
The one I love.


-CL’s POV-

My morning voice was really husky and deep, afraid that Minzy would laugh at me, I said only “Jinjja?”.

Chae, you’re finally awake! Go wash up, Dara is preparing breakfast. And no. Jia is not here. Sorry Chae, had to wake you up…YG appa said we have an important meeting later remember?” Minzy left the room upon saying that. What… and I really thought Jia was here. Wishful thinking as usual. Nonetheless, I got up and changed into clothing befitting of the crazily cold weather outside. I got up, arranged my hair and went out. Bom was already eating, as usual. Minzy was doing some morning exercises and Dara was admiring Minzy’s body.  That’s my maknae! I went over to the table and sat opposite Bom. “Morning Poong Poong! Morning Bommie!” I smiled and patted Poong Poong. “Mffmfmfmning Pudjfsn!” Bom replied, mouth full of watermelon. That’s Bom’s language for you. Laughing at her, my eyes travelled to her shirt, wondering what fashion she would be doing while meeting YG appa later. She was wearing a Hello Kitty top and had purple mini shorts. Hello Kitty… pur..purple… Both of which Jia loves. My eyes lingered around Bom for a while until Bom managed another indecipherable sentence.  “Mmmwaht isth it?” I shook my head and waved it away.

Standing up, I took a slice of bread and announced that I wasn’t very hungry. “I’m going out for a short walk. Catch you later guys!” I stuffed the bread into my mouth and hands into my pockets. The cold wind attacked my face, I puffed up my mouth and let out a deep breath. Turning on my iPod, I pressed shuffle. “I know, our memories will fade away. I know, you won’t even look my way. You know, deep down inside I’m holding on.” G.Na’s I’ll Back Off So You Can Live Better really relates to me. I wonder where she is… I sighed again, knowing very well that we would not be back together.

I kicked away some pebbles in front of me and awaited the next song. “Though I hate you so much, though I really hate you, I hope you’re not hurting.” Huh Guk touched me with It Hurts. I blinked away several tears and pressed on, against the penetrating cold wind. Ouch! Wha-? I had walked quite a distance. I looked down and realized that someone’s phone landed on my foot. Who is the inconsiderate throwing phones around here?! I scanned my surroundings sternly. Hey what? I espied someone hunched up in a corner at the alley. I walked cautiously towards that person. It’s a she… And she seems to be…crying? “Hey. Are you alright?” The person seemed familiar. Her body reminded me of Jia. But then again, Jia wouldn’t be here crying. She should be somewhere, enjoying life. Without me. Pabo Lee Chaerin, keep your mind off her! I furrowed my eyebrows. She didn’t reply. How rude. “Yah. Reply me will ya!?” I gently kicked her.

W-wha-…” That lady slowly lifted up her head. Jia?! My eyes widened, I immediately bent down to check if she was fine. She’s wearing so little. Freezing cold I bet. Jia’s eyes were red. So, she was crying. But. Why?Ch…Chaerin?” Jia’s mouth struggled to piece out my name. Her teeth chattered and she was shivering like mad. “Wha…what are you do…doing here?” I could swear I saw her eyes light up, as if she was damn happy to see me. Why would she be happy to see you? She dumped you pabo! I pushed that idea to the back of my head and smiled at her. “I should be asking you that question Meng Jia. Are you trying to kill yourself?! It’s so freaking cold out here and look at what you’re wearing!” I took off my winter jacket and covered her with it. Right. Now I’m the one who’s gonna die. Ohwell. I love her too much. Helping her up, I wiped away her tears, feeling the flawless skin which I craved so much for. Those evaporated tears. Why are you crying, Jia? I grabbed her hand and led her out of that alley. Gosh, how I missed the touch of her hand. Peering over my shoulder, I checked if Jia was still crying. Nope, she wasn’t. She was shocked. Surprised, even. And I dare say, a little elated. Does she still like me? A brief thought popped into my mind. I gripped her hand tighter, ecstatic at the the thought. Why am I not crying heh. My eyes brightened up. So, I guess I’m stronger now?

Why are you smiling like a fool?Oh, so our princess over here decided to say something finally eh? Wait a second. Since when was she walking beside me?!

Nothing much.” I rolled my eyes. She was looking at me all along?! Omo omo omo!

And…why are you blushing?I’m blushing?! I swept my bangs to a side and cleared my throat, trying to play it cool. “Quit looking at me!” Jia chuckled. What did I do this time? I blushed even harder.

You’re freezing aren’t you?” Well, come to think of it, yes. Yes, I am. Wait, how does she know?Your hand is shaking, CL.We’re still holding hands? Wow… fantastic baby! I nervously nodded. “You can have your-

Jia! You’re here!Is that Fei? I looked towards the source of the voice. Yeap. It is. I hastily let go off Jia’s hand but, Jia held on tight. Oh, now what? First you dump me and now you clutch onto my hand? I stared at our entwined fingers, bewildered.

Hey Fei!” Jia lifted our hands and waved at Fei. For a fraction of a second, Fei looked as puzzled as me. “Jia, you…and…CL?” She pointed fingers back and forth between Jia and I. “Chae found me. And she lent me her comfy winter jacket.” Jia grinned. What’s going on? I smiled weakly at Fei, about to collapse from the extreme cold. “It’s about time for our meeting with JYP. We gotta hurry Jia. Return the winter jacket to CL and let’s go.” Fei acknowledged me with a nod.

Long chap( by my standards) for y'all :) So, hope y'all like it! Spoiler: The next few chaps are gonna be quite short :P. Comments ah go go go! Oh and 2NE1 won't be attending MAMA this year. Gone is the potential for a perfect stage by 2NE1 on MAMA 2012. Anyways, just continue to vote for them and YGFAMAND still kayz? That's all for now. Can't nobody hold 2NE1 down~!! :D Buhbye ^^ 

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Chapter 21: I don't understand this fic anymore....
Chapter 11: I most definitely am heading for NEcon in SG! <:
Chapter 13: waaaa! your short updates are like teasers kkkk... and... i had to google MissA (i know, i'm dumb. lol) moreeee! ^___ _^
Chapter 13: ^_^ I thought something was going to happen between CL and Jia... Thank god it didn't haahaha
I want more and longer xD
Chapter 9: hahahaha real fast updates. i love it! xD
jssc_YG #7
Chapter 4: lmao i freaking laughed when Dara said that Chaerin does looked abit like an otter~! LOOOOOOL poor Chae always got owned by Minzy xD
Chapter 4: Hahahaha it was soon. x'D thanks for the update. This seems to be a cute fic! ^_^
blackjackchaera #9
you really update fast! thank you! more,more,more!:-)
blackjackchaera #10
Chapter 3: you're doing good! it's going better and better when you update!
waiting for more! kekeke! thank you!