
The one I love.

-Jia’s POV-
*After eating, they are in their practice room*

This isn’t a ring that a boyfriend bought for me.” I rapped during practice. Yeah, CL bought it for me… Min started her powerful rap and well yes, I was jealous of her. She didn’t mess it up at all. Not like me during Goodbye Baby.

“I don’t need a man, I don’t need a man. I can live well, well without a man.” We ended our song on an excellent note. Well yeah, technically, I don’t need a man. I need CL.

Great job everyone!” Suzy clapped her hands and hugged me, bringing me back to reality.

Neat rapping Jia.What? Did Min just praise me? Woah, big change of attitude. I smiled and thanked her. Breaking my hug with Suzy, I stepped forward to hug Min. However, I tripped, thanks to my stupid legs. Ahh!! Omo I’m gonna die! Sobs, bye CL, I love you!! Oh wait. Min caught me just in the nick of time and oh. My hands were on her s. Oops. I blushed and hurriedly took my hands off her melons. From the corner of my eye, I think I caught Suzy glaring at Min. Huh? Why so scary?

Sor…sorry!” I stuttered. Fumbling with my ring while staring at the floor, hoping a big hole would just swallow me up. That wasn’t really helping the situation, was it?

Haha Jia. Why so embarrassed? We’re sisters right? It’s ok.” Fei finally broke the awkward silence. Yeah Fei, I hope Min thinks the same too… Yeah Jia, it’s alright! I bet ya liked the touch of it eh? Hehe.” Min tried to laugh it off. Seductively, she walked towards Fei, declaring that she was the iest lady in the room. Suzy giggled at Min’s ego and patted me on the back.

Ok, I swear I’ve the weirdest bunch of sisters ever. And that’s exactly why I love them haha. “Min, y dance off! Now!” I grabbed Min and prepared to bust some moves. Fei and Suzy stood there, laughing their heads off and clapping like retarded seals. I guess we’re back to normal then. For now… I winked at Min and told her not to dance kkap or I’ll personally kick her .

She’s just jealous haha!” Suzy quipped. “YAHH! Bae Su-ji! I’m not jelly kay! Well, maybe I am jealous of Min and CL’s long lasting friendship. I sighed and did some body waves to start the battle.

Allo guys! Updated again keke :) My vocab and grammer aren't exactly great so bear with me~! Any silent readers out there? Comment kayz? My 6chap already so pls comment about how I can improve or give suggestions^^ However, so sorry but I've already fixed the pairings for this fanfic. Ain't gonna reveal what the pairings are so read on and guess keke :) Ciao ~ :D

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Chapter 21: I don't understand this fic anymore....
Chapter 11: I most definitely am heading for NEcon in SG! <:
Chapter 13: waaaa! your short updates are like teasers kkkk... and... i had to google MissA (i know, i'm dumb. lol) moreeee! ^___ _^
Chapter 13: ^_^ I thought something was going to happen between CL and Jia... Thank god it didn't haahaha
I want more and longer xD
Chapter 9: hahahaha real fast updates. i love it! xD
jssc_YG #7
Chapter 4: lmao i freaking laughed when Dara said that Chaerin does looked abit like an otter~! LOOOOOOL poor Chae always got owned by Minzy xD
Chapter 4: Hahahaha it was soon. x'D thanks for the update. This seems to be a cute fic! ^_^
blackjackchaera #9
you really update fast! thank you! more,more,more!:-)
blackjackchaera #10
Chapter 3: you're doing good! it's going better and better when you update!
waiting for more! kekeke! thank you!