
The one I love.

-Dara’s POV-
*12 days after the breakup*

Mingkki ah, go get your unnies to wake up. YG-appa said we have an important meeting later.” I said while preparing breakfast.

Neh.” Minzy took a last glance at her Gundam collection. Boy does she love her Gundams! As much as I would love to wake my baby up, I had to do the cooking. I plugged in my iPod and clicked shuffle. Lee Seung Gi’s Because We’re Just Friends came on and I slowed down in my preparation. “Because I’m a friend, a friend, a friend. I’m just a good friend to you.” I sang softly to myself, images of Chae flashed through my mind. A smile crept up on my face although I knew that I had no chance with her, I was still her wifey and that alone made my day.

Soon, Bom was up and about. As usual, snacking on some food she found somewhere. Aish, this shikshin of ours. I tutted at her and went about finishing my preparation for breakfast.

But where’s Chae? What’s taking Mingkki so long to- oh. Right. CL is a sleepy piggy. I went out of the kitchen and placed the dishes on the table. Bom came walking like a boss with her fiery red hair and Poong Poong in one hand. She sat at her usual seat and placed Poong Poong in front of her.

Poong Poong, wait for breakfast oki? Mommy’s gonna feed you soon keke.” Bom wagged a finger at Poong Poong and displayed her 8D-ness. Haha Bommie is so cute. She sure doesn’t act her age haha.

Hey guys! This chap is kindda short but still, please enjoy it! I'll update more later on as I'm going out with my friends so please wait patiently keke. Vote for YGFAMAND on MAMA if you haven't ok? Are y'all bored of this fanfic yet? I hope not :) Comment okay? I promise more interesting encounters will be up soon. Bye~ :D

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Chapter 21: I don't understand this fic anymore....
Chapter 11: I most definitely am heading for NEcon in SG! <:
Chapter 13: waaaa! your short updates are like teasers kkkk... and... i had to google MissA (i know, i'm dumb. lol) moreeee! ^___ _^
Chapter 13: ^_^ I thought something was going to happen between CL and Jia... Thank god it didn't haahaha
I want more and longer xD
Chapter 9: hahahaha real fast updates. i love it! xD
jssc_YG #7
Chapter 4: lmao i freaking laughed when Dara said that Chaerin does looked abit like an otter~! LOOOOOOL poor Chae always got owned by Minzy xD
Chapter 4: Hahahaha it was soon. x'D thanks for the update. This seems to be a cute fic! ^_^
blackjackchaera #9
you really update fast! thank you! more,more,more!:-)
blackjackchaera #10
Chapter 3: you're doing good! it's going better and better when you update!
waiting for more! kekeke! thank you!