Chapter 3

Dirty,Rich and Spoiled

“Ah! I am hungry.” Yunho said as he got up from his sitting position. He went towards the kitchen to find something to eat. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.”

“What? What the hell happened?”” Jaejoong came running towards the kitchen hearing Yunho’s bloodcurdling scream.

“We don’t have any food.” Yunho said panic stricken.

“What?” Jaejoong asked thinking he heard wrong.

‘Was the great Yunho shouting because they didn’t have food?’

“We don’t have food.” Yunho repeated.

“Oh! My god! You were screaming because of it?” Jaejoong asked as he suppressed his laughter.

“Yah! Why are you laughing? We could die of hunger do you know that?”

“Very funny, Yunho.” He said as he pushed Yunho out of the way to check. The cabinets were empty and the fridge too. “Hmm.”


“By any chance did you bring some money with you?”

“Yeah. I brought some.”

“Ok how much do you have?”

“Why? Use your own money if you want to order.” Yunho said childishly.

“I have money too but I don’t have enough to buy groceries for a month. Do you understand, dumb?” Jae asked placing a hand to his hip and standing like a Diva.


“Yeah, Oh!” Jaejoong mimicked Yunho.

“I guess but who is going to cook?”

“I am you stupid.”

“Ah! So you can- what? Stupid.”

“Uff.” Jae face palmed himself. “You are really stupid. Will you just hand over the money?”

“Why? I am going with you. What if you run away with it?”

‘Was Yunho really that stupid?”

“Whatever stupid.” Jaejoong answered before walking towards the main door. Yunho followed him, grabbing a coat before walking out the doors.

They reached the groceries without fighting. They even agreed in taking Yunho’s car. As they were getting out of the vehicle, something interesting caught Jaejoong’s eye. He looked at it thinking then he turned to where Yunho was waiting for him.

“Um so you know I have never bought groceries.” Yunho said as he turned the other way so that Jaejoong couldn’t see his red face.

“Its all right this is my first time too.” Jae said as he went towards the food section. Jae picked up everything they needed and which could remain fresh for a month.

“Um Jae?” Yunho called.

“Yes?” Jaejoong questioned without turning. He was his enemy after all.

“I am hungry.” Jaejoong turned back and saw Yunho playing with his finger.

“I’ll shop and you go have something. I’ll wait at the car.” With that he went towards the diary products and soon enough Yunho couldn’t see him.

“I guess I’ll have to go alone and anyway I don’t need him.” Yunho said as he left to go find someplace to eat. He saw a café and entered it immediately being welcomed by a sweet smell of coffee and pastries.

“I could grab something and have Jaejoong’s food for the main course.” Yunho thought as he ordered a coffee and a pastry.

As he was finishing up and paying for the snack he thought about taking some to Jaejoong.

“Aish! What am I even thinking? I hate him and I don’t need to take him anything. He can feed himself. This is all because of that incident.” Yunho thought, scolding himself and reminding himself that he was Jaejoong’s enemy but at the same time he blushed imagining the incident.

In another place:

“Aish! That Jung Yunho is really taking his time.” Jaejoong was angry. No he was beyond angry, he was furious. He had been waiting for Yunho for three hours. Yunho sure was taking his time. It was cold and he wasn’t even wearing a coat or any warm cloths. He was beginning to be afraid. Drunk people passed by him and some even tried to hit on him.

A hand grabbed his shoulder. Jae froze.

“I am so sorry.” Yunho said. Jaejoong sighed in relief but he not for long as his anger rose.

“What took you so long, bastard?” Jaejoong saw Yunho’s expression go from guilt to shock and finally it settled in anger.

“Be thankful that I even came.” Yunho was angry.

“Oh yeah.”

“Yeah and to think I brought this for you.” Yunho the box of pastry into Jaejoong’s hand. “And yeah find a ride.” He said before walking off. Jae was too shocked to even register what happened and finally when he came to his senses Yunho was driving away in his car.

‘What was I even thinking buying that brat snacks?’

‘Why is he acting strange? He never brought anything for me then why now?’


He watched as his boyfriend kept on flirting with a girl. He wouldn’t cheat. Would he? The simple touch began to turn into groping. He saw how his boyfriend had started opening the girl’s bra. He felt the urge to puke and when his boyfriend had started to open his pants he ran to the bathroom puking his guts out.

Junsu woke with a start. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered his dream. No it wasn’t a dream. It was a replay of his worst nightmare. He had thought his boyfriend loved but-----

His phone suddenly started to ring. He grabbed his phone off his table and looked at the caller’s id.

“Kyuhyun?” he raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

“Have you heard from Jaejoong?”

“Who is this?” Junsu asked. The voice wasn’t Kyunhyun’s.

“Hey it me hyung, Kyu and have you heard from Jae?”

“Why? And who was the one who spoke earlier?”

“It was Yunho hyung and For your other question he left Jae hyung before the supermarket and Jae hyung haven’t arrived in the house and he came over here searching for him. So have you heard anything or has he called you?”

“Junsu who is it?” The person beside him asked.

“Hmm no one. Hey I----“

“I got it. You have finally got yourself a catch. All right, sorry for disturbing. I am hanging up see you tomorrow.” Kyuhyun quickly hanged up.

“Kyu?” Junsu called as he was cut off by his friend.

“Kyu? Why is he calling now?” the person sat up rubbing his eyes. He looked cute, Junsu thought.

“Nothing. It seems they were searching for you.” He smiled at the angel as he Jaejoong’s face. “Let’s sleep.” He pushed Jae by his waist.

“Ok. But are you sure I mean if they ar------------“  he was caught off by a finger in his lips.

“Let him suffer. After all he left you.”

“Yeah I guess.” Jaejoong yawned and let sleep overtake him as he slept in his friends embrace.


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Chapter 18: OMG!! This happens a lot with me..... Dreams like these after reading some fanfics.. Some were really scary I must say... This fic confusing yet interesting coz I have experienced it myself.. Love it :-)
nksabrina2112 #2
Chapter 18: Wat the heck did i just read
MissEztie #3
Chapter 18: I'm very confused in the end. So that's just Changmin dream's ? Not happening in real live ?
Chapter 18: wow great...
Chapter 18: the whole thing from the start was a dream?thank god,at least yun is not a criminal!!
samirajoon #6
Chapter 18: yeah.i guess we all were in mistake
samirajoon #7
Chapter 17: hey whay happened to kyuhyunnie?i thought that changmin got a shot
samirajoon #8
Chapter 15: oh god no plzzzzzzzz.why yun did it?why?
changminizer21 #9
Chapter 18: the last chapter doesn't make sense >____> but it is a fun plot and storyline.
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 18: Hahahahaha this was the most confusing and entertaining story I have ever read. Thank you.