Lay: Call me?

EXO: Indecent Proposals



Call me?


For Zhang Yixing, Lay




Where Lay finally decided to acknowledge the existence of his Cellphone





“ And so, I was saying...”


You said as you put a lock of hair behind your ear while you were in the hallway talking to your best friend Mina.  It was lunch time and you decided to drop by and put your books on your locker first before going to the cafeteria.

Lay watched you from his locker with a sigh. You were truly gorgeous, he thought as you pass by without giving him a single glance. Beside him, Xiumin nudged his shoulder .He looked at his friend with a sympathetic face.


“ Lay, You’ve liked Mei Lien for a really long time, and by really, I mean reeaalllyyyyy...”


“- when are you ‘gonna tell her?” he asked childishly.


Lay sighed for a second time. His friend was right, He liked you for a long time: Three years to be exact.He rememebered the first time he saw you and a dimpled smile appeared on his handsome face.



Flashback to Three years ago:


                                      It was his first day as a transfer student so Lay nervously entered the classroom keeping his head down as he walked to the professor. He introduced himself with a bow and the professor motioned for him to take a seat before he continued to write on the board.

He chose a seat in the middle of the room, not far from the door. Once he was settled in, he took that chance to observe his new classmates: some are busy writing what was on the board, some are whispering to each other not paying attention and while the ones at the very back of the room was snoring away.

What caught his attention though was the girl seated on the fifth row, the row behind his. You seat was beside the window and from what Lay could see, you were busy staring outside. Your hand supporting your chin as you leaned in the desk seemingly lost on your own thoughts with the most stunning smile on your face.

He couldn’t help It. Lay observed you for the remainder of the forty-five minute of class. You never looked his way though, completely unaware of his staring and for that he was happy. He was able to look at you as you sighed dreamily making him wonder what you were thinking of.

From then on, He began to look forward to his classes with you. He never dared to approach though, as he was content with just admiring you from afar. He found all your little quirks amusing and your overall personality quite adorable.



                                     It was a few months after he had transferred that he got his chance to interact with you. By accident,  off course.He was walking towards the door, ready to go inside the classroom when someone bumped into him making his books fall on the floor, he sighed but never looked up. He was about to bend down and retrieve his fallen belongings when the person who bumped into him beaten him to it. You immediately bent down and picked up Lay’s books.


“ I am so sorry Lay, I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t notice you” you said apologetically and you smiled at him while Lay stood frozen in his spot.He couldn’t talk and he just stared at you, his heart beating like crazy inside his chest while you called out his name again.


“ Lay? Lay, are you okay?” You gently waved his book at his face.


That got him blinking. He immediately took the book from your hands and bowed while muttering:


 “Thank you” then, he quickly made his way inside the classroom.


You stared at his back as he approached his desk , he took a seat and quickly opened his book, his head down so you were unable to see his blushing face.


“ Urgh! I probably looked so stupid, she must think that I am a complete weirdo!” Lay thought disappointedly as he managed to steal a glance at you.


That incident convinced him even more that it would be better if he never talked to forever? He didn’t know.


So for the past three years he would only steal glances at you while you smile and laugh with your friends.Although, he sometimes wished that he had the courage to walk up to you and maybe have a normal conversation. 


...But he knew that if he ever tried to approach you, He would probably freeze up and look like a donkey.





This is part One of Three!

Thanks to KHNOCT for the poster!!!!! oh and I posted a new story!

Feel free to check out the Foreword! Just click on the poster to read more about the story!







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kdramafan #1
Chapter 11: That was so cute !!!! I love it
Too fluffy !
Definitely will marry Kris !,
Chapter 11: AAAAWWWWWWWW I LOVE THIIIISSSSSSS !!!!!!!! It's so adorable and sweet and....... Gosh. But it wasn't really indecent though. But it's okay !
Chapter 11: AWWWW HOW DAMN ADORBS <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 11: i wanna DIE FROM THE FLUFFINESS.
omg this is so cute i can't-
omgee kris of course i'll marry you
; u ;
/slapped for being delusional.
Chapter 9: kris. unf. * ^ *
Chapter 8: Mina LOL! You fail. It's okay I fail at it too XD!

Chanyeol wae so greasy!? I love it but its too cute for me LOL <3