Chapter 29

Shinning Stars 2


Sue Yi’s POV

“Are you saying that our album is coming out tomorrow??!!”

“For the fifth time, YES!!” I screamed at Jonghyun. The SHINee’s asked me the same damn question ONE AFTER ANOTHER!!!

“I’m so excited!!” Taemin cheered as he clapped his hands together.

He’s cute.

“It’s not like it’s your first album right?” Jonghyun snapped at Taemin.

“Come on boys. Stop it already.” I said.

I thought I heard my phone ring…

“Not Yet, we’ve just only started.” Jonghyun gave me an evil smile and turned to Taemin.

Oh yes. It rung. It was from Mr. Jung.

“Annyeong Mr. Jung. I’m-”

Before I could say anything, Mr. Jung shouted at me.

“What is the usage of YOUR PHONE?!! You have to pick it up when it rings!!”

“Chosahamnida… I will not repeat my mistakes again.” I said as I walked to my room. Knowing that the SHINee boys were staring at me, worried.

“Prepare them for their performance at Music Bank. Their clothing’s everything!!”

Mr. Jung shouted and left me there with a pain in the ear.

“What?! Tomorrow??” I was shocked! Did Mr. Jung hit his head on the wall and damaged his brain or something?! Does he want me dead?!

“Of course tomorrow!! After the press conference!!”

Then, the line was cut off.

No sleep for me tonight I guess…

“What else is going on tomorrow?” Taemin suddenly said. He was behind me all these while!

“MuBank at night, and…. It’s rude to eavesdrop, Taemin.” I patted his cheeks twice and locked myself in my room.

Aloha-Bonjour-annyeonghasaeyo, this is SHInee’s secretary calling. I need their “Lucifer” clothes for MuBank tomorrow night. It should be behind stage before 8pm am I right? Thank you very much. Annyeong.”

Just confirmed with the people in charge and hopefully…. Nothing goes wrong tomorrow.

“What are you doing?” Suddenly, Onew busted in and asked.

“I thought I locked the door!!” I was shocked.

“I have magic hands…” Onew wringled his fingers in my face and sat next to me.

“Thanks Onew, but I don’t need company…”

“I know that you don’t need my company, that’s why I’m here to let you know that we are bringing them out to have some fun!”

Them?? As in Joo Eun and Yun Hee?” I raised an eyebrow. “You did not bring me out when I was here the first day…” I grumbled.

“Ooh…. Guys!! Someone is getting jelly here!!”

Darn. He heard what I said.

“Did someone just say jelly??” KEY bumped in and said with excitement.

“Stop the drama and get out of here please…” I laughed a little. Looking at their cute faces just makes me smile.

“Okay. We’ll get you some jelly on the way home if that’s what you want…” KEY said as he turned and left the room with Onew.

I rolled my eyes and remembered something!

“You guys!! Yah!!” I screamed for them as Onew opened my room door and narrowed his eyes at me.

“You guys just can’t go out with two girls like that!”

“We know that! Wanna’ see their makeover?” Onew walked into my room and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room.

“Swear to God that you won’t laugh.” Joo Eun said it in a serious way.

But before she said that sentence, I burst out laughing.

They were all dressed up as boys!!

Yun Hee definitely does not look like a male. But as for Joo Eun, I should say… Not bad….

She wore a cap, and wore Taemin’s clothes. With her frinch covering her eyes, she has no sign of looking like a female! Whoever helped her with the makeover deserves a word- “perfect”.

As for Yun Hee, hmm……..

“I still don’t understand why can’t I be whoever I am now. I am your sister! Not your secret girlfriend! I don’t need this !” Joo Eun said angrily and threw the cap on the floor.

“Now now, Joo Eun… It’s for your best okay…” KEY picked the cap up and put it on her head.

“Yun Hee should just be herself…” I blurted out.

“Now that’s not fair, my friend!” Joo Eun quickly said with her eyes opened wide.

