
The one I love.

-Dara’s POV-

It’s been quite some time, where’s CL now?Hey guys, did CL say when she was coming back?

Shwrt sajkd a shwrt woalkd rigyt.” Bom munched on her snacks. Minzy whacked Bom’s head. “Park Bom ya, don’t talk with your mouth full! Hmm Dara unnie, you wanna go out and look for her? The time now is 10.15am and the meeting is at 10.30am.Aish, this kiddo! She’s always on time, where could she be now…Alright, Bom stop eating and let’s go.” I went into my room and got out of my pyjamas. The three of us got out of the house and went to find CL. Ok, let’s see. Where does she normally like to go?Hey, you guys know that maybe CL has gone to YGE by herself right?” Bom spoke up. “Good point Bommie. Ohwell, since it’s so near the meeting time already, let’s go YGE instead.” We headed over to YGE.

Tadaa!! Another short update. Ok, this chap is kindda boring but still, I have ideas in my head already. Please wait patiently keke :) Oh and 2NE1 is in Singapore right now!! Only Bom and Dara were spotted though. Alright, gifs time! It's Dara's turn now :) Please wait for awhile if the gifs are not moving. So, comments !! ^^ Bye~ :D



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Chapter 21: I don't understand this fic anymore....
Chapter 11: I most definitely am heading for NEcon in SG! <:
Chapter 13: waaaa! your short updates are like teasers kkkk... and... i had to google MissA (i know, i'm dumb. lol) moreeee! ^___ _^
Chapter 13: ^_^ I thought something was going to happen between CL and Jia... Thank god it didn't haahaha
I want more and longer xD
Chapter 9: hahahaha real fast updates. i love it! xD
jssc_YG #7
Chapter 4: lmao i freaking laughed when Dara said that Chaerin does looked abit like an otter~! LOOOOOOL poor Chae always got owned by Minzy xD
Chapter 4: Hahahaha it was soon. x'D thanks for the update. This seems to be a cute fic! ^_^
blackjackchaera #9
you really update fast! thank you! more,more,more!:-)
blackjackchaera #10
Chapter 3: you're doing good! it's going better and better when you update!
waiting for more! kekeke! thank you!