Lay: Call me? II

EXO: Indecent Proposals



Two of Three for Lay's lovelife~!








“ Soooo...Mr. Jung says that there’s going to be a new class project ...” Xuimin trailed on as he sat on the table, They are in the cafeteria. Lay just stared at him blankly while he took a bite of his sandwich.


“So?” he gave his friend an asking glance while Xuimin’s lips morphed into a wide grin.


This couldn’t be good  Lay thought.


But before he could say anything, Luhan, Tao and Chen walked up to their table and sat down with their food in tow.


“ Ayo~! ‘Sup?” Tao asked while he bumped fist with Lay and Xuimin.


“ Tao, You’re hanging around Kris too much. You’re starting to sound like him.” Luhan remarked offhandedly.


“ Is that bad Gege?” The younger one asked cutely and Luhan just gave him a blank stare and shrugged.


My friends sure are strange


Hey, Where is Kris anyways?” Chen asked as he too began to eat.


“ Basketball Practice”  Tao said.






I see...












“HAHAHAHAH~!”  Suddenly they all burst out laughing out of nowhere. While other the students in the cafeteria gave them weird stares.

These Aliens are really something

After their random moment, It was Xuimin who spoke first:


“So, Like I was saying we have a project coming up” he said like something random never happened seconds ago, Beside him the boys also went back to eating and waiting for what the older boy has to say.


“ And like I said...So? “ Lay raised his eyebrows, not understanding where his friend was getting to. Xuimin’s grin resurfaced again and this time, It really made Lay nervous.


Who knows what’s going on in his head?


“ I’ve heard that he’s going to make us do pairs” He gave a smug smile and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.


“ I’m not pairing with you if that’s what your implying”  Lay blurted out.


“ That’s not what I’m implying. And why wouldn’t you pair up with me?”  Xuimin asked incredulously pretending to be insulted.


“ Well for one, It’s Mr. Jung- only God knows what he’s going to make us do. Secondly, it’s HEALTH CLASS” Lay said and somehow, all of them heard the capital AND bold letters in his voice.


“What if, he gives us one of those “Raising a Family” thing projects? Where you would have to act like what a married couple would do, and we will have one of those fake babies to take care of for a week, Feeding, Changing diapers, stuff you do with babies ... Knowing you, we would probably kill ourselves BEFORE we even manage to take the baby home and if we DO manage to take the baby home, we’d probably end up raising a mutant- that, or we’d die chocking on a baby diaper or something else much worse” Lay explained with a serious face while Tao, Chen and Luhan stared with their mouths open.


Something was really off with Lay’s logic.


Thank Xuimin for voicing out their thoughts:


“Duuuude, Something must be seriously wrong inside your head” He eyed Lay suspiciously while said man just shrugged offhandedly.


“ Just thinking of the worst case scenario, Just in case” Lay explained and Xuimin sighed, irritated.


“ We are sooooooooooooo out of topic” He muttered exasperated.


“  There’s an actual topic? I thought you were just spewing non-sense again?  “ Chen asked while Lay, Luhan and Tao snickered.


“ Yes!!!!...There is an actual topic in what I am about to say but you idiots keep interrupting me!” He glared at Chen.


Composing himself, Xuimin turned back to Lay and the freaky grin appeared on his face...ehrmm..again.


“ So... as I was saying, Mr.Jung is about to announce a project for us. And we will be assigned in pairs... so that means...” He trailed on , urging Lay to follow his thoughts. The other three boys waited as well.


“ It means???”  All of them gave Xuimin an expecting look.


two people on a project...working ...together...” he added italicization for suspense. They don’t seem to get what he means though.


“So?” Tao asked.


“ Yeah, what’s your point?” it was Chen this time while Luhan stared at his friends.


Xiumin’s face contorted in annoyance but luckily for him, another voice spoke from behind:


“ It means that Lay, This is finally your chance to make a move on Mei Lien, ask her to be your partner” Kris spoke and all the guys except for Lay who froze at the mention of your name looked at him.


“ Kris Gege” Tao greeted him cheerfully while Luhan moved over so that there would be space for Kris on their table.


Xuimin gave Kris an approving nod and the tall man smirked as he sat.


