Chapter 31

Shinning Stars 2



“I’ll choose the one on the right.” Jonghyun and Joo Eun said together.


“I would like to go to the one on the right too!!” Taemin exclaimed and he stood next to Jonghyun and Joo Eun.

“It’s just you and me at the centre entrance, hyung.” Min Ho put his hand on Onew hyung’s shoulder as he said.

“Will we come out from the same entrance?” Taemin asked.

“We’ll find out. See ya’ guys! This way,” I exclaimed as I escorted Yun Hee to the entrance on the left.

She gave me a sweet smile as she nodded her head.

We got in as the mouth of a clown which is known as the door opened, then, screams were heard that it gave Yun Hee a shock as she squeaked and quickly covered with her hands.

“Your squeaking was cute actually.” I smiled at her and it made her face turn chili red.

Jonghyun’s POV

The whole room, place, whatever you call it was pitch black.

Then a green light appeared beside us and there was a guy with red make up dripping down his lips and with fake eyeballs popping out.

“EEEEE!!!!!!” Taemin squeaked.

“Please.” Joo Eun yawned.

I laughed. I have never seen such a brave girl! She’s interesting, despite the rudeness.

We continued to walk as couples behind us were screaming. Joo Eun turned to them, her actions made me jump.  I was afraid that she might ask them to shut up or something and cause a fight.

“Now, now, let’s not get angry on such a wonderful day…” I put my arm around her neck and made her face the front.

“What-” She was shocked. Shy at the same time too?

Sue Yi’s POV

“What are you doing here?”

This voice…

I looked up and saw her.


“You know that I am SHINee’s secretary. I’m here to check their clothing’s.”

I didn’t look at her when I said it. Instead, I walked away from Super Junior’s rack of clothes and moved on searching for SHINee’s.

“Looking for this?” I turned to her and saw her grabbing hold of one of SHINee’s performance outfits.

The fisherman net clothing… Taemin’s.

“Oh! There it is!” I exclaimed and wanted to thank her, but before I could open my mouth, she dropped Taemin’s “fisherman net clothing” on the floor.

“Oopps!” she covered with her hands as she exclaimed. Then, she stepped on the clothing and her left hand took hold of the other member’s outfits and threw them all on the floor.

“OMO!” I screamed.

Clumsy me,” she said sarcastically as she gave a smirk and twisted her hips as she walked out of the room.

I didn’t know how to react! If I have a knife right now, I would slice her into pieces!!

I ran and pick up the clothes and examine them, especially Taemin’s outfit.

Just then, my cell phone rang.

It was a message from Eunhyuk.

“Dearest Sue Yi, nohwinjwrkphuewhf fdksoahrw fdnohrew fnjdisphwejrw”

“What-?!” I re-checked the sender, it was definitely from him!

What was that?!

Eunhyuk’s POV

I messed my hair over and over again. Feeling furious, nervous about how she would react.

“Don’t worry hyung, we didn’t really typed what we said…” Ryeowook giggled.

I turned to him, with a hairstyle as though I just woke up from sleep.

“YOU WHAT??!!” I was shocked! So, they kept me worrying the whole day for NOTHING??!!

“We just simply typed alphabets into the message and pressed “send”.” Donghae continued.

My jaw dropped.

“Yup! We’ve wasted your 15 cents credit by sending that message.” Heechul hyung gave me a big smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You’re welcome, actually.” Then, Heechul gave me a pat on the shoulder and said.

Sue Yi’s POV

I quickly called for the ahjumma who opened the room door for me.

“Please lock this room. I have to leave with these!” I exclaimed.

“You can’t do that! No outfits are allowed to be taken away from here!” She frowned.

“It fell from the rack! It’s all dirty!” I exclaimed.

“Bwoh?! You dropped them?!” she screamed.

What was I suppose to say?!

No ahjumma, Hyoyeon from Girls’ Generation threw them on the floor.

It’s just ridiculous.

“Deh…” I bowed to her.

“Aigoo…” She shook her head.

“Eottoke ahjumma?” I was about to cry. Tears filled my eyes.

“Aigoo… Don’t cry… Aish…” The ahjumma looked around us as she locked the room door quickly.

