Chapter 4

One Month (On Hiatus)




“Sungmin, where are you?”


Donghae ask from the other side of the phone. Sungmin smile upon hearing Donghae's voice..


“I’m at the filming set. Thanks baby. You just saved my life just now”


He said and Donghae laugh.


“Isn’t it supposed to be the knight who save the princess not the other way round?”


Donghae teasingly said and this time Sungmin laugh.


“Yup, but right now the knight is in a really big trouble that the princess couldn’t help but saved the princess from the wrath of some fan girls the knight has”


They both laugh upon hearing Sungmin’s comment. Their little story of ‘The Knight and the princess’ is just like their real life.


“What are you doing babe?”


Sungmin ask.


“I’m bored~~”


Donghae whine and Sungmin chuckle slightly.


“Want to go somewhere right now?”


Sungmin ask.


“Really? Where?”


She ask in a really lively voice that Sungmin found it really cute. Donghae is really cute……


“To the mall. It’s been long since I buy something for me”


He answered and Donghae squeal.


“Sure! Minnie”


“Yes baby?”


“Can I bring someone with me?”


Sungmin raise an eyebrow and answered….


“Who baby?”


He ask.


“Kyuhyun. He doesn’t have anything to do and he’s alone. I don’t want to leave him alone…. Please Minnie~~”


Donghae begged and Sungmin sigh. He was such a loser to Donghae’s aegyo.




“Yay! Thank you Minnie! Meet you in a half an hour”


She said.






“I love you baby”


He was hoping the same answer. He heard a small laugh came from Donghae and it sound awfully beautiful to his ears.


“I love you Minnie… A lot”


And he close the caller id. Sungmin was curious about Kyuhyun and Donghae’s relationship. Is she cheating on him?




Is he doubting his girlfriend??









So... yeah... double update... read the before chapter first then this....

and i'm hoping for a few comments....



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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 13: Why is it in hiatus im really curious~~ pls update
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 10: Omo~~ not this.. t.T kyu will be soo sad
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 5: Lol sungmin n wookie fight over a shawl.. Anyway i wonder what shawl is @.@
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 1: Its interesting..~
Chapter 12: kyuwook and haemin please...
Chapter 13: i just found this story....n i just..... i hope sungmin will fix his problem.... i need he end with hae... n let wookie stay with kyu......ㅠㅠ update soon......
Chapter 13: omgaaaaah ;~~~~~; why is this on hiatus omg
come back soon T^T
fjsnfiksucoa minnieeeee and wookie omgg
ilurvewookie #8
Chapter 13: no
don't fall in love with wookie,...
she belong to kyuhyun!
Chapter 13: Awww... Kyu, come back soon... Wookie needs you.
Chapter 13: OMO!! Donghae and Kyuhyun... TT^TT What will happen to those two??
I love this story! Update soon author-nim!