The Rest of Assessment Week

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The rest of the assessments, some were pretty rough and tiring, and irritating even, for Key. He was fine for the 2nd one. Donghae was a nice guy and gave Key some breaks because he was so impressed with his dance performance videos. Donghae's interview wasn't about how many years of experience Key had in dancing or performing. Donghae asked questions like, "How are you feeling?" and "Do you like the school?" or "How are you and your flat mates getting along?" He felt very at ease with Donghae, and besides Leeteuk, Key had a feeling Donghae would be one of his favorite teachers, if he had him for any classes. Before Donghae left, he patted Key on the shoulder, wishing him luck, and told him that if Key needed anything, that he could come to the dance studio or the recording studio (since he and Leeteuk were close friends) to talk. Key felt his stress grow back as Donghae's sunny aura disappeared from the convention room where the interview was held. 

That night Key was so tired, he passed out on the couch. Onew picked the slim dancer's frame and carried him to his room, which Minho did not occupy at the moment because he and Taemin had fallen asleep at the kitchen counter. Onew set the dancer down and tucked him in, and ended up pecking his forehead before leaving the room. Onew froze at his action and hoped to god Key wouldn't wake up. He didn't and Onew sighed and headed back to the living space. Jonghyun then came into the room stumbling from exhaustion to drag Taemin back to their shared room, smiling as he caught sight of Minho sleeping, but then blushing as he saw Onew's smirk. He then waddled away with the whimpering Taemin in his arms, mumbling about how Onew ruins every thing. Onew chuckled and turned out the lights in the apartment, stumbling over some boxes to make it back to his room. The 2nd assessment was over. They had five more. 

The next day, they headed to the convention center. Key had his assessment with alleged flirt, Jessica Jung. And boy, was she a flirt. Jessica sort of flounced as she walked into Key's section of the convention room. She had a frilly apron on, perfume, her makeup perfect, hair done in relaxed ringlets, and even had heels on. This would probably maybe be attractive to some, but Key was already captivated by another. Jessica was annoying as to top it all off, not understanding that Key paid basically little to no attention to her flirting. Key liked to cook, so that was the only consolation to the whole assessment. He was busy following a difficult recipe for a pastry when Jessica started asking questions about how many girls he's dated, if he had a love back home, if he did his own hair because she claimed to think it was really cute...etc. Key tried to be polite and answer all the questions with short no's and yes's. Jessica's flirting was not subtle at all and Key really wanted to "accidentally" squirt pasty cream at her, but the time for the assessment ended. He was praying that the interview would consist of real questions, not about his nonexistent love life with the female . After the interview and an unwanted peck on the cheek from Jessica, Key sighed and ruffled his hair in annoyance, wanting desperately to see Onew. Or any one of his flat mates for that matter. As he exited his section, he saw Onew leaving as well. Key, overjoyed, ran to Onew and threw his arms around Onew's neck, causing the older to stumble backwards a bit in shock. Onew then relaxed into the hug, concerned why Key was like this all of a sudden, but also happy that he had Key in his arms, snuggled into his neck. Onew patted Key on the back to comfort him, asking him what was wrong. 

"She was awful! She was so ing annoying and really cannot take a hint even if it punched her in the face!" 

"Sorry, Key! Are you feeling alright? cream fix anything?" 

"God. Yeah that would be fun. Thanks Onew hyung. How was your assessment?" 

"Better than athletics." 

Key was in better spirits the rest of that night and not as exhausted since he had a lovely day and evening with Onew. Key was telling a hilarious story back at the dorm, when the peace was disturbed. 

"Okay so basically I was told to eat this donut all seductively. I don't even know why...this was a terrible dare. So I take a bite and..."


The door flew open, screams coming from behind it. 

"Taemin you CANNOT just go and spend all our money on banana milk! I was so hungry and I bet Minho was too!" Jonghyun was screaching. 

"Hey don't drag me into this! I'm just gonna go eat the kimchi in the frigde," Minho said, trying to be Switzerland to the best of his ability. 

"WELL! If you didn't let those girls on the bus before us, there would have been room to ride back to the dorm and then I wouldn't have been so thirsty! So really IT'S YOUR FAULT!" 

This was truly the stupidest argument in the world and Key was mad because he was getting to the good part of his donut story. 

"YAH! You two! Taemin pay Jonghyun back later, both of you stop screaming, and I can make you your goddamn food right now if your hungry or we can wait a little while people shower and then we can go get ramen! Sound okay to you?!" Key was screaming because he had a raging headache and didn't get to finish his story. Onew was startled and amazed at Key's forcefulness. This was why he was the umma, he guessed. 

