Chapter 5


Your POV

I spent almost the entire day just for shopping for that damn wedding. If I'm going to go, I'm going to at least make myself look good and him regret leaving me right? Originally, I wanted to wear what I wore on our wedding, but then I don't think I want to ruin the dress, just in case anything happens.

I walked out of the plaza with hands full of shopping bags. I placed on my sunglasses and went to wait at the bus stop. As I stood, fiddling with my earphone, Myungsoo and her coincidently walk out, hand in hand. He opened the car door for her and went in to drive off. It's common courtesy for people to do that, but when I see him do it, there's just something. There isn't anger and there isn't jealousy, there's just an empty feeling. It feels so empty that I have allowed another woman to take my place. She stepped up to take my role as a wife because I was never able to be one.

He used to do those things for me too, hold my hand, open the door for me. But now, he's doing it for her. What did I do to be like this? Why do I have to have something wrong with me?

I shook the thoughts away and tried to concentrate on my music again. Why are you feeling pity for yourself? You have to feel angry! How are you going to face them tomorrow if all you're feeling is self pity? Self pity isn't going to get you any revenge, is it?

The bus arrived and I departed the plaza.

I arrived home an hour later and began to prepare dinner. I cooked his favourite tonight, udon and kimchi, and even a pot of ramen as well.  I popped open a soju bottle and poured it in one of the glasses I had lying around. The table looks so empty now. I never noticed my surroundings since I was too busy burrowing my head into work.

The table seemed so lonely compared to the other nights. The rounded table seemed to stretch on today. I ate in silence as I tried to force the happy images of us out of my head. But the more I try, the more it hurts. I just wish I could have someone to talk to, just one person who will understand me.

Sunggyu? I understand why he isn't here for me, he needs his job. He still has a brother to look after, I can't waste his time, and risk him losing his job as well.

I sighed and went to wash up. The place is dead quiet, so quiet I could even hear a pin drop. Usually, it would be filled with Myungsoo's laughter, when he makes a stupid joke, and me just telling him to shut up, but now, only the tap is on and the sound of the sponge scraping the plate can be heard.

I went to wash up, to get ready for tomorrow and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm. It was only 7.30, but I want to look perfect for today. I started off with a face mask and waxing any hair in odd places. I did my nails and then placed the dress on. It was a velvet red then went flowy all the way down to my ankles and it's chest area was intricately designed to make them look almost like roses while supporting my woman area.

I brushed my hair out and placed make up on. I looked in the mirror and didn't even realize that it was me. The person didn't seem like me. They seemed way too happy for someone who lost their husband to another woman. She smiled brilliantly and her hair was much longer than when she was left by her husband. I didn't want to address myself as I anymore, but to see myself as a completely different person. I've become skinnier and much more frail, not to the extent of being anorexic. I'm just not that chubby Gayun anymore.

I sighed and went to look for the clutch I bought. I left inside a picture of us and some money. I looked at the gift I got them; baby clothing and toys. I hope their children can use this, since ours can't. I touched the boy's blue onesie with the name James on it. Myungsoo always wanted to have our boy named James for some reason. I looked at the girl's onesie. He wanted us to have a girl first, so she could protect our son. But unfortunately, we weren't able to have any.

I held back the tears and told myself that I can get my revenge today, today is the day. I took a last look in the mirror before wearing on my heels and spraying on the perfume he likes best and walked out of the door.

Sunggyu was waiting downstairs in his car.

"Wow, you changed." he teased and drove off when I was inside.

"Gee thanks for the compliment." I said sarcastically.

"You do look beautiful today, probably even better than the bride." he said.

"But the bride can give birth." I said and looked out the window.

I don't know why I even try anymore. Why don't I just give up? I'm sick and tired of being a nice person when all these bad things always happen to me. What happened to 'good people get good consequences'? Even if I do good for other's sake, I always end up in a bad situation.

We arrived at the venue and Sunggyu went to park the car. I stood outside the place, shivering almost to death since the dress is strapless. Finally he came and linked arms with me.

"Are you ready to go in there? We can always turn back." he asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I smiled and thanked the guards for opening the doors for us.