“What do you expect?! Yun Hee has a face of a female and she has long hair!” I accidentally said what I said. And I’m doomed.

“You are right actually…” Min Ho put his hands on his hips as he studied Yun Hee’s face.

“What does that mean?! Everybody said that KEY looks like me and nobody ever said that I have a face of a guy, and now you, my best friend say that I look like a guy?!” Joo Eun was so angry.

“That was not what I meant! I-”

Suddenly my phone rang. SAVED BY THE PHONE!!

I took my phone from the back of my pants and waved it in Joo Eun’s face.

“I have to take this.” I quickly said and picked up the phone.

“You are not going anywhere with this, my friend! We’re not done yet!” Joo Eun screamed at the top of her lungs as I closed my room door.

Eunhyuk’s POV

“What’s up hyung? I’m in a good mood today, so please don’t spoil it.” I put my hand on manager hyung’s shoulder.

We were at in a tent backstage where nobody was in it. I repeat. Nobody….

“Where were you this morning?” He sounded angry, but his facial expression doesn’t show it… or am I bad at reading facial expressions?

“What are you looking at?!”

I’ll take that as I am bad at facial expressions then.

“Nothing! Just trying to recall what I did this morning… Why don’t I tell you after I figured it out?” I turned and wanted to walk away but was pulled back by manager hyung and been forced to answer his question.

“Well, I… I was…”

“Make sure it’s the truth.” Manager hyung crossed his arms at his chest as he said it.

I gave a shy smile and moved towards his ears.

“I was at the SHINee’s…” I whispered and quickly stood far away from him just in case he is mad about it.

But to my surprise, he just nodded his head!

Well, of course he just nodded his head, that was just half of the story!!

“Go on!” Manager hyung suddenly said and it gave me the shivers.


“Ah! There you are!” Heechul stepped in and grabbed my shoulder.

“His fans are just screaming their voices for him! Let’s get going!”

“I’m not done yet!” Manager hyung screamed.

“Honestly hyung, you are earning so much money because of his face.” Heechul grabbed my jaw and shook my face as he said it unwillingly.

Then, we left the tent.

“Seriously?” I turned to Heechul, feeling excited about what he said.

“LEE HYUK JAE!!!!!!!”

The screaming of the fans answered my question I guess..

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Chapter 31: @zeroxzero : Hahaha!! Thank you!!! xD ENJOY!!!
This story.
Randoming fics have never been so good.
@DreVil0707 : He is cute isn't he? xP Thanks for commenting by the way~~ xDD<br />
<br />
@KpopLove1996 : THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! I will~ stay tuned~~ xDD
Ouch! Heechul hit Key<br />
That's gotta hurt.<br />
<br />
I'm loving this story :)<br />
Update soon
deadlysins #5
TeaminT: Tee-Hee~ xDD Uh-oh... >< Stay tuned~!!!!! xDD THANKS FOR COMMENTING~!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
DreVil0707 : hehe...>< Okay, will put more Taemin parts in teh next chapter~ THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR COMMENTING!!!!! xDD<br />
<br />
<br />
"Here's your H20..."<br />
"are you..okay?"<br />
"No I'm onew!" <br />
LMAOROFLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! OMGLOL that is sooooooo funnnnyyyyy!!! XDD hahaa joo eun's parts are funny as heck too! And while I was reading the ..ahem..yunhee's pov I imagined it as me myself and..... my heart burst. Lol! Update!!
deadlysins #8
Minho still likes her right? :/ <br />
Poor Minho... <br />
Taemin's part in this story is too little... *pouts*
... ahem. What did you actually think we would think of? girl? =) <br />
And... we'll have a serious talk tomorrow. <br />
Update soon. <3
TeaminT: OKay~ Okay~ Geez, you are freaking me out!! I better run...>< Anyway, just found out that THE POSTER I UPLOADED MONTHS AGO DIDN'T ACTUALLY UPLOADED!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH AFF???!!!!!