Debut day

Ordinary Girl


As the months passed I worked as a backup dancer for SISTAR, KWILL, and BOYFRIEND

Everytime we arrived at a TV or Music station I really wished I could be lucky enough to see them again

But I guess I’ll just have to wait


It’s been about 2 years after I first started training

I’ve been through pure agony and experienced being backstabbed by other trainees

That’s the way the entertainment business works

What others told me was correct, it’s the loneliest path we could possibly take

But NOTHING, nothing can stop me from debuting

“Well we always thought you were good enough. So you will debut as a soloist under your real name KRYSTAL”

“Me?! I’m really going to debut right?!”

“Yes you are, even if you hurt your ankle you’re debuting for sure”

“kyaa! Thank you Boss!”


“My little baby has grown up” Youngmin faked a sniff

“oppa! Can you believe it!? Im debuting soon!”

“Congratulations” Hyunseong chimed

Donghyun patted my head “they grow up so fast”

“Good job. I guess we’ll see you around a lot then. Right?” Kwangmin smiled warmly

“Of course! Kwangmin oppa!”

“Wahh I wont see you as often anymore” Minwoo whined

“No way! I’ll see you guys a lot and we still live next to each other”

Minwoo threw in a hug “But still…We don’t get to play around and dance together anymore”

“yeah I’ll miss practicing with you Minwoo oppa”

I just wish Ukiss could have celebrated this with me


 And so I’m standing on the stage here today

Smiling at the crowd as my heart raced wildly

I’ve been waiting so long for this one moment

Well sorta…it’s still rehearsal time before the real stage

“PD-Nim I cant see anything the light is too bright!” my manager yelled out

“Hwaiting!” The twins and Minwoo yelled out

I waved nervously from the stage then waited for the music to start

1 and 2 …4..5 oh shoot was it that step? Or the other one?

“KRYSTAL!” My choreographer shouted

“huh? KYAAA”

I laid flat on my back and felt the pain serge through my body

What did I slip on?! AIR?!?! UGHHH IM SUCH A DUMMY!

Others rushed over and they paused the music

“Krystal! You alright?!” Youngmin oppa asked me

Minwoo asked concerned “does it hurt a lot?”

“My back hurts…can someone help me up?”

Kwangmin immediately pulled my arms over his shoulder while others helped him left me onto his back

“I’m sorry”

“Kris what are you sorry for?”

“I don’t know…Kwangmin oppa. I was suppose to debut today and now look at me…Why does something like this always happen to me”

“Don’t worry you still have a couple hours before the real recording. Also when we first made out debut I made a mistake… I was so angry with myself I wish I could have went back in time to change it. Even though it might not be the best performance you ever put on it’s not going to be the last. Trust me”

Kwangmin sat me down on the couch in my waiting room

“Now look at me and show me that excited look you had on for the past few days”

I lifted the corners of my mouth then faked a smile

“Is that the best you can do?! That’s pathetic!”

“oppa! You’re such a meanie!”

“okay little baby lay on your stomach so Doctor Kwangmin and Minwoo can make your back feel better”

“massage me but don’t you dare sit on me!” I said hiding my face into my elbow

I heard quiet mumbles then it went silent

“oppa gahhh! I said don’t sit on me!”

“guess whoo~”

“you’re not Kwangmin oppa…”

“that’s why I said guess who Woman!”

“aghh! Move your hand already whoever you are!”

“Owww!” I squealed “why slap my head!”

The person finally removed their hands and I opened my eyes and let out the worlds loudest scream that possibly could be heard around the world

“scared me” I said backing away from Kevin’s face who was centimeters away from mine

“KEVIN?" Happy tears rushed out of my eyes "KEVVVIIINNNN!!!”

“Hey! What about my hug!” that voice said again

“Alexander oppa!!” I pouted “why hit me! Huh!! Why!!”

I threw random slaps at him

“WE’RE HERE!” Eli announced from the door

I could blow my voicebox and not care


My boys are here!!

“aigoo my back”

“what’s wrong with your back?”

“I fell earlier but its fine”

“Krystal!! Time for you to rehearse one more time” My manager yelled out

“I’m coming oppa!”

“I’m sorry guys I have to talk to you later”

Ahhh theres so much I want to tell Kevin once I’m done


The music started and looked to the side for some support from at least one person

However my heart sank and I tried not to look at them

Kevin was kissing another girl


A/N: gahhhh Ukiss is back hehehe
COmments please! <33

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 53: This was so nice I loved it !!!!!
this is nice! ^^
awww i totally forgot to talk about Jason in the last chappie!
but he would continue being one of Krystal's best friend and get married someday to a pretty idol ;)
Hmmmm.... what happened to Jason????? Where'd he go?
tifftiff233 #5
Aww! I really enjoyed this! Thank you! \(^_^)/
yoseoblove #6
looks interesting ^^
My first comment is that, Kris is stubborn headed, air headed, annoying, too annoying, making me feel like punching her, There.
Nice stoooooory
lov4ever #10
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