school right now. Oh look, it's not too long before he finishes school today." she said, tapping her watch.

"What's wrong with me comforting your father? If it wasn't for your of a mother, he wouldn't be left lonely and sad like this."

"Shouldn't it be your fault? You're the reason he had to find someone else. It's not my mother's fault that you were lacking." she said.

"And do you think I have the choice of being barren or not?" I screamed.

"I couldn't care less honestly. But all I'm saying is, get away from my dad, or not only will Sungyeol be hurt, but so will Sunggyu. Isn't it better for just you to be hurting rather than take away the  happiness of everyone else?" she asked.

"You need to be re-educated young women! That is not the way you speak to your elders!" I lectured.

"Will you stay away from my dad or not?" she asked.

"What if I don't?" I asked. 

Tch, two can play at this tough game.

"First, Sungyeol would be beaten, then I will take away that apartment you're living in, and all of your jobs. Then here is the big surprise, I'll tell Sunggyu and my dad about your condition. I wonder what they would do." she said.

"You little rascal, where did you learn these kind of bad things from?!" I sceamed.

"I wonder what I should do to Sunggyu. Do you think he would enjoy watching you getting beaten to death? Oooh, or you witnessing his death? Which is better?" she smiled crazily at me.

"Alright! Alright! I'll stay away from Myungsoo!" I cried.

"Oh, just in time. If you said that any later, my men would have attacked Sungyeol. I don't think you wouldn want that, right?" she asked and some people came in and untied me.

"I dare you to speak of this to anyone else. I won't be as nice the next time I catch you with my dad." she threatened.

"You mad child." I said, mumbling other incedent things as I walked out.

"I think it's best if you call my dad and cancel today's romantic date." she said, waving my phone.

"You kidnapped me and stole my belongings?"

"It's ringing." she said, passing me my phone.

"Ah, hey Myungsoo. It's me, I don't think I can make today's dinner. Sorry. I have to, er, work extra today. Maybe next time." I said quickly and hung up.

"Done." I said, glaring at her before storming my way out of the place.

As soon as I got out of te building, I ran for my life.

"Sungyeol, are you okay? Did anyone come?" I asked when I saw Sungyeol waiting at the school gates.

"Well no. I wish Sunggyu did though, it's so cold." he pouted.

"Oh, thank god." i smiled, hugging him tight.

In the distance, I could see a few men making their way to a few cars. I have never been so glad to see Sungyeol in my life.

"Ooh! Kim Sungyeol is getting lucky tonight!" some of his friends shouted and laughed.

"Noona, let's go." Sungyeol said, pushing me away from his friends.

"Sorry about that. They're going through puberty." he said, shaking his head.

"Ahaha, did you brag to them, saying that I'm your girlfriend again?" I laughed, ruffling his hair.

"Sungyeol oppa. This is, for you." a girl said and shoved a gift onto Sungyeol.

"Ey, what's this? Are you moving on from me?" I joked.

"Well, I am the best looking guy in school." He said, his hair.

"And so you left me?" I said, pretending to wipe away a tear.

"You'll always be number one in my heart noona." he winked.

"Gross." i shivered.

"OPEN IT! OPEN IT!!" I said, shaking him to open the present.

"Alright, alright. Calm down." he said, ripping open the present.

There was a blue jacket inside with a branded name.

"That's so cute." I smiled, wearing the jacket on for him.

"I could do it myself, but I guess if you love me that much." he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, what's this Sungyeol? Playing with noonas huh?" a guy said.

"Woohyun, go away." Sungyeol said seriously.

"Hey, I'm Woohyun, and I believe that you are the most beautiful woman I've seen." Sungyeol's friend said, holding out his hand.

"Hello, I'm Gayun. Nice to meet you young man." I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Would you like to get a coffee with me?" Woohyun asked.

"WOOHYUN! GO AWAY!" Sungyeol shrieked.

"Alright alright, calm down. Should have just said you had dibs." he said, winking to me before walking off to some girls.

"Your friend seems nice." I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Sunggyu asked.

"Oh, nothing.Hey, want to come over for dinner at my place?" I asked

"YES YES YES! I mean, if you really want, I can make some time for you." Sungyeol replied.

"This idiot." Sunggyu laughed, headlocking Sungyeol.

Sunggyu went to park the car while Sungyeol and I went upstairs first.

"Is this yours?" Sungyeol asked, holding up the bag of ramen I bought that was left infront of my room.

"Ah, yeah." I said.

Myungsoo's daughter must have left this here. I thought.

"So, who;s hungry?" I asked.

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Sungyeol screamed, racing to the couch.

I went to the kitchen and made a few dishes.

"Sorry if this isn't as fancy as you expected, but please enjoy." I smiled, presenting the brothers the plates of food.

They dug in happily and ate like cows.

"Not having some?" Sungyeol asked.

"I'm not hungry." I smiled.

I went to watch some telly, waiting for them to finish. My throat started to tickle and and I felt my chest closing in. I coughed a few times and raced to the toilet when I saw some blood.

"Are you alright in there?" Sunggyu asked.

"I'm alright." I said between coughs.

I coughed louder and the pain was unexplainable. I held onto my chest as I coughed louder. I felt cold and a headache is kicking in. I felt as if my muscles were turning into jelly. I collasped, sitting next to the toilet bowl, trying to catch my breath.

"Gayun! What's wrong?" Sunggyu asked, horrified when he broke in the bathroom.

"Noona! Are you bleeding?" Sungyeol asked, his big eyes going even bigger.

"I'm alright." I said, smiling.

My eyes were closing and I felt my head getting better from the headache. 


Sunggyu's POV

"I'm alright." she whispered on the hospital bed.

"No you're not." i sighed, holding onto her hand.

"Woah, what am I doing here?" she asked, shocked from seeing the hospital environment.

"You fainted in the bathroom before." I explained.

"Oh. Sorry I ruined your meal." she apologized.

I smiled her hair. Til the end, she's always considerate of others.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.


Your POV

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"AIDS, since when?" Sunggyu asked.


A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!

I wanted the fic to be only 10 chaps... but it's going for a bit more ;~;. promise it'll only last a few more chapters!!!! hehe okay. please enjoy and comment your thoughts!! :) thank you <3

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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T