Chapter 3


Your POV

I woke up to see myself all over Sunggyu. We were laying tangled on the couch and there was a spilled glass of wine with his shirt having an odd spot with a weird shade of colour compared to his entire shirt. I could feel that my hair is a bird nest and an aching headache.

"Ow.." I groaned and tried to sit up.

"Oh, you're up." Sunggyu said and woke up. Well I'm not so sure if he's woken or not, I can't tell if his eyes are open.(keke, sorry sunggyu <3)

"Sorry, did I do anything to you last night?" I asked him.

"No, don't worry about it." he smiled and helped me stand up.

"Crap, we're late." I said, looking at my phone.

"You can use the bathroom first, i'll go get a change of clothes." he said

I quickly raced the bathroom and rinsed my mouth with mouthwash and tried to redo my make up.

But how the hell do i change these clothes? I'll just have to wear these again I guess, I don't want to risk my job for a stupid change of clothes.

i walked out to see Sunggyu waiting outside.

"I'm sorry." I said and moved aside.

I raced out to find my heels quickly and placed them on.

"Hyung! Open the door! I need to get my bag!!" Sungyeol screamed, banging on the door.

I ran out and opened the door for him.

"Pretty noona is still here?" he asks, his large eyes looking at me.

"Yes, I was too tired last night, so I stayed here." I smiled, trying to not scare him with my morning face.

He nodded and ran past me to get his bag.

"Ready?" Sunggyu asks once we're all in the car.

We shouted a yes and he raced off.

"Hyung, did you get lucky last night with noona?" Sungyeol asked from the backseat.

"Kim Sungyeol, keep that mouth shut." Sunggyu said, holding tightly onto the steering wheel.

"Noona, did my scary hyung do anything to you? I can always beat him up for you!!" Sungyeol volunteered.

"Your hyung is a very nice man, you have to treat him well alright?" I smiled and turned around to face Sungyeol.

"He's only nice to pretty noonas, he's not nice to me." Sungyeol pouted.

"Alright Sungyeol, we're here, get out." Sunggyu said, fustrated at his younger brother.

I chuckled as the boy walked out and poked his tongue out at his brother.

"He's nothing like you." I laughed.

"Of course not. He's such a bother." Sunggyu said and shook his head.

"Where are your parents? How come you don't live with them?" I asked and he stayed silent.

"I didn't mean it as if I was nosy, I just wondered if I disturbed them or anything that's all, you don't have to tell me if you don't want." I said quickly.

"They died in a car accident when Sungyeol was only 2 and I was15." he said and parked in one of the company's parking spaces.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up." I said.

"No no, it's alright. Don't think too much into it." he smiled and walked me to the lift.

"Thank god we made it in time, with 5 minutes to spare." I smiled and my stomach rumbled.

"Whoops." I said and I knew I turned red.

Aish. I'm so embrassing.

"Don't worry about it." he smiled but his stomach growled too.

"Whoops." he said and we both laughed.

"Sorry I made you in a rush this morning." I said.

"It's alright." he smiled and walked away over to his desk.

"Yah, Mrs Kim, how come you didn't come in with Mr Kim today? Well, you came in with the other Mr Kim, but I mean Mr Kim Myungsoo. Where is he?" the others asked me.

"He should be in his office, I hope." I said and turned my computer on.

"But why didn't you come with your husband today? Did you two have a fight?" they asked.

"No no, I just went over to visit Sungyeol." I smiled and went back to typing the files that seemed to stack up magically on my desk.

"Miss Park, Mr Kim is waiting for you in his office." his secretary came and informed me.

I walked past her desk and stopped immediately. She is even wearing the same perfume he gave me.

"What perfume are you wearing?" I asked her.

"Channel no.5, Myungsoo got it for me, is there a problem?" she asked, filing her nails.

"No, it's just that he got me the same one for our 5th year anniversary last year." I said and walked past her.

Tch, that's right, in your face. There's nothing that I haven't experienced from Myungsoo that you have so don't you try and be a to me. I'm considered your sunbae here, wait what? Sunbae? In love? What?!

"Gayun, GAYUN!" Myungsoo screamed.

"Ah yes." I said, coming back from my trance.

"Where were you yesterday?" he asks.

"Once again, I remind you that we are on business grounds, please have the same attitude you would have to any other member of this workplace besides your indecent secretary." I said.

"Don't you dare call her that!" he said, slamming his hands on his desk.

"So what do you call a woman who steals another woman's husband then? An angel?" I snickered.

"You should be glad this office is sound proof." he said.

"Wouldn't you want the world to know about you two though?" I asked.

"Anyways, why did you call me in here? I have work to do." I said.

"I called you in here for you to tell me where you were last night." he asked.

"Did you forget we don't live together anymore? I was anywhere but that stupid house." I said.

"I didn't mean our house, I meant NaEun's house, why weren't you there? Who were you with?" he asked.

"First of all, it's your house, second of all, I can go wherever and be with whoever I want, and lastly, how would you know if I live with NaEun or not?" I asked.

