Chapter 27

Shinning Stars 2


Sue Yi’s POV

“How was lunch?” He asked. We were holding hands as we walked our way back to the SHINee dorm.

“It was… Sweet…” I can feel my cheek was burning.

“Oh for the love of my mother. It’s manager hyung’s car!!” Suddenly we stopped and Eunhyuk kind of freaked out.

“How nice of him to pay us a visit! Let get in quickly!!” I got excited and ran in. Still holding hands with him of course.

Yun Hee’s POV

“You’ll be sharing the room with Sue Yi…”KEY said and as soon as he opened the room door…

Just as I expected.

Super Junior posters everywhere!!


That wasn’t me.

KEY said that.

“She’s a fan… I didn’t know that…” KEY was smiling as he walked into the room.

I took a look around the room.

Tsk tsk tsk… Lee Sue Yi… Your posters are everywhere!! Even on the toilet door!!

“The bathroom is here-” KEY opened the door and got shocked.

I stood behind him and saw another huge poster of- what’s that guys’ name again?

Ah yes. Eunhyuk. HIS FACE IS on the mirror!!!

“I’m afraid that I will have a nightmare tonight…” I said out accidentally.

“Why?” KEY turned to me and asked.

Because I always dream of you every night and what if I dream about Super Junior tonight?!

Thatis what you call… A nightmare.

“Too much Super Junior…” I nodded my head continuously and avoided eye contact with him.

KEY giggled and he walked past me.

Just then, somehow he tripped over something and…

Taemin’s POV

“What’s up hyung!!” I walked past Kim Joo Eun and gave Heechul a punch in the arm.

“Not good. Where is that rascal?” Heechul hyung walked around the house. Sniffing.

“Who?” Onew was a bit… dumb.

“Lee Hyukjae who else?” Said Heechul.

“His umma.” I pointed my thumb at Onew hyung.

“Don’t talk about my umma.” And I got a slap in the back from him.

“Are you having a running nose?” Onew hyung asked as he followed Heechul around.

“No. I’m sniffing for his scent.” Then Heechul hyung took a deep breath with his eyes closed then he hung still for about… three seconds?

“He’s not here.” He said and he turned around.

Unfortunately he knocked onto Joo Eun.

Should I say that she is short-to-be-lucky? Or lucky-to-be-short?

Because she was too short that Heechul’s… chest, hit her forehead. Really hard.

“The volcano is going to blow!!!!!!” Onew whispered as he pulled me further away from them.

“Mianhae… What is your fan doing in your dorm??” Heechul apologized to her as he bowed and turned to us and asked the last sentence.

And before we could answer him, we heard a loud thud coming from Sue Yi’s room.

“That rascal!!! He must be in there!!!” Heechul grinned and he ran to the room and knocked on the door hardly.

Yun Hee’s POV

KEY fell.

On his FACE!!!

Well, not exactly on his face. He just landed on the floor.

Without thinking, I walked to him and wanted to get hold onto his hand. But, to my surprise…

He was in a pumping pose?

You know? The one where people train their muscles. The “pumping” exercise…

Both his palms were pressing on the floor. As for his knee… not touching the marble tiles either… so, this is what you call… “pumping”.

“A-Are you okay?” I wanted to help so badly but he quickly stood up and fixed his hair.

The y look on his face!!!! So… Mesmerizing

“I’m fine. Gomawo.” He smiled.

Then we heard somebody knocking hardly on the door.

“Open up Hyukkie!!! I know that you’re a big boy now but you don’t have to-” Before the screaming’s ended, KEY opened the door and got smacked by someone in the face.


OoOH!!! It’s Heechul from Super Junior!!

“You shouldn’t open the door when I was smacking it-” Heechul went tomato red.

“Why didn’t I think of that…?” KEY said sarcastically.

“Why are there fans in your house???!!!!” Heechul screamed like a girl when he saw me.

“They are not fans…” Onew answered him.

“They are humans, I get that joke.” Heechul interrupted and Joo Eun giggled.

“What are you talking about?” KEY frowned.

“Don’t you get it?” Joo Eun stepped forward and tried to explain but the front door suddenly opened.

Sue Yi’s POV

“Hello guys!!” I stepped into SHINee’s dorm and saw a crowd of people in front of me.

“HAH!! There you are!! Rascal!! Where were you?!” Heechul got angry and walked past me to Eunhyuk and gave him a smack in the back.

I wonder what happened.




I know this chapter isn't really interesting~ but the interesting ones are coming right up!!!!!!!




THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDD SARANGHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Chapter 31: @zeroxzero : Hahaha!! Thank you!!! xD ENJOY!!!
This story.
Randoming fics have never been so good.
@DreVil0707 : He is cute isn't he? xP Thanks for commenting by the way~~ xDD<br />
<br />
@KpopLove1996 : THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! I will~ stay tuned~~ xDD
Ouch! Heechul hit Key<br />
That's gotta hurt.<br />
<br />
I'm loving this story :)<br />
Update soon
deadlysins #5
TeaminT: Tee-Hee~ xDD Uh-oh... >< Stay tuned~!!!!! xDD THANKS FOR COMMENTING~!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
DreVil0707 : hehe...>< Okay, will put more Taemin parts in teh next chapter~ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR COMMENTING!!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
<br />
"Here's your H20..."<br />
"are you..okay?"<br />
"No I'm onew!" <br />
LMAOROFLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! OMGLOL that is sooooooo funnnnyyyyy!!! XDD hahaa joo eun's parts are funny as heck too! And while I was reading the ..ahem..yunhee's pov I imagined it as me myself and..... my heart burst. Lol! Update!!
deadlysins #8
Minho still likes her right? :/ <br />
Poor Minho... <br />
Taemin's part in this story is too little... *pouts*
... ahem. What did you actually think we would think of? girl? =) <br />
And... we'll have a serious talk tomorrow. <br />
Update soon. <3
TeaminT: OKay~ Okay~ Geez, you are freaking me out!! I better run...>< Anyway, just found out that THE POSTER I UPLOADED MONTHS AGO DIDN'T ACTUALLY UPLOADED!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH AFF???!!!!!