We waited in the lift and it took us to the second floor. We both walked out to see a grand party was thrown for the wedding. Reporters were everywhere and the lovely couple was standing at the reception, next to their wedding portrait.

When we got married, we had a simple styled wedding. It was in his backyard and only a few close mates came over. He told me he hated grand weddings, and I went with his feelings, but here I am, witnessing his second wife getting this massive wedding.

"Mrs Kim is here!" one of the reporters exclaimed and pointed to me.

"It's Miss Park now idiot!" one of them said and smacked the first reporter's head.

The cameras were flashing at me and Sunggyu. I smiled at them and kept walking.

"I hope you two last forever and may you prosper in everything you do." I smiled and gave the present to them.

"I need to use the restroom, I'll meet you inside." Sunggyu whispered to me and walked inside.

"Thank you, and we hope the same for you two as well." his secretary smiled at me.

She didn't give me that kind of evil haha-i-won kind of smile it was a happy and genuine smile. I could feel my heart quaver a little at the two. I remembered when we used to be that kind of cute couple too. Yes, used to.

"No no, Sunggyu is just a friend." I smiled and was about to walk in when the reporters pulled me back.

"How about a photo with your ex husband and his new wife? Unless you're too jealous to take one, then that's okay." they said.

"Sure, why not." I smiled and went to stand next to his secretary.

"Can you please stand next to Mr Kim please." they asked.

I moved over to his side and showed a fake smile. He had his arm around my waist and I could feel my body stiffen. This was the exact pose that we had when we did the grand reception party for our wedding, just for the reporters. The memories are coming back, and if I don't lock them away soon, I'm afraid something bad might happen. I bowed to the reporters and was about to go inside when they began bombarding me with questions.

"How does it feel to see your husband moving on?"

"Didn't you cheat on him? How can you still look at him?"

"Where is the person you cheated with? Was it that guy before?"

"Do you want to take Mr Kim back now?"

"This is their wedding, not an interview. I don't think this is the appropriate time." I said, wanting to escape.

"Come on, just answer us, at least we won't have to write fake stuff on there." they persisted.

"Well, the person who was actually in the affair," I began but looked over to Myungsoo who had a begging look only I know of. He did this when he was begging me to lie to our parents about me being pregnant. How can I ruin them? How can I? I already know how it feels to have my happiness be taken away from me, how can I just take theirs away now? "The person who actually was in the affair was me, but everyone makes mistakes. We need to move on. I'm glad he moved on and I'm sorry for what I did and the trouble I caused him. The person I cheated with, well, he isn't here because we have ended it already. I prefer if Mr Kim and I stay the good friends that we are." I smiled, answering their questions.

I could see Myungsoo sighing and I bowed to them before quickly racing inside where there were no reporters allowed.

I went over to find Sunggyu but he seemed to must still be in the toilet. He walked out and came over to me.

"Did I miss anything?" he asked.

"Nothing at all." I smiled and he sat down next to me.

The bride and groom finally walked down the aisle. Their song played and they swayed to the music elegantly. I smiled at the two. I guess he needs to move on, no, I guess I need to move on. What is the point of trying to make someone love you when they don't? Slowly, other couples joined in with the two.

"May I have this dance?" Sunggyu asked, placing forward his hand.

"You sure can." I smiled and followed him to the dance floor.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" he leaned in to ask me.

"Of course I'm sure. Why would I go? The reporters are probably still out there, I don't want to cause any suspicion." I said and he spun me around before trying to catch my waist but someone else bet him to it.


Myungsoo's POV

"I guess it's alright if your ex husband dance with you right?" I smiled at her.

"Of course." She smiled, but I know that smile.

That fake smile she gave to our parents when they asked us when we're going to give the grandchildren. I wanted to wipe that smile off her face and just see her smile like before again. I wanted to see the smile she had when she sees me or the one she embarrassingly gives after I give her a kiss, but of course I can't give her a kiss now.

I wanted to talk to her, to catch up on her life. It's been so long since I've seen her that I don't even recognize her. She's paler, and much more fragile and much lighter as well. Her hair is longer, and it's back to it's original black now. She's even wearing the perfume I gave her.