"Because who else would you live with? I saw you walking to NaEun's workplace. But she said you weren't home yesterday, where were you?" he asked.

"I am nothing more but a worker here, if there is nothing professional to discuss, then I shall take my leave." I said and bowed.

"Get me the usual coffee." he said.

"I'm not your secretary." I said.

"I'm your boss, and this is a command, go get my coffee." he ordered and went back to work.

If he wasn't to be my boss, I would throw my heel in his face. I walked out and made him his stupid coffee.

I quickly ran downstairs to buy a few freshly made pretzels as well.

"Here." I said and placed the cup on his table.

"Wait, who are those for?" he asked, pointing at the bag of food.

"Someone, and that someone is not you." i said and walked out.

"Sunggyu-ssi, this is an apology for making you miss breakfast this morning." I smiled and placed the bag of pretzels on his desk.

"Thank you!" he smiled and indulged in them quickly.

"Gayun-ssi, please complete these for me." his secretary said and dumped a bunch of files on my desk.

"Isn' this your work though?" I asked, looking at the work she just gave me.

"Well, can't you just do it for me?" she said and strutted off.

"Are you really going to let her off like that? She's always doing those kind of things!" the others said.

"Nah, it's okay, I'm here to work anyways." I smiled and went back to work.

"Tada~" Sunggyu said and dangled a lunchbag infront of me.

"Hmm?" I asked, looking at him.

"Lunch! The others went already!" he said and gave me a pair of chopsticks.

"You really didn't have to." I said and looked at the bento he bought.

"You got me lunch last time, so it's only fair that I buy lunch for you this time. Now hurry up and eat it before I eat it all." he said and took out a sushi and dipped it in the soy sauce.

We ate and quickly went back to our usual selfs when we heard that the others were coming back.

"Wah, did you have sushi? Why didn't you give us some?" the others asked me.

"I didn't buy it!" I protested.

"Oh I get it, you and Mr Kim were having some fun time together!" the giggled and went back to work.

I popped a candy in my mouth. Is the smell that strong?

"Gayun, please come in." Myungsoo called me again.

"Yes sir." I smiled when I came in.

"Why were you eating with Mr No Eyes out there?" he asked.

"It's not Mr No Eyes, it's Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu." I said.

"I know my employees. Why were you eating with him?" he asked again.

"There is no logical reason for me to answer your question." I said.

"Yes there is, I'm your husband for crying out loud! You belong to me and you are under my control. You're just some woman, you need to listen to me! I'm your boss as well! This is why men are much more dominant, they know how to handle work, unlike you women who only know how to sell yourselves!" he said.

I was about to reply but he continued, "And that's not all. What does that no eye guy have that I don't? I have money, the looks, everything! Yet, you choose that kind of person? If you wer going to sell yourself, at least pick someone worth it," he said and walked over to me, "He has nothing, and you two look like such a pitiful couple. Don't you fear of shaming this company? Me? Our parents? But wait, someone like you, who sells themself to just anyone wouldn't know what shame is." he chuckled sarcastically.


Myungsoo's POV

I rolled my eyes at her and she seemed to be surprisingly calm.

Before i knew it, she blew up and slapped me across the face, twice.

"Did you just abuse me?" I screamed.

"The first one was for me, and the second was for Sunggyu! You ! I'm not your wife! All these times, you were the one who sold yourself, you were the one who suggested us to break up, and you think that you can still dominate me? That I still belong to you? You were husband, you used to love me, but look where I am now for believing that you still love me and still is my husband! If women sells themselves, then you may as well be considered as a woman! Do you think she loves you? Do you think she would actually last with you?" she asked and crossed her ams infront of her plump chests.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

" Only a blind and deaf man like you wouldn't know. After she bores you a child, then what? She can just leave you and take your money. Of course you wouldn't know this because you are oh so in love with her. You weren't even in love with me, if you were, you wouldn't have left. You think I want to be this way? You think that being barren is a thing to be proud of? You wouldn't know, because all you know is that men are much better than women, well why don't you try to be in my shoes for once then? And also, Sunggyu has everything you need to have, he has the personality any one would die for. He may not look as good as you or be as rich, but at least he knows how to treat me well. I'm not selling myself. I'm not even seeing him for crying out loud. I just wanted to a friend to talk to, just anyone, and I thought I could turn to my husband, but he obviously is too busy with his other lover. You know what's shameful? Not dating or even knowing Sunggyu, it's knowing that I once was your wife." she poked me hard on my shoulder with every word she said, as if she was piercing them into me.

"Now if there is nothing left and everything is hopefully cleared, I'll be leaving." she said and turned around to face the door.

"I know it's my fault, but you have to understand that I want to have a family too, I want to have a child to go home to as well." I said.


Your POV

"There could have been heaps of other ways to have a child. There's adoption, IVF, and heaps of other options. Just face it, you didn't want me anymore." I said and walked closer to the door.

"You can be as mean and hurt me as much as you want, but can you at least treat her well?" he requested.

