Baekhyun: Birthday Cake Mishaps II

EXO: Indecent Proposals





Part Two of Three





                                   The Party started after everything was settled, the boys brought food while Baekhyun and the Birthday boy provided the entertainment, those two never failed to make you feel like you could die from laughing too much from their crazy antics.

You were all singing along to a song merrily when Chanyeol decided to speak:


“ Hey! Time for cake!” as he looked at you, you smiled and nodded your head in agreement.


“ Who was supposed to be in charge of the cake?” Suho asked and Sehun gave a pointing glance at kai and D.O


“ Hey,You were supposed to get the cake!” D.O pointed at kai while Kai gave him an incredulous look.


“ I thought it was you hyung?” he retorted back.


At this, Suho sighed, Things never change.


“ No, I was the one to get the food, Suho hyung and Sehun with the decorations, and you with the cake, remember?” D.O explained, His eyes wide.


“ Oh” Kai said quietly before he smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck before apologizing to Chanyeol and you.


That moment Baekhyun decided to speak up, with a smile on his face. “ It’s okay, I got the cake covered. I baked it myself. Consider it as my Birthday gift Chanyeol-ah” He said proudly and you had to smile. He was too cute sometimes.


“ Well then, what are we waiting for?” The Birthday boy pouted while Baekhyun sighed.


“ Kai, Go and get it from the kitchen” He said and the said boy quickly got up to do what he was told. Kai returned to the living room and placed a large box on the table where the rest of you had gathered.

Baekhyun whispered in your ear that the first cake was for Chanyeol and that he made another one especially for you, at that you smiled and your eyes twinkled in happiness.

Everyone started singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song as Suho readied the candles and the matches while Sehun moved the cake box closer to Chanyeol urging him to open it. Chanyeol clapped his hands cheerfully with a wide smile on his handsome face as all of you started clapping together, he moved his hand to lift the box’s lid.



“ Ha~ppy birthday! Ha~ppy birthday!”



Chanyeol opened the box.



“ HAP-“


The singing died down and everyone’s gazes flew towards the cake.



Nobody spoke.
















“u-uhmm…Baekhyunnie…this is surely…I dunno what to say, Unexpected?.” Chanyeol said his face confused.


Baekhyun frowned in annoyance not understanding what the tall guy meant, he looked over the box and peeked at Chanyeol’s cake before his face paled considerably.





“ Wha-…Oh .”





You were frozen beside Chanyeol while D.O and Sehun was laughing like lunatics, Suho shook his head smirking and Kai was already rolling on the floor from laughing so hard.

There, in front of Chanyeol was a Chocolate cake with a “Will you Marry me?” Written all over it with pink frosting and glittery candy Hearts.






Damn his luck.






Hey can I ask a favor from you dear people? Please do leave your comments so that I have an Idea if I should continue this or I should just stop 'cause I'm planning on taking a break from writing stuff! =)


Thanks alot to those who subscribed! =)

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Guys, Lay is next so anticipate for it okay!=)


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kdramafan #1
Chapter 11: That was so cute !!!! I love it
Too fluffy !
Definitely will marry Kris !,
Chapter 11: AAAAWWWWWWWW I LOVE THIIIISSSSSSS !!!!!!!! It's so adorable and sweet and....... Gosh. But it wasn't really indecent though. But it's okay !
Chapter 11: AWWWW HOW DAMN ADORBS <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 11: i wanna DIE FROM THE FLUFFINESS.
omg this is so cute i can't-
omgee kris of course i'll marry you
; u ;
/slapped for being delusional.
Chapter 9: kris. unf. * ^ *
Chapter 8: Mina LOL! You fail. It's okay I fail at it too XD!

Chanyeol wae so greasy!? I love it but its too cute for me LOL <3