“ How long have you been standing there?” asked Luhan


“ I dunno, Thirty minutes or so?” Kris shrugged coolly.


“ Why didn’t you say anything Kris gege?” said the youngest


“  Do you have any Idea how amusing it is to watch you guys? I have never seen people talk for more than thirty minutes yet get absolutely  nowhere...Truly amazing! It makes me wonder if you guys have brain cells or that’s all air inside your heads!” Kris said with a smirk while Tao glared at him.

Then, Kris turned to the still frozen Lay, His gaze seemed empty but he knew that the mere mention of your name would get him to react like that. He smirked and nudged Xuimin on the side, Said boy looked up to him and they shared an understanding glance before smirking.


“ Look Lay! There she is! Go, ask her now!” Kris pointed to you, who have just entered the cafeteria.


“I-I... I can’” Lay muttered pathetically his face reddening at your beautiful figure.


“... Man, He’s more whipped than I thought” Chen mumbled and Lay turned his head down.


Luhan gave Lay an apologetic smile while he patted his friend’s shoulder.


“ It’s okay, Talk to her when you are ready” He said sincerely.


“ Yeah, and when will that be? When he’s forty?” Xuimin remarked as they sniggered while Lay sighed in irritation.


“ Look Lay, I’m sorry man” Xuimin apologized and then continued:


“ but you’ve liked her for three years now and honestly, I don’t know why you are so afraid to talk to her.  As far as I’m concerned Mei Lien is a nice girl, so what are you so scared of?” he asked.


“ I don’t know”


Lay shook his head slowly as he stole a peak at you, you were sitting on the table across the room and his heart sped when your eyes caught his for a moment and you gave him a sweet smile.

 He looked down as fast as he could.

 All the boys saw the interaction between the two of you and they felt a little sorry for their friend.

Nobody spoke for a minute.




They moved to stand up since lunch was almost over. As they made their way out of the cafeteria Xuimin placed his arm on Lay’s shoulder.

“ It’s okay man, You’ll get your chance” He said lightening the mood. At this, Lay’s dimpled smile appeared.


“ Thanks...But, I think... I’m fine with where I am now, just seeing Mei Lien makes me happy, even if I have to see it from afar” He said with a resigned look and the older one sighed.


“ Hey Lay, How come I don’t have your number? Come to think of it, you don’t have mine either! ” he asked trying to change the conversation.


I don’t have a handphone~!” Chen shouted randomly and the guys gave him a weird look. At this, Chen laughed.


“ We see each other!... why would I want your number?” Lay asked.


“ I dunno, but here is my me if you need someone to... talk to?"

He gave Lay an unsure look and that made the younger one laugh.





Here is a long update for you guys~! Thanks to all my new subscribers and to:


veekay  and AirDragon


--xLOLlipop : Thank you soooo much~! and I have updated my Luhan story Gravity! I hope you like that one too!


MusicalAnarchy: hahahaa!!!You are in all of my author's notes! thank you so much again and again and again for supporting my stories! hahaha,,, I wrote an extra adorable Lay in this one... I think he is just so cute when he acts so shy and stuff~! plus I added the rest of EXO-M and made them complete dorks! hahahaha!!!


I don't exactly know what happened in this chapter and if the boys actually got somewhere in their conversation! hahahaaHAHA...

I hope you find this one amusing...yet pointless!



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p.s: Read my other stories okay?hahaha


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Guys, Lay is next so anticipate for it okay!=)


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kdramafan #1
Chapter 11: That was so cute !!!! I love it
Too fluffy !
Definitely will marry Kris !,
Chapter 11: AAAAWWWWWWWW I LOVE THIIIISSSSSSS !!!!!!!! It's so adorable and sweet and....... Gosh. But it wasn't really indecent though. But it's okay !
Chapter 11: AWWWW HOW DAMN ADORBS <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 11: i wanna DIE FROM THE FLUFFINESS.
omg this is so cute i can't-
omgee kris of course i'll marry you
; u ;
/slapped for being delusional.
Chapter 9: kris. unf. * ^ *
Chapter 8: Mina LOL! You fail. It's okay I fail at it too XD!

Chanyeol wae so greasy!? I love it but its too cute for me LOL <3