Chapter 10

One Month (On Hiatus)


“Ryeowook, dear, listen to me”


Siwon begged when they reach home. What happen was something Ryeowook didn’t want to remember. She wish it never even happen. Marriage? Only with Kyuhyun…

“Princess, please listen to daddy”


Siwon begged when Ryeowook didn’t even listen to him and made her way to her room. Siwon was getting impatient the moment Ryeowook didn’t even respond to him.




Siwon shout as he pull his daughter’s arm making her face him. And he felt guilty the moment he saw her face. Tears were furiously sliding down her cheeks and somehow Siwon regret shouting at his dearest girl.


“What do you want daddy? Talk about the marriage?”


Ryeowook ask not caring to wipe the tears away. She didn’t need to when Siwon wipe them away.


“Princess, I’m really sorry. But please do this. for daddy”


Siwon whispered taking the girl in his arms but he was pushed away. Ryeowook glared at him.


“Daddy, I don’t love him. I love someone else daddy. My heart belongs to someone”


Ryeowook said as she sob violently, her body shaking.


“Ryeowook, I need you to this. it’s part of the promise that was made”


Siwon said crouching down to her eye level. Ryeowook push his hands away from her and glared even more at Siwon.


“Why do I need to suffer just because of that stupid promise!”


Ryeowook shout.


“Choi Ryeowook! Manners!”


Siwon shout back at her.




She shout before running off to her room slamming the door in a process. Siwon sigh before turning back to his son. Kibum frown at him.


“I agree with Wookie daddy. Why does Ryeowook needs to marry Sungmin when her heart belongs to somebody?”


Kibum ask making Siwon sigh once again.


“It’s because of the stupid promise your ancestors made that had both our family generation suffers”


Siwon muttered and close his eyes remembering the woman he love but he couldn’t reached. And that is all because of the stupid promise.


“Daddy, I’ll try and talk to Ryeowook”


Kibum said before going up to his sister’s room. When he was left alone, Siwon fell onto his knees sobbing silently.


I’m sorry baby but daddy needs to do this…. Daddy doesn’t want daddy’s girl to suffer… Daddy’s sorry…






Sungmin ignore the calls he got from Leeteuk.




He ignored him again.


“Park Sungmin!!”


Leeteuk shout even before Sungmin can slam the door shut. Sungmin glared at his father.




He shout back.


“I have never taught you to be such a disrespectful attitude”


Leeteuk said in an angry tone.


“Haven’t I’ve been a disrespectful child from the beginning!”


Sungmin shout back.


“Sungmin-ah, please don’t shout at your father”


Sora said as she and Henry made their way up the stairs. Sungmin glared at her sharply.


“Shut up!”


He shout making Sora wince slightly.


“Park Sungmin! Don’t you dare shout at your mother like that!”


Leeteyuk shout, pointing his index finger to Sungmin.


“She’s not my mother! And she will never be my mother!”


Sungmin shout, pulling Henry inside the room and slam the door shut.




Leeteuk shout and attempt to open the door but failed miserably.


“Oppa, he will calm down tomorrow”


Sora said as she back hug him.


“Why can’t that brat be respectful towards older”


Leeteuk grit his teeth.


“Teukie, you don’t know how he feels like. Why don’t you just leave him alone right now?”


Sora said making Leeteuk sigh before nodding, letting Sora pull him to their room.


If only Sungmin knows the truth….




Henry watch as his brother pace around the room, a frustrated look on his face. He tilt his head thinking on why Sungmin was just so angry just now. Was it because the beautiful noona needs to marry him? Henry thought.


“Yung, why is yung so angry?”


Henry ask and Sungmin stop before looking at Henry. His gaze soften as he look at his brother and he sat beside Henrt who hug him.


“Hyung is not angry. Hyung is fine”


Sungmin said and lay down on the bed, his lips left a small groan.


“Yung don’t be sad. Henry is here for yung”


Henry said smiling at Sungmin as he was trying to make Sungmin happy. Sungmin chuckle before nodding at his brother’s words.




Came a short reply from Sungmin as he felt himself getting into a deep slumber. Before darkness took over, he felt Henry’s lips on his cheeks.


“Saranghae hyung”


Henry whisper.


“Saranghae yung. Even if yung hates umma and Henry”




















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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 13: Why is it in hiatus im really curious~~ pls update
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 10: Omo~~ not this.. t.T kyu will be soo sad
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 5: Lol sungmin n wookie fight over a shawl.. Anyway i wonder what shawl is @.@
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 1: Its interesting..~
Chapter 12: kyuwook and haemin please...
Chapter 13: i just found this story....n i just..... i hope sungmin will fix his problem.... i need he end with hae... n let wookie stay with kyu......ㅠㅠ update soon......
Chapter 13: omgaaaaah ;~~~~~; why is this on hiatus omg
come back soon T^T
fjsnfiksucoa minnieeeee and wookie omgg
ilurvewookie #8
Chapter 13: no
don't fall in love with wookie,...
she belong to kyuhyun!
Chapter 13: Awww... Kyu, come back soon... Wookie needs you.
Chapter 13: OMO!! Donghae and Kyuhyun... TT^TT What will happen to those two??
I love this story! Update soon author-nim!