
The one I love.

-Bom’s POV-
*later that night in 2NE1’s dorm*

So, Rinnie, are you seriously ok?” I asked while *drumroll* munching on a corn cob. (As expected).

Yeah…I suppose.” CL replied, sipping on her Americano. Suppose? Haiz… we have to find some ways to cheer our Pudongie up.

Who’s breaking up with who? You’re breaking up with me~ Try living without me yeah~” Minzy sang. “She’s gonna regret it unnie. I’m sure of it.Ahh, smart maknae! Using lines from our song keke. Dara nodded and tried changing the topic. “Let’s not keep harping on this anymore. How about you Bommie? Who do you like?Yeah, change the topi- wait. What?! Who do I /gasp/ like?Uhh…uh…” I was at a loss. Should I confess or…?

Keke Bbang Bom, you better not say you like Jay-Z ah!” CL ‘warned’ me.

Oh gosh! What to do? Should I say it’s her or someone else? Aishh! This is a dilemma ! I scrunched up my face and bit into my corn again.

Argh Bommie, you are so slow! Quit building suspense already. Tell us!” Dara snatched Bom’s corn away. Hey! Don’t touch my corn! Worse still, snatch it away! I got up and ran after Dara at a speed Hwangssabu would be proud of. “YAHH! You evil rabbit! Come back here!!

Aigoo, why are our unnies always like this?” Minzy put her fingers on her nose bridge, imitating Dara. CL just laughed at our antics and continued watching the TV. Ohwell, at least it made our Rinnie laugh. The lost of corn is worth it. I eventually stopped chasing Dara as my legs were as tired as hell.

Dara went over to CL and kept whining. “Wifey ah, my legs hurt. Massage for me ahh…Gosh, this Ssantokki is really clingy with her wife eh? No wonder they’re the married couple.

New chap up and about! Ahh my mind is kindda stuck now, rumors of CL's solo keep floating about. A ING SOLO. ASDFGHJKLEECHAERIN. Oops sorry ><. Anyways, hope it's not too boring keke. Enjoy :) Oh and, rmb to vote for YGFAMAND on MAMA~! Comment pls!! :D

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Chapter 21: I don't understand this fic anymore....
Chapter 11: I most definitely am heading for NEcon in SG! <:
Chapter 13: waaaa! your short updates are like teasers kkkk... and... i had to google MissA (i know, i'm dumb. lol) moreeee! ^___ _^
Chapter 13: ^_^ I thought something was going to happen between CL and Jia... Thank god it didn't haahaha
I want more and longer xD
Chapter 9: hahahaha real fast updates. i love it! xD
jssc_YG #7
Chapter 4: lmao i freaking laughed when Dara said that Chaerin does looked abit like an otter~! LOOOOOOL poor Chae always got owned by Minzy xD
Chapter 4: Hahahaha it was soon. x'D thanks for the update. This seems to be a cute fic! ^_^
blackjackchaera #9
you really update fast! thank you! more,more,more!:-)
blackjackchaera #10
Chapter 3: you're doing good! it's going better and better when you update!
waiting for more! kekeke! thank you!