
You Are Now an ISAgifted Student. Welcome.

Everyone was safe and sound in their beds. Sulli had slept at the dorm on the couch until Hyoyeon came to pick her up. The boys were so relieved when Onew and Key returned home after what seemed like an eternity. Everyone was silent. Key hugged Minho and Jonghyun and Onew took Key to his room because he didn't want to be without him right now.

Minho was just standing in front of the leader's closed door, as he heard hushed crying. He was conJonghyun came up behind him and smiled faintly. He then pulled Minho away from the door and gently led him to Minho's room. Although the beds were only twins, Minho managed to fit right in Jonghyun's arms.

Taemin had been out clearing his head when Onew and Key came back. He couldn't be around anyone, not even Sulli. Taemin couldn't force himself to eat anything and neither could any of the others. Not too long after they came back, lured in by texts from Minho, Taemin entered the dorm and shut the door behind him quietly, face streaked with tears. Onew poked his head out of the room to see what the noise was. Taemin gasped and Onew came running to embrace the chilled boy. They stayed like that for awhile, until Onew guided Taemin to his bed. Taemin didn't care that Minho was in there too, he was just relieved everyone was home. 

The next morning, no one came out of their rooms. They were tired, they wanted space and serenity. It was Saturday and no one had any classes. It was completely silent in the dorm, however at 9 am, there was a knock at the door. Taemin, restless, answered the door with confusion. The door opened revealing a tall, slim young man with auburn hair that looked very much like the boy staring back at him. 

"Hyung?!" Taemin gasped. He was face to face with his older brother, Taesun. "What are you doing here?" 

"Hi Minnie. I came to visit. I said I would." Taesun replied, embracing the younger. Just the presence of his hyung made Taemin cry. He had missed him so much. Taemin allowed his hyung to take off his coat and sit on the couch of the flat before burying himself in his hyung.

"Minnie I'm so sorry." Taesun said, trying to soothe his younger brother by his hair. "Has Umma called again?"

" She hasn't called..." Taemin said shakily.

Taesun sighed. "I would say that's good, but you're looking very skinny, Minnie. Is something..." Taesun began.

"I've had a lot on my mind and a lot happened in the last few days...eating is not at the top of my list." Taemin mumbled into his hyung's shoulder.

"Taemin..." Taesun started, only to be interrupted by a door opening and closing. Taemin wondered which of his hyungs it might be. Taemin, who's back was to the moving figure, tried to listen for signs of who it could be. Taemin heard a sigh and a big crack of joints. The low pitch and the cracking signaled that it could only be one person. Minho. 

"Minnie, which one is that? Tall...athletic, right?" Taesun asked, impressed with himself that he had guessed solely based on Taemin's information shared months and months ago. 

"Neh." Taemin answered. "Minho hyung!" Taemin called, smiling. Minho meant a lot to Taemin. Minho always helped Taemin with whatever homework he had trouble with, and when Key wasn't around, Minho would cook for him. Although they were in the same year, Taemin was rather young for his grade, so Minho became both a savior and like another older brother. Like Sulli said, he was a breath of fresh air, and under his hard exterior shell, he was a lovely person.  

The extremely tired Minho, up unusually early, was getting water. He looked up at Taemin and smiled faintly. His eyes grew in surprise when he saw a similar looking person next to the younger. 

Minho bowed silently and Taemin laughed a little. "Minho hyung, you're too polite. This is my older brother, Taesun." Taemin explained. Minho bowed again. 

Taesun then stood up. "Thank you so much for taking care of my little brother. You all mean a lot to him." Taesun said, reaching out to shake Minho's hand. Minho hesitated, not sure what to do. Taesun had a really familiar look in his eyes. 

Taesun sensed the hesitation and took Minho's hand in his. The connection made Minho gasp. That feeling, the brotherly feeling of the handshake...

Minseok hyung. 

Minho felt tears running down his face. Shocked and embarassed at his own actions, Minho ran as fast as he could back to his room, slamming the door. The door slam woke up Jonghyun. 

"Minho?" Jonghyun asked. 

Minho fell to the floor on his knees. "I'm sorry hyung...I didn't mean to wake you..." Minho whispered, not able to make any other sound come out. 

Jonghyun gasped and ran over to the younger. Even though Minho was taller and somewhat bigger, Jonghyun's strong arms never failed to make him feel safe. The older boy surrounded Minho with one arm, the back of his head with his free hand. Minho was shaking. 

"Min...what happened? What's making you cry this way?" Jonghyun asked sweetly. Jonghyun never understood why he was ever hostile or argumentative or a bully to Minho when they first met. Minho was beyond wonderful, and Jonghyun wanted to know everything about him. 

"Taemin's brother came. He's here." Minho cried. 

"Taemin's hyung?" Jonghyun asked. Minho nodded. 

"He...shook my hand and he made me remember." Minho continued. 

"What did he make you remember?" Jonghyun asked, tears forcing themselves out of his eyes due to his heart breaking watching his boyfriend be in such pain. 

"What it feels like to have a hyung!" Minho gasped, holding onto Jonghyun for dear life, as if losing his grip would cause him to fall. Jonghyun didn't have any words, nothing would come out. He just tightened his grip on Minho. Minho hasn't had a hyung for years. His hyung was his everything. 

Back outside, Taemin and Taesun stood there, lost and confused. 

"Minho...he..." Taesun didn't even know where to begin. He wanted to know why Minho ran away. Taemin emailed Taesun frequently because phone calls were not always an option. Taemin always talked about his flatmates and Sulli. Taesun was forever thankful for the people his little brother had come to meet at the school. He considered Taemin's flatmates family, although he hadn't met them before. 

