chapter six

UN " Queenka" V.S. "Kingka"

Daehyun POV_______

i reached up grabbing a bottle of water tied to the top of the cage. Looking down i saw that ae sook was sleeping against the side off the cage we had been stuck here for a few hours now. She hadn't moved from that spot in the ground. Sighing i walked over to offer her some water i bent down touching her leg to wake her.she whimpered in her sleep wincing. a flash of her falling earlier went through my brain.....did she hurt her ankle? She looked a little pale.

" ae sook?" ,i said softly shaking her shoulder gently. " ae sook wake up!" I said a little louder now. She stirred flicking open her eyes i don't know why but seeing her glare at me like she was sent relief flooding through my body.she mustn't be that hurt.

" what man i told you i can't get us out" i didn't care about her attitude now i was just glad she was alright. I smirked and held the bottled water out to her.

" call a truce for tonight ok? We are stuck in here we might as well get along right?" I said trying to coax her to drink water because she may be acting fine but she still looked a little pale. I don't know why she wasnt whining about it like most girls would do. I decided to take youngjaes advice maybe i should get to know this girl maybe there was another way to come to an understanding then one of us leaving school and disbanding.

 your POV________

i looked at him a little suspicious of his truce, but i really needed that water my mouth was dry and my throat hurt, the pain from my ankle was almost unbearable now. Smiling weakly i grabbed the water and drank some. Daehyun sat down across from me pulling his knees up to his chest.

" thanks." I said holding the water up. He nodded.

" stand up for me." He said watching me. I raised an eyebrow.

" why?" He shrugged.

" just do it." i didn't think i could stand up on my ankle but i didn't want to tell him i was injured. I took a deep breath and grabbed into the gate to help hold my weight. I pulled my self into a standing position and let go of the side. Pain coursed thorough my leg and i felt the blood drain from my face but i wouldn't falter

" there happy now?" I said through clenched teeth. He looked at me curiously for a moment. Before i could stop him he reached out and placed his hand on my ankle, he barley touched it but that was enough to make the pain unbearable i jumped off my ankle and toppled over not being able to hold myself up. Daehyun shoved of the ground and caught me before i hit the ground. I looked at his face eyes wide with fright as the pain over whelmed me and i passed out.

Daehyuns POV______

i watched as she passed out, frantically i touched her face with my hand. Her face had a cold sweat on it. She must be in alot of pain. Stupid daehyun why did you challenge her like that to stand up! You knew she was hurt! I gently lay her head in my lap and took of my jacket folding it up i laid it on the ground and lowered her gently on it. I moved to her ankle rolling her pants leg up slowly revealing a purpling swollen Ankle. She must have fractured it when she jumped from the gate. Stupid girl! I grabbed the bottle of water which was chilled from the night air and removed her shoe and sock placing the bottle of water against her ankle. She flinched at the touch but relaxed. Sighing i scooted back away from her and watched for any sign of something i could do to help. My heart was thumping in my chest so hard i thought it might explode. What do i do! An hour or so later i heard YONGGUKS voice come around the corner.

" Yah you guys still there." He said laughing coming up to the gate. I didn't say anything but just waited. He laughed lifting up the cage releasing soon as we where free i jumped from the ground and shoved yongguk.

" Yah!! Don't be so angry it was just a joke i came back you weren't in here that long!" He said angrily. I shoved him again.

" she's hurt Pabo!" I said angrily. " she must have fractured her ankle when she jumped down from there." YONGGUKS eyes widened.

" i didn't know she didn't say anything she seemed fine." He said frantically.

" yea she didn't say anything to me either until i was an idiot and challenged her to stand and she passed out from the pain." I said rushing back to her. " ae sook wake up come on please i need you to wake up." I said frantically. She woke enough to help me get her on my back, i quickly shoved past yongguk and started making my way to his car.

" come on hurry up we are taking her to the emergency room!" I called back putting her in the back seat. Yongguk nodded and got in the car. I looked at her sleeping. Please God be alright. I don't know why the thought of her being hurt was sending my heart into over time.....

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Lovex2254 #1
Lol OMG when you said "looks like he has nothin upstairs" I kinda died. I don't have time to read this now, but I definitely will!!!
Chapter 16: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it was amazing~! :D
Jong up and Cho He <3
Daehyun and Ae Sook <3
Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan and YoungJae <3 + Lee Joon <3 Everyone was amazing and had his own charisma :)
Thank you for your hard work :) I hope that in future you will gain more inspiration :) GOOD LUUUCK <3
It was really, really enjoyable story :) Fighting <3
kpopholicc #3
Chapter 9: when cho he talks to aesook. it should be unni not noona...(:
amanda_bapluv #4
im sorry to all my readers and people who still are subscribing for the shotty spelling and grammar it have finally gotten around to it and am making my way through each chapter fixing the spelling and grammatical errors.
kpopholicc #5
Chapter 4: so far its really good but you might want to reread and proofread before you post it :D
kojafan #6
Chapter 16: The story itself was really good but there was some difficultly while reading it but overall,but overall it was so cute^^
alianord143 #7
Chapter 16: Love this story but kinda hard to read ;) Love this story and Daehyun is so good at pranks huh ?
Anyway ,, this story is AMAZING ,, JJANG <3
Chapter 16: Awwww... What a cute story! I knew there was something wrong with that Jae Hwa girl.. Smh.

Btw, we're u updating using an iPhone? Cuz it looks like you've been autocorrected a lot. Don't worry, I understand it very clearly (since it happens to me a lot xD)
Chapter 16: Your story is amazing ;) Seriously i like it ^^