Kris Entrance Exams Final

EXO: Indecent Proposals











“ Goodluck!” Mina said excitedly as she dropped you of the room you were assigned to.


It is the day where you will have your Entrance exams and you were quite nervous. More so, Mina was assigned to a different room so that she wouldn’t be taking the exams with you.


Entering quietly, you glanced around the spacious classroom noting with a little amazement that the majority of the students who wanted to enroll in Architecture were mostly girls. Arriving on your assigned seat, you smiled and greeted the girl sitting next to you.


You were looking at your desk nonchalantly when all of the chatters around the room erupted into giggling whispers and hushed squeals. You didn’t bother looking up at first thinking probably some hot guy just walked so you continued to recite things in your head hoping that it would come in handy for the exam later.


The squealing didn’t stop though and there was even giggling added and it annoyed you since it affected your concentration a little bit, you were about to look up to see what was happening when an all too familiar voice spoke and made you freeze in your seat.



You looked up and saw your boyfriend enter the classroom with what looked like your exam in hand.



“ Alright everyone, Good morning” he deadpanned as he carefully placed the exam papers atop the desk.


He caught everyone’s attention alright, seeing as all the girls in the room swooned over his perfection, His eyes caught yours across the room and he gave you his trademark smirk while you glared daggers at him.




Damn, why is he here? You though distractedly, seeming to hear your thoughts Kris spoke:




“ I am Kris Wu, a second year student here and I will be your proctor for today” He spoke confidently and the girls swooned around even more while you wanted to bang your head onto the desk.




Great… just great… He is ‘gonna be my freaking proctor!... there goes my concentration!




“ So, I’ll give you simple instructions before you begin the test, be sure to listen carefully otherwise your paper would be invalid if you failed to comply” he spoke seriously when everyone around the room seemed to quiet down.



After Kris was done with all the Exam instructions, he then began explaining things on how to correctly fill up the exam forms, he even added some tips that could be helpful in taking the exams.



The Entrance exam itself was made up of five parts with each part to be answered on an hour time frame as Kris explained, He was about begin checking the names of the examinees when he spoke:



“ So, does anybody have questions?”



One girl raised her hand and Kris eyed her before he nodded his head ushering her to continue.



“ Yes, Miss?”




“ Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked courageously and all of the girls giggled in anticipation for his answer while you sunk a little in your seat hoping that Kris wouldn’t do something stupid.



“ Yes, in fact I do. And I am very happy with her, By the way, Good luck on your exams, Babe.” Kris said smirking directly at you and all of the girls’ head went straight to follow his gaze. Thankfully, his action was quick enough so none of them saw that you were the one he was talking about.




“ She’s here?” echoed inside the room, all the girls wondering who the lucky girlfriend is.






                     After some more explaining of some other details, Kris finally started to distribute the exam questions and once the test paper reached you, you made sure that the paper was indeed yours checking the verification numbers on the side and the cover.


Some have already started working on their exams but as of habit, you scanned the papers first checking if there were any problems with it or if there was some pages missing.


The first page you looked over and nothing seems to be wrong with it, so was the second page and you happily remarked that you knew most of the answers to the questions.


Once you have reached the third page though, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at what was written. You flipped the remaining pages and you saw that all of the remaining questions were unusual.




What the Wu Fan?  



You cursed in your head as you scanned the rest of the pages, looking up you saw your boyfriend smirking arrogantly in your direction and you glared at him with all your might.



“Is this even legal?’’ You mouthed at him and he scoffed smugly at you.



“ Just answer it”  He mouthed  before he raised his thumb coolly giving you a smirk.



And you did, as stupid as you thought it was, you answered all sixty questions about you and Kris like:




When did we first meet?




What was my first Anniversary gift to you?




What is my favorite food?




And even




What is the password of my Facebook account?




Standing up, you reluctantly walked over to the desk at the very front of the room where Kris currently sat. Looking aghast, you placed the papers in his awaiting hand and made to grab your acknowledgement form so that he could sign it.



“ You didn’t answer the last question” He remarked as he lifted his gaze to you, The few girls remaining inside the exam room started to notice the interaction between the two of you but Kris paid no attention to them as he waited for you to answer.



“ Well you didn’t ask properly” you answered him simply as you placed the form in front of him, he looked at it coolly before smirking.



“ I won’t sign that if your test paper is incomplete” he said teasing you.



“That’s not fair!” you whined as the last of the examinee submitted her paper and Kris signed her form without taking his eyes off of you.



When only the two of you were left inside the room, with you glaring childishly at your boyfriend, Kris sighed and stood up from his seat so that he could come close to you.


When only a few feet separated the two of you, he sighed before taking something out of his pocket and you weren’t sure if he really was going to do it.



“ Okay , I’ll do this properly then” He smirked as he towered over you giving you a light kiss on the forehead before he bent down in one knee.



You were unable to hear all the gasps from outside from the shocked audience seeing as your heart was too busy having a seizure inside your chest. You couldn’t believe that he was actually doing it!


“ Will you marry me?” Kris asked as he looked up to you. And you were too shocked to answer at first.



Being the impatient guy that he was, Kris sighed at your unresponsiveness. Scratching the back of his head a little he prodded:



“ Hey, I just asked” He said frowning trying to hide his nervousness because you weren’t responding.



Registering everything in your mind, you dazedly looked down at your still kneeling boyfriend.



I can’t believe this is actually happening! You thought happily.



“ Will you sign this if I answer you…Yes?” you as you waved the acknowledgement form in his face, At that, Kris returned your smile with one of his own as he stood up.



He gently took your hand and placed the ring on your finger. He stared at your hand in appreciation for a while before bringing it up to his lips to kiss your knuckles.


“Off course I’ll sign that, I’ll even allow you an extra five minute break” at that, he bent down to kiss you fully on the lips.






I have no excuses as to why this story came out so late, ... I'mm really sorry guys if I update slower than a snail~! I'm really thankful to those who still read my works though, really thankful~! =)

I hope you like this one!

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Guys, Lay is next so anticipate for it okay!=)


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kdramafan #1
Chapter 11: That was so cute !!!! I love it
Too fluffy !
Definitely will marry Kris !,
Chapter 11: AAAAWWWWWWWW I LOVE THIIIISSSSSSS !!!!!!!! It's so adorable and sweet and....... Gosh. But it wasn't really indecent though. But it's okay !
Chapter 11: AWWWW HOW DAMN ADORBS <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 11: i wanna DIE FROM THE FLUFFINESS.
omg this is so cute i can't-
omgee kris of course i'll marry you
; u ;
/slapped for being delusional.
Chapter 9: kris. unf. * ^ *
Chapter 8: Mina LOL! You fail. It's okay I fail at it too XD!

Chanyeol wae so greasy!? I love it but its too cute for me LOL <3