Chapter 8

One Month (On Hiatus)




That’s what Ryeowook thought as the limousine to their car arrived into the lawn of the restaurant. It was such a breathtaking sight and you would want to look at it forever. She didn’t miss the fountain in the middle of the lawn. She didn’t miss the beautiful flower scattered everywhere. And she certainly didn’t miss the lights that shown the lawn itself. It was just beautiful and Ryeowook being Ryeowook just wants to run around the lawn. But being the daughter of one famous business man, she needs to take care of her composure.


“Come on princess”


Her brother Kibum said as he open the door for her. She gave him a smile before stepping out. And Ryeowook did realize that few of the people there were staring at her. Ryeowook didn’t mind. She was used to this. They were just surprise to see the children of Choi Siwon there, right?


She link her arm around Kibum’s as they made their way into the restaurant where they knew their father was waiting.


“Everyone is staring at you”


Kibum whispered and Ryeowook gave him a cute smile.


“No. They are staring at the Choi siblings. Because we are daddy’s children, they are surprise to see us”


Ryeowook answered back making Kibum gave her an are-you-certain-look.


“Do man stare at other man my dear princess? If I am right, those who are staring at ‘us’ are man not woman and I am certain man are not staring at me”


Kibum said his words full of sarcasm making Ryeowook snuck her tongue at him.


“Well, daddy’s and oppa’s  dear princess is just too beautiful tonight. Look at her”


Kibum was right. They were staring at her and Ryeowook knew that. But she just didn’t think she looks beautiful and she wonder why they were staring at her. She looks too ugly right now and she felt like disappearing.


But then, Ryeowook was wrong. She does look beautiful in the pink cocktail dress that revealed her shoulder and her legs. The dress was short and it reached till her thigh barely covering her legs. Her hair was tied into a fish tail with her fringe covering her forehead. She wore light make up with bits of eyeliner and blusher. That’s all it takes to make people stare at Choi Ryeowook.


She just didn’t know how beautiful she was.





To: Baby Hae

From: Sungminnie

Baby, what are you doing right now? Still busy with the set? Did that Cho thing hurt you in anyways? I will kill him if he does! Anyways, I miss you a lot. And I know tonight’s dinner is going boring~~


Sungmin punch in the keys of his phone before pushing it into his pocket when the car they were on drive into the lawn of the restaurant. Henry look at his hyung curiously.


“Yung, what were you doing?”
with his small mouth, he ask his brother. Sungmin gave him a cheeky smile before shooking his head.


“None of your business baby. Why don’t we go out now or appa will kill us”


Sungmin suggest trying to scare his little brother and the boy look at him horrified.


“Appa is going to kill us?”


Henry ask and Sungmin nod.


“Yup. Now let’s go”


Sungmin said stepping out. Henry followed him soon and he struggle down as his legs were small due to the fact he’s only 5 years old. besides, the tuxedo he’s wearing is a little too big for him.


“Want some help?”


Sungmin ask making Henry shook furiously. He jump down and almost stumble but then he remain his composure.


“No. Henry big”


Henry said boosting at his brother and Sungmin chuckle before closing the door.  His phone suddenly beep indicating he received a message. Slowly he took it out.


To: Sungminnie

From: Baby Hae

Minnie! I miss you too. I’m just trying to get my hair done before the next scene. And I’m fine, don’t worry.

Minnie you evil. It’s not Cho thing. It’s Cho Kyuhyun. Yeah, he’s fine to me. And he didn’t hurt me. He’s just being a brat he is like usually.

Have fun at the dinner. Got to go now, the PD is calling me. Love you~~


A smile was form when Sungmin finish reading the message from Donghae. She’s just so cute~~ and that is the reason why Sungmin loves her a lot.


“Yung! What is yung smiling at! Yung is scary”


Henry shout and Sungmin.


“I am? The hyung is the scary ghost that is going to haunt baby Henry”


Sungmin said as he ran for Henry who squeal and ran away from ‘ghost’ Sungmin, a huge smile plastered on his face.


Henry was just happy that his brother is playing with him. Sungmin is rarely at home and when he did, he is just sleeping around not caring about Henry who wants to play with him.


A loud squeal came from Henry when Sungmin caught him and twirl him around.


And when they were playing around…


They don’t care about their reputation….














Chapter 8 is up and there's Henry!! Yay!! and wow, he's Sungmin's brother... 5 year old Henry....

i have something to ask you guys... how do you put a background picture for a fic? how do you put a poster?

can someone help me.... thank you~~

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 13: Why is it in hiatus im really curious~~ pls update
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 10: Omo~~ not this.. t.T kyu will be soo sad
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 5: Lol sungmin n wookie fight over a shawl.. Anyway i wonder what shawl is @.@
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 1: Its interesting..~
Chapter 12: kyuwook and haemin please...
Chapter 13: i just found this story....n i just..... i hope sungmin will fix his problem.... i need he end with hae... n let wookie stay with kyu......ㅠㅠ update soon......
Chapter 13: omgaaaaah ;~~~~~; why is this on hiatus omg
come back soon T^T
fjsnfiksucoa minnieeeee and wookie omgg
ilurvewookie #8
Chapter 13: no
don't fall in love with wookie,...
she belong to kyuhyun!
Chapter 13: Awww... Kyu, come back soon... Wookie needs you.
Chapter 13: OMO!! Donghae and Kyuhyun... TT^TT What will happen to those two??
I love this story! Update soon author-nim!