Broken Friendship

Dirty,Rich and Spoiled


Hi everyone. I know you all must be suprised that I updated and I am so happy because I found this chapter on my sister's laptop so I updated it and also everyone I have started a new fic till my laptop is all right so please love it it is called: Love, Friendship and Complication. Please comment and Subscribe my other story. It has a lot of Pairing.



As the school ended that day many things had taken place. Yunho had beaten up two students because he thought they were flirting with Jaejoong.  Junsu had nearly had a heart attack seeing Yoochun in their school. Kyuhyun had called sick and went home early without informing his friends. Jaejoong was angry because he didn’t have any one to whine to. Junsu was sulking and keeping to himself and Kyuhyun wasn’t there. Yunho was in detention so he had to wait for him, Yoochun was clingy and Changmin was irritatingly questioning about Kyuhyun.

“I Don’t Know.” Jaejoong shouted making all the students to turn towards him. The Librarian looked at him coldly and pointed towards the door.

“Gladly.” Jaejoong said as he packed up his belongings and walked towards the door with Junsu tagging along.

“Today is the worst day of my life.” Jaejoong said almost immediately the moment they were out of the door. Junsu nodded in agreement. Today was the worst day.

“By the way do you know where Kyuhyun went off to?” Junsu questioned.

“I don’t know and if I meet him again I am going to beat the crap out of him.” Jaejoong answered clenching his fist. They were best friends who were supposed to wait for each other.

“I think……………….” Junsu had just started when Jaejoong’s phone went off.

“Hello?” Jaejoong greeted.

“Jaejoong thank god you picked up. Kyuhyun he came home stating that he was sick and………………………….” Kyuhyun mother began.

“Is he okay?” Jaejoong questioned.

“That is the reason I called. He has locked himself in his room and has been crying ever since he returned.” Kyuhyun’s mom said in a worried voice.

“I am coming over aunty.” Jaejoong said.

“Thank you Jaejoong. I knew I could count on you.” Kyuhyun’s mother hanged up.

“Hyung what’s up?” Junsu asked.

“Kyuhyun is sick.” Jaejoong informed his best friend as he put his phone back in his pocket.

“Is he all right?” Junsu was now worried.

“No, he has been crying inside his room. We should hurry.”

“What about him?”

“He can take care of himself. Kyuhyun needs us more.” Jaejoong said as he entered his car.

“Hyung I think you ought to know something.” Junsu said silently as they we driving towards Kyuhyun’s house.

“Later.” Jaejoong replied as he turned round the corner to Kyuhyun’s house.

“It is kind of important.”Junsu said almost silently.

Jaejoong entered the house without knocking and acknowledging anyone. He directly ran upstairs and stopped at Kyuhyun’s door. Junsu lazily followed behind.

“Kyu it is me Jae. Open up.” Jaejoong shouted banging at the door. There was some rustling inside and the door opened to reveal a teary eyed Kyuhyun.

‘Hyung’ was the only word that left Kyuhyun’s mouth as he suddenly hugged both Junsu and Jaejoong.

Kyuhyun had been crying for hours now and they didn’t interrupt him. Junsu was calm but Jaejoong was getting impatient. After a while when Kyuhyun had stopped a little Jaejoong began questioning. At first Kyuhyun seemed hesitant but Jaejoong constant questioning made him speak up.

“Hyungs I have been hiding something from you. I am dating.” Kyuhyun said quietly. Junsu knew this was going to happen someday or another. He just hadn’t expected it to be this soon.

“Who?” Jaejoong seemed excited.

“Changmin.” It was barely a whisper but Jaejoong heard it clearly. His arms left Kyuhyun’s body and he looked deep into his eyes.

“Changmin as in Shim Changmin, Yunho’s friend.” Jaejoong’s voice opened up in volume.

“Jae…….” Junsu nudged him.

“Answer me Kyuhyun.” Jaejoong was now definitely mad. Kyuhyun’s tear started to flow and he nodded.

“What the hell were you thinking? Since when?” Jaejoong questioned. He was pacing.

“6 months.”

“Are you ing kidding me?” Jaejoong clutched onto Kyuhyun’s shirt and Pulled him up the other though far more strong couldn’t do anything.

“Jaejoong enough.” Junsu pushed away Jaejoong’s hand and let Kyuhyun settle onto his arm.

“Junsu he is with an enemy. He is a traitor.” Jaejoong shouted. Kyuhyun’s eyes opened wide at being called a traitor.

“He isn’t because I already knew about their relationship.”  Kyuhyun was now definitely shocked.


“I knew about their relationship.”

“You too?” It hurt Junsu but he had to protect Kyuhyun.

“Jaejoong I have to say something. I am giving Yoochun a chance and maybe we will be getting back together.” Junsu dropped the bomb.

“You all are traitors.” Jaejoong shouted as tears formed in his eyes. Junsu was enraged now.

“How are we traitors. You are the one who is their enemy not us. This isn’t just about you.” Junsu said. The three froze. The first one to move was Jaejoong. He walked up to them and slapped Junsu.

“This is about me.” He snapped the bracelet that was in his hand. It was a sign of their friendship. “I don’t need people like you.” And then he walked away

“Hyung………………” Kyuhyun started but was stopped by Junsu.

“Let him go. He doesn’t understand.” Junsu replied trying hard to swallow back the tear that was threatening to fall from his eyes.

“Hyung you shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s okay. He needs to understand.” Junsu said quietly.

Jaejoong needed to understand that everything wouldn’t be as he thought. He needed to come to his senses.

“Hyung I am leaving.” Kyuhyun said quietly as they were lying down in his bed. Junsu looked towards him.

“I am going to Jeju Island for some time.”

“I guess it was predictable.” Junsu sighed before he drifted into dreamland……………..   


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Chapter 18: OMG!! This happens a lot with me..... Dreams like these after reading some fanfics.. Some were really scary I must say... This fic confusing yet interesting coz I have experienced it myself.. Love it :-)
nksabrina2112 #2
Chapter 18: Wat the heck did i just read
MissEztie #3
Chapter 18: I'm very confused in the end. So that's just Changmin dream's ? Not happening in real live ?
Chapter 18: wow great...
Chapter 18: the whole thing from the start was a dream?thank god,at least yun is not a criminal!!
samirajoon #6
Chapter 18: yeah.i guess we all were in mistake
samirajoon #7
Chapter 17: hey whay happened to kyuhyunnie?i thought that changmin got a shot
samirajoon #8
Chapter 15: oh god no plzzzzzzzz.why yun did it?why?
changminizer21 #9
Chapter 18: the last chapter doesn't make sense >____> but it is a fun plot and storyline.
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 18: Hahahahaha this was the most confusing and entertaining story I have ever read. Thank you.