"Her? By her do you mean your secretary? The one who made me lose the man that I love the most? The one who makes living harder than dying? Alright, I'll treat her well." I scoffed and walked out.

I've had enough of his stupid nonsense, what the hell is wrong with him? At first, I wanted to not make matters bigger than it already was, so i stayed quiet and kept calm about the situation, but now, it's just got way out of hand. Who does he think he is? He's just merely another person, I don't need to have someone with looks and money as a husband, I'm perfectly fine living by myself right?

I pressed print and went to wait at the printer.

"What's up?"Sunggyu asked.

"Just waiting at the printer, you?" I asked.

"You're too funny Gayun." he laughed and his eyes went back to slits.

"So, why did he call you in there again?" he asked while waiting for his to print.

"Just to give me some more work." I said and took my piece of paper.

"He's giving you way too much work lately, do you want me to help you?" he offered.

"Nah, it's alright, don't worry about it." I smiled and I went to Myungsoo's office.


Myungsoo's POV

She is right, I did hurt her a lot. There could have been so many ways to have a child, but I just left her. How could I? And why am I even getting jealous for? I'm the one who told her to leave, so shouldn't I be happy to get her off my back?

"Come in." I said to the person knocking on the door.

"Sir, I have something for you." Gayun said and placed a letter on my desk.

"What's this?" I asked while opening the letter.

"I refuse." I said simply and placed her letter of resignation back down.

"You have no right." she said.

"I'm the boss, I have every right." I said sternly.

"I am the employee, if I want to quit, I will quit." she said.

"And do you have reasons for leaving? Or is it for personal reasons? Aren't we on business land Mrs Kim?" I asked.

"I do have reasons, I believe that there is over work and injustice occuring at this workplace, verbal abuse by a member of this work place and also there is harrassment between me and the boss. That should be enough reasons. And it's Miss Park." she said and pushed the letter to me.

"Is this because of what I said earlier? Come on man, don't do this, just let it go this time? I mean, we have been together for how long? Are you really going to cut everything between us?" I asked.

"Yes. Even if we knew each other for 30 years I would still leave. Now please sign the letter, or do I have to bring this letter to Mr Kim, your father?" she challenged.

I hesistantly took out my pen and opened the lid. I tapped the pen on the table a few times, debating whether or not I should let her go.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked one last time.

"Yes."she said.

I guess this is karma. I did leave her, it's only fair that she does the same. I signed the paper and she bowed before walking out.

"It was a wonderful experience to be under your super vision sir. I'll leave first." she said and bowed again before walking out.

This really is it, she really left. She really did finally leave me. I never thought someone like her would leave me, I never thought that someone who loves me so much would atually leave me. Maybe it's because I always think that she'll never leave that God had to prove me wrong.

I held my head in fustration as I wondered if I really wanted to leave her because I love my secretary, or just the fact that my secretary can give me a child.


Your POV

"What are you doing?" Sunggyu asked me after everyone left.

"I'm packing." I smiled at him.

"But why are you taking all of your stuff today?" he asked.

"I quitted the job already." I said.

"What? Why would you do that? Do you know how hard it is to get a job at this kind of place? Are you out of your mind?!" he asked.

"No of course not, I just wanted a change." I said.

"Or an escape from him." he mumbled.

"Well anyways, if you don't work here, then where are you going to work?" he asked.

"I thought I could apply to work for a restaurant or maybe a cafe or something, and I can hire a cheap place to live at." I said and packed the last thing in; the photoframe of us.

I sighed and left the photoframe faced down.

"Let's go." i smiled and held my stuff.

"Wait, Gayun!" Myungsoo called out.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"Can you at least tell me where you're going to work?" he asked.

"I don't even have a job yet." I said.

"I'll meet you at the car park." Sunggyu said and walked off first.

"Please don't do this, can you rethink it?" he begged.

"I don't know why you're doing all these things,you left me and you want me back, are you bi polar? Whatever, I don't care anymore. I just know that I want to leave first." I said.

I turned and walked over to the lift.

"Why can't you just give me another chance? Why don't we try to work this out?" he asked.

"Because I'm tired. I want to move on, i want to have my own life. Don't worry, I'll tell Sunggyu to tell you my greetings. Maybe I'll come to visit once in a while. But for now, you're the last person I want to see." I said and walked inside the lift.

He followed in with me and we stood in silence as the lift was making it's way to the ground level.

"You really want to leave?" he asked.

"Yes, for the ten thousandth time." I said.

He leant in and gave me a kiss, pulling me to him, forcing me to not let go.

"You can't say that you didn't feel anything in that right?" he asked me.

"There wasn't anything. Please, from now on, don't do that to your other employees, even the ones who don't work for you anymore." I said and walked out to find Sunggyu.

I lied.

I lied to him.

Of course that kiss made me feel butterflies, it was like our first kiss all over again. But I need to start afresh, and telling him how I feel isn't the best way to start.


a/n: ANNYYYYEEEEOOONG!!hehe sorry for the late update~ but here it is :) hope you enjoy :D


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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T