
Ordinary Girl


Alexander sniffed again “My two babies grow up so fast”

“It’s okay mommy Alexander” I comforted him “You’ll always be our mommy we love!”

Alexander pouted before wrapping his arms tightly around me, refusing to let go

“gahh let goo! Oppa!! You’re messing up my dress!”

“oh right. You have to look pretty for your wedding day”

I smoothed my cream white dress, then let my fingers run over the fabric once more
I admired the glossy fabric and the tan color http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/10/42/5/1154/11547310/23faa338dd62c230_ivory_wedding_dress.jpg

“I can’t believe this is finally happening”

“Girl, you only had to wait a year to get married”

“Nuh uh! It’s been a year since he proposed but how long have we liked each other?!” I snapped in disbelief “I’ve been waiting for this for seven years already”

“tchh whatever. I just know you crushed Kevin’s fan’s dreams of marrying him, also your male fans’ dream of marrying you”

“I’m still young and attractive, I’m not going to lose all my fans”

“becoming a singer really boosted your confidence eh?”

“Knock knock!” familiar voices yelled outside my door

The door flung open and a group of boys piled into the room, pushing each other to pass the door

“Yah! I was here first!”

“YAH?? You said yah to me? CHUGELE?!” soohyun bursted “how can you yell that at your hyung?! dongho?!”

I found Dongho smirking as he cuddled right next to me “I can’t believe you chose kevin over me” he pouted

“quiet! Why are you all here?! You’re suppose to go to the church! Not here!” Panic began to set in “Ohmygosh! Wheres Unnie?! Bora unnie?! Soyu unnie!”

The sounds of my heels clacked as I paced around the room nervously “are they ready and prettied up!?”

“Stop panicking. You’re weddings going to be awesome” Dongho stated calmly with his arm slung on my shoulder

“OHMYGOSH!@#$%^*&” my voice echoed in the small room “GET TO THE CHURCH! NOW! GUYYSS!!”

“peace out man!” Alexander squealed

Kiseop held onto Kibum’s shoulders as they happily sang while they exited “K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”


Besides Dongho, there was another pair of arms squishing the life out of me“Oh my god man! Stop hugging me and help me!” I slapped Eli’s arm mercilessly

“ouchh! That hurts dude!”

“Don’t dude me! Carry my dress! I’m going to be late!”

“Someone’s pmsing” eli muttered

“OPPA! Are you really doing this now?? I’m letting off the hook today!”

“I’m soo glad I didn’t fall for you. You’re so snappy”

I let out a sigh of defeat

“Are you walking me down the aisle or not??! Hurry up!”

Eli smirked with satisfaction

My mother, after becoming a trainee, we haven’t talked to each other for a while

I would call her over the holidays and hope she’s well

My father was never by my side and so I can only ask one of the guys to take me

Immediately my mind yelled out Eli oppa

He was my father figure, the one who spoiled me but always cared about my safety first

Because I chose Eli oppa, Dongho and I got into a huge argument

“Dongho oppa! Help me to the car!!!”

“oh wait!” I yelped at the last second “grab my headband”

“awww how sweet. Kevin gave this to you didn’t he? Why is there tape all over it?” Eli asked

“Yeah it was the first headband he gave to me. Some things happened to it but it’s fine now”

Eli smirked in amazement “its fine? It’s only held together by tape”

“are we going or not?” Dongho glared

The two boys and I entered my white limo with pink daisies decorated on the outside

Heyyy a celebrity gotta go all out on their big day

My limo stopped infront of the church and as I got out of the car numerous reporters surrounded the premises

“why are you and Kevin marrying all of a sudden? Many fans are shocked because this wedding has not been publicized until last week. No one had a clue you guys were dating. How did you do it?” an interviewer shoved a microphone to my face

Eli politely pushed the mic away and we continued up the stairs

From there I could hear a woman report “Many are shocked but are happily congratulating a new couple, Krystal and Kevin, who are both popular idols. We have looked into their story and found that they’ve known each other about 7 or 8 years ago, before Krystal even made her debut as a singer. In fact it is made known that Kevin was the one who influenced her to join the music industry. Here behind me, we can see Krystal entering the church, we can all see that she a beautiful bride. Kevin is a lucky man. Everyone here from Seoul news congratulates the new loving Woo couple”

I grinned in satisfaction

“heard that? You guys sure are getting a lot of attention” Eli smirked

“when you get married it’ll be the same. You’ll crush many girls’ hearts with that handsome face of yours”

“shush. Are you ready? I’m going to tell them to open the door” Eli hushed

My heart began to pound as I stood there nervously someone handed me my bouquet of pink daisies

 I listened to the creaks of the heavy doors open

As the wooden doors parted, I could see friends and loved ones rise from their seats and when I looked straight ahead

There he was…He stood there with a silly smile planted on his face

Kevin was so handsome, I was already getting jealous over girls would be staring at his beautiful face today

His tall stature made him look even more handsome in that black suit of his http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/70328_100000947134078_4012457_n.jpg


I watched intently as the words formed at the edge of his lips “I do”

I smiled, I’m the happiest person in the world right now


A/N: aghhh sorry for not updateing in so long! So much hw for school

i apologize this chapter isnt even really that great but i still hope you enjoyed reading it
COmments please <33

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 53: This was so nice I loved it !!!!!
this is nice! ^^
awww i totally forgot to talk about Jason in the last chappie!
but he would continue being one of Krystal's best friend and get married someday to a pretty idol ;)
Hmmmm.... what happened to Jason????? Where'd he go?
tifftiff233 #5
Aww! I really enjoyed this! Thank you! \(^_^)/
yoseoblove #6
looks interesting ^^
My first comment is that, Kris is stubborn headed, air headed, annoying, too annoying, making me feel like punching her, There.
Nice stoooooory
lov4ever #10
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