Kris: Entrance Exams

EXO: Indecent Proposals



Update on his Birthday!







Because Kris ignored you for his Midterms.





''Why are we even here?'' you pouted childishly as you stared out the car window.


You were on your way to Seoul University with your best friend Mina to visit her boyfriend, Chanyeol. She literally had to drag you from your own school because you refused to go with her because of a certain someone.


''Come on now, you know that their Midterm Exams are coming up'' she chided as she drove the car.


''Well, he could have at least called once, you know? just to check if I'm still alive'' you said bitterly and she laughed at your childishness.


'' You know how he is with his studies''


The 'He' here was no other than your boyfriend, Kris. You two have been together for two years, when he was a Senior in High school and you were a Sophomore. Now, you were the one in senior year in High school while he was on his second year studying to become an Architect in Seoul University.


You are planning on going there too and the entrance exam's were also just around the corner. Like Kris, you are also aspiring to become an Architect.


''Still, he could have just called, hell, even a simple text would do, is that too much to ask from him?'' you asked Mina sadly and she sighed.


Looking for a place to park, she maneuvered the car expertly around the lot. When the car was safely parked, she faced you again with a small smile on her face while you glared outside.


''Listen, Chanyeol didn't want me to tell you this because if Kris knew that you knew, he would surely kill him'' she said and you frowned.


''Knew what?'' you asked, now facing Mina.


'' You know your boyfriend right? He always liked to study without interruptions. And you know how loud Chanyeol gets and it's always difficult for Kris to concentrate with them being roommates and all'' she explained and you leaned in a little to listen to her.


''So, they made an agreement that Kris would study in the room while Chanyeol would study in the Kitchen'' she said.


''so…?'' you pretended not to sound to interested but you knew your Best friend saw right through your act.


''Well, Chanyeol said that, when he sometimes walk in the room to get something, and Kris was taking a short break, He would see him hold his phone in his hand as if contemplating on something only to drop it back on the bed'' she explained before adding:


''Chanyeol also said that he even saw Kris once find your name in his contacts list only to press cancel at the last minute'' If your Best friend was trying to comfort you, then she failed because somehow, that didn't make you feel any better.


And she knew it from the expression on your face, that made her laugh and you puffed your cheeks in annoyance.


''Let's just get out of here'' you said irritated as you made your way out of the car.








So sorry if it's a little short, I'll update this soon I promise~!

Credits to : Khnoct for the poster! Thanks=)


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kdramafan #1
Chapter 11: That was so cute !!!! I love it
Too fluffy !
Definitely will marry Kris !,
Chapter 11: AAAAWWWWWWWW I LOVE THIIIISSSSSSS !!!!!!!! It's so adorable and sweet and....... Gosh. But it wasn't really indecent though. But it's okay !
Chapter 11: AWWWW HOW DAMN ADORBS <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 11: i wanna DIE FROM THE FLUFFINESS.
omg this is so cute i can't-
omgee kris of course i'll marry you
; u ;
/slapped for being delusional.
Chapter 9: kris. unf. * ^ *
Chapter 8: Mina LOL! You fail. It's okay I fail at it too XD!

Chanyeol wae so greasy!? I love it but its too cute for me LOL <3