“Bring it back before evening! I won’t tell anybody…”


“Kamsahamnida ahjumma!! Kamsahamnida!!” I exclaimed with gratefulness and I ran away with their outfits in my hands.

I ran out of SM Entertainment to the nearest dobby to get their clothes cleaned. I just can’t send it to the washing room in SME, it could get fired!!

I crossed the busy street with clothes in my hands and cars honking me. It was so scary!

After a few coffee houses, I saw a dobby!!

“Lee’s dobby!!” I screamed and ran to it.

Please don’t tell me it’s closed!!

YESSS!!!!! IT’S OPEN!!!!

I busted into the dobby and put the clothes on the counter, giving the girl at the counter a fright.

“H-H-Helppp, m-m-me-e!!” I said to her as I catched my breath.

“Sure! Clean dry or ironing?”

“Whatever!” I screamed.

“We can’t do “whatever” eonnie, what type of materials are these??” she said as she took a look at the clothes.

Please don’t figure out that it’s SHINee’s performance outfits!!! Please!!! Please!!!!

“OMO!!!” she screamed.


“You are doing cosplay?!” She exclaimed.


“It’s okay, don’t be shy… a lot of Koreans do Japanese activities…”

“Right. Cosplay.”

“Okay then, come back at 8 o’clock tonight.”

“BWOH??!! ANIYAH!!!! I have to have it before evening!!!” I screamed at her.

“I can’t help you with that then…” She pushed the clothes back to me and said.

“NO!! WHATEVER!! ANYTHING!!! 8 then!!”

I had no choice.

I ran back to SME and tried to ask the ahjumma to let me get the clothes back by 8 o’clock.

 “I told you that evening is the time you have to bring them back!”

“Please!! I’m begging you!! Give me the keys, I’ll return it myself! You can trust me! Please ahjumma!! Please!!”

Tears were in my eyes as I said to her.

She looked around her as she out her hands into her pocket and took out the bunch of keys.

“This is the key.” She took a key out from the bunch of keys and handed it to me.

“Kamsahamnida ahjumma!!! Kamsahamnida!! I will bring them back by 8 o’clock!” I promised her.


We were walking in the dark room, Yun Hee beside me. I could not see her expressions because of the dark.

“Are you afraid?” I asked. But she did not answer me, no thanks to the background screaming.

I touched her shoulder and wanted to ask her one more time but as my hand touched her skin, she screamed.


I panicked and didn’t know what to do but covered with my hands.


But she did not hear me and continued screaming as she pushed my hands away.

People were staring at us. At her.

Without thinking, I landed my lips on hers.




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Chapter 31: @zeroxzero : Hahaha!! Thank you!!! xD ENJOY!!!
This story.
Randoming fics have never been so good.
@DreVil0707 : He is cute isn't he? xP Thanks for commenting by the way~~ xDD<br />
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@KpopLove1996 : THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! I will~ stay tuned~~ xDD
Ouch! Heechul hit Key<br />
That's gotta hurt.<br />
<br />
I'm loving this story :)<br />
Update soon
deadlysins #5
TeaminT: Tee-Hee~ xDD Uh-oh... >< Stay tuned~!!!!! xDD THANKS FOR COMMENTING~!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
DreVil0707 : hehe...>< Okay, will put more Taemin parts in teh next chapter~ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR COMMENTING!!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
<br />
"Here's your H20..."<br />
"are you..okay?"<br />
"No I'm onew!" <br />
LMAOROFLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! OMGLOL that is sooooooo funnnnyyyyy!!! XDD hahaa joo eun's parts are funny as heck too! And while I was reading the ..ahem..yunhee's pov I imagined it as me myself and..... my heart burst. Lol! Update!!
deadlysins #8
Minho still likes her right? :/ <br />
Poor Minho... <br />
Taemin's part in this story is too little... *pouts*
... ahem. What did you actually think we would think of? girl? =) <br />
And... we'll have a serious talk tomorrow. <br />
Update soon. <3
TeaminT: OKay~ Okay~ Geez, you are freaking me out!! I better run...>< Anyway, just found out that THE POSTER I UPLOADED MONTHS AGO DIDN'T ACTUALLY UPLOADED!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH AFF???!!!!!