
Dirty,Rich and Spoiled

“What do you mean ‘enemy’?” Yoochun asked as he held a teary eyed Junsu in his arms.

“He just said they were no longer friends and his fans started to bully-“The girl stopped as she saw Junsu’s glare.

“You.” He got away from Yoochun and faced him. “It is because of you he is doing this and your friend Yunho.” Junsu made no sense and it was understandable because of the current situation.

Changmin realizing what was coming next motioned for the girl to leave who understood it and left.

Yoochun took a deep breath. He knew Junsu didn’t mean anything he said but it hurt still. He knew he made a mistake but who hasn’t. Just because he made one mistake it wasn’t fair to get treated the way he was being. He loved Junsu a lot and wanted his forgiveness but it was getting on his nerves being blamed for everything.

“ Stop.” Yoochun raised his voice. “Don’t blame everything on me. Yes, maybe I am a reason for all this but I am not the only reason.” With this he left. Junsu felt silent as the words entered his brain he looked towards Changmin looking at him sadly.

“I am the one to blame hyung I am sorry I am going to make it right but you shouldn’t have said those words to him but don’t worry hyung I am going to take care of this. I am going to make it correct.”


“I am going to Jeju Islands meanwhile Make Jaejoong look at this tape.” He said as he handed Junsu the tape.


AN I know it is kind of short but I am so angry right now. I hate how narrow minded people can be. A guy confessed that he had gay feelings towards one of his friends in a page in Facebook called ‘Gangtok Confessions.” And can you imagine the comments. One guy had written that the confessor should go and jump off a bridge. Another person said He should die in a teaspoon of water. My god the people of my state. I hate it.    

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Chapter 18: OMG!! This happens a lot with me..... Dreams like these after reading some fanfics.. Some were really scary I must say... This fic confusing yet interesting coz I have experienced it myself.. Love it :-)
nksabrina2112 #2
Chapter 18: Wat the heck did i just read
MissEztie #3
Chapter 18: I'm very confused in the end. So that's just Changmin dream's ? Not happening in real live ?
Chapter 18: wow great...
Chapter 18: the whole thing from the start was a dream?thank god,at least yun is not a criminal!!
samirajoon #6
Chapter 18: yeah.i guess we all were in mistake
samirajoon #7
Chapter 17: hey whay happened to kyuhyunnie?i thought that changmin got a shot
samirajoon #8
Chapter 15: oh god no plzzzzzzzz.why yun did it?why?
changminizer21 #9
Chapter 18: the last chapter doesn't make sense >____> but it is a fun plot and storyline.
Kyung1Ari #10
Chapter 18: Hahahahaha this was the most confusing and entertaining story I have ever read. Thank you.