
Song Soojin's Drabble Collection

Title: Left
Author: Song Soojin
Characters: Sehun/FG
- Extra drab for an oneshot of mine
- Please inform me if you take this anywhere else. Thanks for reading and have a nice time ^. ^


_Eunyeong-ah. Eunyeong!


I grabbed his arm, couldn’t bear to let him go after her just like that. That bouquet, I’ve seen the way he takes care of it and how he carefully, clumsily tied it up with the purple ribbon I gave him. I known how much these flowers meant to him and it pained me to see that broken look in his eyes when they bounced off the ground like that. If she could throw them away just like that then she doesn’t deserve his feeling.

_You think running after her would make her accept this bouquet? If she wanted to accept it then this wouldn’t have happened in the first place!

I yelled at him, hoping that he would hear me and stop. But he didn’t.

_No. - He shook his head frantically, acting like this was his last chance - I have to give this to Eunyeong before it’s too late.

He ran off, leaving me behind yelling his name in helpless. I wanted to change his mind and at the same time, also known I couldn’t. I don’t have the right to tell him what to do with his heart. But I couldn’t bear to watch him get hurt either.

I soon followed, eyes searching through every corner for the sight of him. And there he was. With the purple bouquet still in hand, the figure of that girl across the street was all he ever noticed. Until that truck came along.


Everything just happened too fast.

The screeching sound of the brake pulled at my heart as the truck crashed into him, knocking his body a few meters away right in front me.

I watched as the bouquet smashed with the ground, making some branches broke off from the embrace of the ribbon and scattered all over place.

I couldn’t breathe for a moment. My heart was pounding against my chest and my legs felt like they could give in at any second. Fear crept into me and I just couldn’t take it.

I can’t lose him just like this.

_Sehun-ah! - Tears were streaming down my face as I ran toward him - No no no, please answer me. Somebody… help!

Blood, all I saw was blood. They kept oozing out from the wound on his head and I didn’t know how to stop it. My hands were shaking badly, I couldn’t even caress his cheeks probably to comfort him. I felt so helpless and it was killing me.

_Eunyeong’s… - He breathed out, catching my attention - Eunyeong’s… lavender…

_Just leave them! They’re gonna die anyway…- I cried out, voice breaking with every single word - But not you.

I saw tears coming out from his eyes but still, he didn’t say anything. There was something on his mind and I just couldn’t read it. Then he turned his head, eyes searching for something on the ground. I watched as his hand reached out, weakly and shaking toward the purple flower. It was his lavender.

_Help me… - He barely whispered, bringing the flower to my hand - Give this… to Eunyeong…

_But what about you?

I questioned but he didn’t answer, all he gave me was his last smile. My heart stopped when his hand went limp and fell off my grasp, his eyes no longer look into mine.


Silent. All I got was silence and the soft whisper of the wind.

_No no. - I shook my head, couldn’t believe in reality - You can’t leave me like this. How am I supposed to live without you now!? Please! Answer me Sehun-ah…

And just like that, he left me. I shook his arm, screamed and begged but nothing worked.

He was the world to me.

And now I got nothing left but a crushed and broken bouquet of lavender…

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