"Hyung, we're all dealing with a lot so..." Taemin began, until both Lee brothers heard a door open and shut. Both turned around and out of the still dark hallway, appeared an exhausted Jonghyun, whose bags under his eyes aged him. 

"Jonghyun hyung!" Taemin said in surprise. 

" Jonghyun?" Taesun asked, Taemin nodded, smiling at Jonghyun. Jonghyun was someone Taemin wanted to be. He was talented, confident, and brave. Jonghyun is facing his problem head on, while Taemin thought he himself just runs away from the problem, making it impossible to heal. Jonghyun was caring and hilarious and always there to give hugs or talk. 

Taesun smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Lee Taesun, Taemin's hyung. I'm very happy to meet you. I can't thank you all enough for being there for my brother." Taesun said, greatfully. 

"It's great you finally meet you." Jonghyun said humbly. "About Minho...well his brother passed away years ago, and you reminded him of...that brotherly feeling and it sent him over the edge. Sorry if it scared you, he was really glad you're here though." Jonghyun explained. 

Taemin and Taesun were surprised. "Hyung...that's why? He. Can I talk to him!?" Taemin asked Jonghyun. 

"Maybe...I should talk to him?" Taesun asked. "I can take him for coffee. He doesn't have classes this morning does he?" Taesun asked, surprising both Jonghyun and Taemin.

"No he doesn't. But are you sure hyung?" Taemin asked. Maybe Minho needed his brother more than he did. Taemin always had Taesun, no matter what. Minho didn't have his older brother anymore. 

"Yeah, just to talk for a bit, and then when the others wake up, I'll meet them." Taesun smiled. Jonghyun looked at Taesun as if he were an angel. Jonghyun ran to the room and pulled Minho up into a hug.

"Taesun hyung wants to take you out for coffee, he has something to say. Please for once, don't be stubborn and just go. I really want you too. So does Taemin." Jonghyun said sweetly. Minho sighed, and gave in, not sure of what was to come with meeting with Taemin's older brother. 

Minho got dressed and kissed Jonghyun goodbye. Taemin gave him a handsqueeze before they walked out of the apartment. On the way to the coffee shop, Taesun did not try to strike up a conversation at all, to Minho's relief. When they got to the shop, Taesun ordered both drinks. His favorite, and the one Taemin texted that was Minho's favorite. They sat down, and Minho just looked down. The burden of the bracelet he never wanted to take off was enough. Now he was face to face with someone, so seemingly similar to his hyung. 

"Minho ah. Jonghyun told me. I am very, very sorry. No one should be without their sibling." Taesun began. Minho still did not make eye contact with him. 

"You don't have to say anything, but I want to say some things. You and your flatmates have become a crucial part in Taeminnie's life. You make sure he eats, you comfort him, and I heard your cousin, Sulli is his crush. You have offered something so precious to Taemin and because you are his family, you are mine. I will never ever be able to replace your hyung and that's not at all my goal. I just want you to know, that if you ever need a hyung's advice, or someone to talk to, I am here. I know it sounds weird because I just met you, but I got a little brother feeling when I shook your hand, similarly to how you felt shaking mine. I would do anything for any of you because you would do anything for Taemin. So please. Take my number and my email. When I come visit we can play football, which I love a lot. I'll play videogames, pay for all your meals, go to all of you and your friends' performances, everything. If you'll let me, I would like to become a trusted hyung." Taesun said, with incredible amounts of hope and sincerity and positivity.

Taesun wanted to be there for Minho like a hyung, which was very overwhelming for Minho. 

"Thank you so much. I would be honored if you would become our hyung." Minho choked out, now looking into Taesun's very Taemin-like eyes. The coffee trip ended in an unexpected hug, initiated by Minho. 

When the two arrived back at the flat, a solemn Key and an equally solemn Onew were awake. 

Although there was so much sadness, so much pain that they all felt, their new appointed hyung easily cut though the mood and brightened everyone up a bit. Taesun stayed for the whole day, saying that he rented a hotel and he would visit with them tomorrow as well. Taesun helped Key cook, sang karaoke with Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin, and planned to play football the following day with a seemingly happier Minho. 

Taemin felt so blessed to have Taesun as his hyung, and so did Jonghyun, Key, Onew, and Minho. 


There is nothing quite like an older brother 

They're not a parent, not a father, not a mother

They are a best friend who is your family 

A brother by blood or a brother by another

They are your family and also your best friend 

Who will love you like a brother, as a brother, 'till the end 


A/N: Sorry for the eternal wait!! I hope you enjoy this one. I have older brothers and they are precious and this one strikes a chord with me and I hope it does for you even if you don't have an older brother. Thank you for reading!!^^ <33

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Chapter 35: i miss this story :(
Chapter 30: Oh no. My heart is weak when it comes to Kibum and his grandma:(
Chapter 2: I love every character. It’s like shinee themself except their not an Idol. ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting ~
Shinee1997 #5
Chapter 35: Update soon plz ^^
JaeYong_TY #6
Chapter 35: pleaaaseeee update sooonnn
and have a chapter with jongs treatment too,
i love him .-.
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 23: Dude I know some teachers are harsh but that's not right. Can someone please slap the out of Boa?
this story is super its relly great cute funny sad its one of my favorite storys
king-jongin #9
Chapter 36: Take your time author nim. There isn't any rush. I hope things get better