Chapter 11


Your POV

"Don't worry about it." I said, smiling reassuringly to him.

"You want me not to worry about you?" He asked.

"Well no, it's not that, it's just that, I don't feel comfortable about talking about it."I said.

"Tell me whenever you're ready." he sighed, his shoulders falling slightly.

"ANYWAYS!! Open wide! The delicious aeroplane is coming!" he said, blowing onto the soup he prepared.


Sunggyu's POV

"Yah, what do I look like? Sungyeol?" she asked, glaring at me.

"Say ahhh!" I said, shoving the spoonful of soup in .

"Wah, if I knew you cooked this well, I would have asked you to cook for me everyday!" she laughed, snatching the soup from me.

I looked at my watch. He's late. Of course.

It must have been hard for her. She couldn't even tell me. She had to keep it all to herself.

I took out a wet wipe and dabbed her face. She was squirming so much in her sleep, repeating that she's alright. 

"Do I have something on my face?" she asked, looking at me with her big eyes.

"Yup. Those annoying eyes, nose, and mouth. So annoying." I laughed.

"Yah!" She laughed, hitting me playfully.


Your POV

"Gayun-ah! Are you alright?" Myungsoo asked, rushing to my bed.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked Myungsoo while looking at Sunggyu.

"I asked him to come here." Sunggyu said, walking out with his hands in his pockets.

I swear if Sunggyu whispered a word of me being sick to Myungsoo, I will kill him.

"Did Sunggyu say anything to you?" I asked nervously.

"He said you fainted when he was driving you to work." Myungsoo said, opening the packed dinner he brought me, setting the food on the table.

"Why didn't you call me to drive you to work?" he asked.

"Ah, Sunggyu lives closer, so I thought it was easier for him to take me instead of you." I said awkwardly, hoping I don't blow the cover.

"Well, did you want me to move in with you? You seem so weak." he said, my hair and checking my temperature.

"No! No! It's okay! I'm fine with living by myself." I said.

"Oh, don't be shy. We've lived together before." he smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Now, eat up!" he said, showing me the food.

"You made these didn't you?" I laughed, looking at the way he presented the food.

He made a heart shaped rice ball with meat and vegies, and soup, with a mini cake with "M&G forever" on it.

"What do you think? Is it good?" he asked, his eyes glimmering.

"Of course they are." I smiled, digging in.

Back then, Myungsoo would always cook for me, and never did I ever compliment his cooking, until now. I never realized how much I miss him and back then. It's sad to think of it as back then and not right now. I sighed, eating the rest of the food.

"I missed you." he smiled holding my hand all of a sudden.

"Myungsoo-ah." i began.

"No, listen to me this time. I know, you must have thought I moved on, didn't you? I'm sorry I ran away. All I ever wanted was to have a child of my own. All my friends had children to send off to school, and I didn't." he said, pausing for a moment.

"I'm, I'm so sorry." I said, feeling ashamed for bringing him so many problems.

"No. I'm sorry. I didn't think that if I wanted to have a child that much, you must want a child too. I didn't think that you must be the one in the most pain since you would be blaming yourself. After I left, I felt like I became a new person and I enjoyed the free life. I didn't have to come home early to cook or wash or clean. I could do anything anytime and anywhere. It was amazing for the first month or two. But then it got boring. Everyone had a home to go to at the end of the day. But you were and still is my home. I couldn't run back to you, because I know you must really hate me." he said, taking a breath before continuing, " She gave me two beautiful children, but.."


"But I wasn't satisfied. I wasn't happy after I had children of my own. The children whom carries my own blood. I never realised until I met you again, that if you weren't the mother of the child, I rather not have any children at all. I discovered that it was you all along who kept me happy. Without you, I was failing. My company was going bankrupt, and you were the only one who helped. Gayun, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have been clouded with unnecessary needs.

"Myungsoo, right now, I'm not the person you need. You need your children, and they need you." I said.

"No, I can't abandon you. i won't allow anyone to stop me from being with you. Gayun, I love you, I can't stop that." he said.

"I'm touched, but Myungsoo, your children are your first priority. "We" belong in the past." I convinced.

"You're right. We should probably take things slowly." he said.

"I think it's better if we don't interact as much anymore. I don't think it's appropriate." I said.

"We can take things slow, start over. Anything you want." he begged.

"Well you're on the right track, I guess." I sighed.


Myungsoo's POV

I cleared my throat, changing the topic, "You must be thirsty. How could I forget a drink?" I said, facepalming myself and evacuated from the hospital room.

"You got to be kidding me." I said when i saw the huge queue at the vending machines.

I quickly ran outside and got inside the nearest mini supermarket I could find.


Your POV

"Are you a goldfish?" someone asked.

"Well I don't think I am.." I replied.

"Crazy . Didn't I already tell you to stay away from my dad?" the same girl asked me.

"Yah, how old are you to be awake at this time, stalking me?" I asked.

"And how old are you to be seducing a married man with children?" she asked.

"Look, kid, I'm not going to fight you. You need to stop this alright? It's against the law!" I said.

"Don't you tell me what to do!" she exploded and began strangling me.

"Did you know that my dad never pays attention to me and my brother anymore because he's too busy with you? Do you know how painful it is to see your dad with another woman? Why are you even here? You should just die!!" she shrieked..



Myungsoo's POV

I dropped the bag of drinks and raced over to the hospital bed.

"Are you crazy? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I screamed at my daughter.

"Daddy, I'm saving you from this monster!" she retorted.

I slapped her across the face.

"You apologize right now." I gritted.

"WAE? I'm helping you for crying out loud!!" she cried.

"Save me from what?!"

"SHE HAS AIDS!" She screamed.


Your POV

I froze in my position as Myungsoo blinked a few times.

"Liar. Liar. You dirty little liar." he screamed at Sujung.

"How can I believe anything you say when I see you strangling her to death? What has she done to you?" Myungsoo asked, giving her his crazy death glare.

"Dad! How can you say that? You have to believe me! She's hazardous! You need to leave, right now." she said, pulling Myungsoo.

"Don't touch me." Myungsoo said, shaking her off him.

"Dad!!!" she cried, staring at him.

Her eyes were red from crying and she turned, racing out of the door.

"I'm sorry, she has a wild imagination." Myungsoo sighed, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, no, it's okay."  I said.

"Myungsoo, it's late, i think you should go home." I said.

"No. I'm going to stay here. I'm not leaving when my daiughter has that kind of temper. Who knows what she would do." he said.

"It's best if you go home and comfort her, you were a little harsh on her before." I said.

"No. I'm not going anywhere." he said, hugging onto my arm and closing his eyes, prenending not to hear me and fell asleep.


a/n: please comment!! :] I would like to improve the chapters for you guys! :D

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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T