The song ended and she was about to let go but I caught her hand.

"Is it okay if I dance with you for another song?" I asked.


Your POV

He flashed his pearly whites to me and there was no way I could say no. I nodded my head and he placed his arm on my waist again. No matter how upset I may be at him, I will never be able to resist him. All I want to do right now is to hug him tight and just never let go. I just want to rest my burden on him for a while.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I blamed you for having the affair?" he whispered.

"No. I already know that you need to have your reputation and you're having a new family. So it's alright." I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry, I really wish I could fix this some how. Just give me time." he said.

"There's nothing to fix, everything is already perfect. I already have Sunggyu and you're beginning a family, what is there to fix?" I asked.


Myungsoo's POV

"But didn't you say that you guys are just friends?" I asked.

"I just didn't want to involve Sunggyu in this." she said.

She really did move on. I never thought that she would, but because I always thought that way, she finally proved me wrong.

"I'm sorry for what I did." I said.

"There's no need to be sorry. Thanks to you, I finally realise how much I love Sunggyu. So thank you." she smiled to me, and this time, it was a genuine smile.

I could feel myself aching from her words. But aren't I the one who did this to myself? If I wasn't so selfish,then I wouldn't have lost her. It's all my damn fault.

"Well, I guess I better go find Sunggyu now. It was nice catching up with you again." she smiled and walked off once the song ended.

Looking at her back walk away reminds me of the day I told her to leave the house. The deflated shoulders and the head that seemed to have it's gaze glued to the floor.

"What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Nothing nothing, come on, let's go and greet the guests." I said and linked arms with her.


Your POV

"I had to go first, but I'll pick you up later?" Sunggyu asked me.

"No no, it's alright, I'll just catch a cab." I said.

"Oh, well stay safe alright? Call me when you get home." he said.

"Yes Grandpa." I laughed and turned off the phone.

I was about to open the backdoor to get inside the party again since it's freezing outside but someone covered my mouth and carried me away.

The last thing I remember was the driver cursing something and driving off. I sat up in the large room and held my head. What the hell. Why does this place seem so familiar?

I crawled my way onto the beige couch and tried to rest my head.

"You're awake now are you?" someone asked.

I squinted my eyes and turned over to the voice to see my parents.

"Mother. Father." I bowed quickly after I realize that I'm back at my own house.

"Is there a reason you called me?" I asked.

It was our rule in the family to talk to each other as almost strangers. We had to be extremely polite to each other and we could never speak casually ever. Which is why I hate visiting them.

"I guess you must have been watching the news lately to know to come to the wedding." father said.

"Yes, I have." I said.

"Then you shouldn't have come!" he screamed suddenly.

"But why father? I was just there to congratulate them!" I protested.

He slapped my hard on the face, and I knew a lecture was coming. I kneeled on my knees and got prepared.

"You should've heard how they said you were in an affair, and you even came there! What is wrong with you? Do you want to put more shame on our family?" he screamed.

"What if I wasn't in the affair?" I asked him.

I'm tired of pretending to be someone I'm not. I didn't do anything wrong here. Why am I the one with the trouble?

"Do you expect me to believe you? You're a woman. A woman is useless and are always telling lies. Why do you think I would believe you?" He asked and slapped my again.

"What if I told you he left me because I'm barren and made the whole situation up about me being the one in an affair?" I asked, standing up from my kneeling position.

"Don't you lie." he said and slapped my repeatedly a few times before my mother intervened.

I wiped the blood off my lip and cringed a little at the sting, but it wasn't too bad, I'm used to this kind of abuse anyways.

"And what if I told you that he had cheated with that woman at the wedding after he knew I was barren?" I asked, smirking to see his anger rise.

"Myungsoo isn't someone like that. Don't you dare disrespect your husband." he said and pushed me to the ground.

I used the couch as a support and stood up.

"And, here's the interesting bit, he told me to hide it from you that I was barren so you would stop pestering us about having a baby." I said and this time, his face turned red with rage and he pushed my hard onto the floor, making me body smash into the couch and slightly moved it from it's original position.