It worked. Jonghyun and Taemin stopped fighting and screaming and Taemin even apologized. This apology was returned with a hug from Jonghyun to the younger. 

"Are we all good now?" There were nods all around. Peace was restored for that night. 

The next two assessments were interesting, to say the least. Key admired Victoria for her tough attitude and percision when it came to clothing design. Park Kyung...well easily made Key feel the most uncomfortable he's ever felt in his life. He was okay at rapping and had never tried vocal percussion and Kyung's dry humor and purposefully creepy smiles did not boost Key's confidence whatsoever. He did learn stuff though. Even though assessments should occupy all of his attention, there was nothing more special to him than going home and learning about Onew's day and life over dinner. Key was pretty sure that his crush on Onew was now a bit more than just a crush. He loved the drawing assessment. Lee Hi was so adorable and did a great job of calming Key down. The assessment was relaxed and they even ate food while they drew. The interview on that day was similar to that of his interview with Donghae, personal, unthreatening questions. 

Finally it was the last day of assessments. Key had heard so much about Kim Hyun Joong, the man that was known as the angel of the art department. Aparently he was handsome, and knew he was so, and because he was young, didn't really stop himself from flirting with basically everyone. The moment Key looked up and saw Hyun Joong walk through the door with his smirk and arrogant air, he knew that this assessment would not be that different from his with Jessica. Unrelenting flirtation from KHJ and discomfort for Key. Key yes, did think he was handsome, but he was just a face, Key would never go for an arrogant guy like him in a million years. His flirting was flirting, but he didn't throw himself at Key the way Jessica did. It wasn't subtle, though. When Key was using the pottery wheel, KHJ would come up behind him and place his hands over Key's, face dangerously close to Key's ear. Key wasn't buying any of it. Key was so totally annoyed. But, unlike Jessica who didn't get the hint that Key wasn't interested, KHJ sensed it. 

"I can tell you're not in the mood for all of this right now," KHJ said as his signaled to all of himself. "I don't blame you, it sometimes can be too much." 

Key rolled his eyes. He did that more in one day than he had done in his entire week with Jonghyun. 

"I don't need to interview you, Kibum. You're talented. You got good...hands." 

Eye roll. 

"I'll let you go, this time. We'll be meeting again, Kim Kibum. Look forward to it!" 

KHJ swooped out of the pottery section of the art room leaving Key thoughroughly creeped out. Thank god it was all over. 

All the boys made their way back to the flat at different times. Key arrived back home at the same time Taemin and Minho did. Jonghyun and Onew had gone shopping for junk food to celebrate the end of assessments and to a few more days of well earned relaxation before classes actually began. 

Key would get his class list tomorrow and they would also be meeting with Leeteuk again, which would be fun. Apparently they were going to come up with a team cheer or something of Leeteuk's doing. 

The boys watched movies and ate scary amounts of popcorn and stupid amounts of candy. 

Minho, still hungry as usual, went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of rice and kimchi. Taemin and Jonghyun followed. Taemin, due to hunger as well, and Jonghyun, due to, he had no idea but wanted to be in the same room as Minho. 

This left Key and Onew alone. 

"Assessments went well?" Onew asked.

"Yeah. That Hyun Joong guy is scary, though. I don't have a good feeling about him." 

"If you end up getting him for class, I'll go with you to the main office and see if we can change it around. I told you he's a flirt." 

"Yeah. Thanks for telling me." 

"Just be careful. Okay Key? I don't want anything to happen to you." 

Key blushed at Onew's sweet words. Key was about to say something when Taemin came back running frantically from the kitchen and stood right in front of the television. 


Taemin was jumping up and down at this point making the two older ones laugh. 

From the kitchen, laughs could be heard too and then Minho's warning voice. 

"You break her heart Taeminnie and I'll kick your !~" 

Taemin shouted back, "Neh hyung! You can count on not do that!"

Louder and louder laughter filled the flat. It felt nice to be so relaxed. 




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Chapter 35: i miss this story :(
Chapter 30: Oh no. My heart is weak when it comes to Kibum and his grandma:(
Chapter 2: I love every character. It’s like shinee themself except their not an Idol. ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting ~
Shinee1997 #5
Chapter 35: Update soon plz ^^
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 35: pleaaaseeee update sooonnn
and have a chapter with jongs treatment too,
i love him .-.
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 23: Dude I know some teachers are harsh but that's not right. Can someone please slap the out of Boa?
this story is super its relly great cute funny sad its one of my favorite storys
king-jongin #9
Chapter 36: Take your time author nim. There isn't any rush. I hope things get better