I tried to sit up but the pain in my back held me down.

"How dare you go cheat on your husband and then lie about all these things?" My father raged and kicked me hard in a few places.

The maids came over and helped my mother to calm my father away.

"Gayun, let's talk when your father calms down." she said to me, struggling to hold my dad back, but I know what she wanted to tell to me, to basically just run for my life.

I took my purse and bowed to him before staggering out the front door.

I looked at the time on my phone to see that it's already 11pm. The guards opened the door for me and I walked out, trying to figure a way to walk home rather than catch a cab. I don't want people to see me in this state. I remembered that my parent's house is near Myungsoo's place, and that his house is not too far from mine.

I tried to walk in the dark but my heels were creating blisters. I ended up walking without them and finally arrived at Myungsoo's house. I took a rest infront of the house and held onto my side, where my dad hurt me the most. I closed my eyes for a moment and took in a few deep breaths before making my way home. After an hour of walking, I made it back to my apartment.

I went and took a rest on the couch and just remembered Sunggyu told me to tell him when I'm home. I quickly texted him that I home and went back to resting.

Now no one really is on my side. How much longer can I pretend that Sunggyu is my lover before the secret gets out and Myungsoo tries to mend things and lose his secretary?

I sighed and took off the dress and looked at the bruises that are forming on my body. I went to wear on trackies and an old t-shirt on the couch I found and went to the bathroom to wash off my make up. It was smudged at there was dry blood sticking on my face. I cleaned the make up off carefully and then dabbed some medicine onto the wounds, restraining myself from making noises and waking the neighbours.

I limped to my bed and fell right into it. The soft comfy feeling calmed me a little from the shock of just what happened.

I turned off the lights but I still couldn't sleep.

I miss Myungsoo. When we were dancing, I had butterflies in my stomach, just like I did the first time we danced. His smile that i haven't seen in so long. I just hope that she would provide him what I couldn't.


a/n: greeetings!!!! here is my chapter udpate for you <3 PLEASE COMMENT <3

and also if some parts are kinda fast, sorry, i said that i wanted this fic to be just 5 fan fics, but it already reached that limit, so im going to make it less than ten, so i have to cut some stuff xDD haah yeah, so sorry!!!

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Chapter 16: Nice nice nice nice
Chapter 16: Kyaa! It was a good story but i thought she was going to dies of her illness. Dx it was good thoug author-nim
Chapter 16: wahhhh~ finished the story. but '^' that's not how I thought she would die. bleh, anyways GOOD JOB AUTHOR-NIM ;) *throws hearts*
Ppyongjiji #4
Chapter 16: ohohoho, this is my first time commenting here >.< GREAT story author nim >.< this is one of my favorite stories of all time *O* Definitely Love the plot,characters, and everything about your fic *O* . Author nim~ you.should.make.alternate.endings. and i mean ENDINGS with an "s" kekeke~ you should make a happy ending, and a really sad touching one. aigoo~ *my feels* I think the ending for this story..umm... didn't touch me that much? :/ I'm sorry author nim , i was expecting a more dramatic ending~ or maybe that's just me?? >.< But i would appreciate it if you do so~ *O* Thank you >.<
You really need to do an sequel or alternate ending to this. This ff is too good that it deserved a happy ending.
Chapter 16: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaay <//3 I really hope she lived though. Please do an alternate ending!!! please please please please please please please c: I beg you author-niiiiiim!!

Btw, new reader here ^.^ Keke. Greaaaaat story!!
jnly359 #7
Chapter 16: *sniff sniff* why? your endings always get me bawling. But they are so good. What an interesting ending to such a great story. Gayun life was so sad... can't wait for your other stories.
Chapter 16: Oh. Oh mah. Woah. That was so unexpected. omg you troooooollllllllll. But, I'm really gonna miss this story ;~; but, this fic was totes amazing <3 looking forward to your other stories~ hehe.
Chapter 16: I... I... I can't say anything... *speechless* *le cries* Why her life was so sad..
Chapter 16: FKJBDSGSHSHSHSH she died?!?!?!?!
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg why?!?!? T.T