chapter fifteen

UN " Queenka" V.S. "Kingka"
Your POV_____ the air was beautiful here, so clean and filled with the smells if flowers. I sat down by my mothers grave for the fifth day in a row, it was almost time for me to go back now i couldn't stay away forever. I would have to face this sooner or later. " mom.... Give me a sign ok, what should i do? Aunty here said i could move back home and go to school here, i don't know which to choose please help me" i say there for a while trying to see a sign but nothing changed. I my phone and let all the calls and messages flood in. There where millions of texts and calls from cho he and Jong up and zelo and even Youngjae, but there where none from the one i wanted to here from the most, the one i wanted to tell me it was ok. But i knew daehyun would never call me. Sighing i tucked my phone away and stood up. " I'd this your sign mom? If so i already knew it. " i tucked my hands in my jacket pockets and headed towards the cemetery exit. Ill tell aunty I'm moving back. _______ Daehyuns POV.______ i hopped out of the taxi in front of the cemetery, tossing him some money o took of running through the cemetery, i hope she was still here, i ran up a hill and still didn't see her i stopped and made s circle looking but saw nothing. I ran towards where lee Joon told Mr the grave was, when i got there she wasn't there. I dipped to my knees and put my head in my hands. I lost her. The wind suddenly picked up and stayed whipping around me i looked up to see if a Strom wad coming, when i did i saw herr, ae sook she was down hill walking towards the exit. I hopped up and called out to her but she didn't hear me, crap i wasn't used to being loud i was a quiet person. Throwing all my voice and power into, even stomping my foot and leaning forard like a little kid throwing a tantrum i called out her name it echoed throughout the cemetery as the wind stopped of suddenly. She froze at the bottom of the hill and sorely turned towards me. My heart did summer salts at the sight of her face. I let out a laugh of relief as i looked at her. ___________ you're POV________ the wind suddenly picked up flipping my hair every where,i hurried towards the exit. Suddenly it dropped off and i heard a beautiful voice echo loudly thorough the cemetery. It couldn't be, could out? I slowly turned around, and i felt tears swell up as i saw that beautiful face of his standing at the to of the hill at Mt parents grave. I heard him let out an elated laugh and smile hugley at me. Crying i stepped forward towards him, i couldn't..... Jae hwa.....i had to stay during. He walked down thehill and came to stand in front of me, i couldn't stop the tears from falling now. " daehyun.... What are you doing here?" I said my voice cracking. " I'm here to bring you back home." My heart ripped. Home. I sook my head not bring able to speak, i stepped back a short step. " i..... I can't, I'm transferring to school in America,i lost the bet and disbanded the schools yours sorry fot treating you like" he cut me off angrily. " ae sook! Your bring stubborn! Come back with me please I'm begging you i know everything about jae hwa,i know you felt you Had too do out for or safety, but you didn't and you don't have to keep doing it!" He knew..... That means i could love him now...... But After every thing i did to him i didn't deserve him he deserved better and he would have it without me. I stepped back again half turning. ," its to late daehyun, ours done I'm not going back, but you should." I said turning the rest of the way and staying to walk. I felt him grab tightly to my wrist and yank me back spinning me to face him and pulling me into s hug, he wrapped his arms around me tightly and i was to shocked to push away. " , please..... Please don't walk away from me again, please i.... I love you so much ae sook, and i...i don't think i can go back without you with me." He said tears in his voice. My heart was in my throat now, did he just say he loved me! Daehyun loved me! After everything i did and everything we've been thrush he loves me! I looked up at him not wearing a mask tears streaming down my face. " i love you to" i said my voice breaking. He smiled looking relieved. Before i could say anything else he lowered his head and kissed me. My heart wad beating fast like it was going to explode. Hr intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me towards the exit. He didn't let me go from then till we where back I'm Korea the next day, my heart felt on cloud nine.
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Lovex2254 #1
Lol OMG when you said "looks like he has nothin upstairs" I kinda died. I don't have time to read this now, but I definitely will!!!
Chapter 16: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it was amazing~! :D
Jong up and Cho He <3
Daehyun and Ae Sook <3
Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan and YoungJae <3 + Lee Joon <3 Everyone was amazing and had his own charisma :)
Thank you for your hard work :) I hope that in future you will gain more inspiration :) GOOD LUUUCK <3
It was really, really enjoyable story :) Fighting <3
kpopholicc #3
Chapter 9: when cho he talks to aesook. it should be unni not noona...(:
amanda_bapluv #4
im sorry to all my readers and people who still are subscribing for the shotty spelling and grammar it have finally gotten around to it and am making my way through each chapter fixing the spelling and grammatical errors.
kpopholicc #5
Chapter 4: so far its really good but you might want to reread and proofread before you post it :D
kojafan #6
Chapter 16: The story itself was really good but there was some difficultly while reading it but overall,but overall it was so cute^^
alianord143 #7
Chapter 16: Love this story but kinda hard to read ;) Love this story and Daehyun is so good at pranks huh ?
Anyway ,, this story is AMAZING ,, JJANG <3
Chapter 16: Awwww... What a cute story! I knew there was something wrong with that Jae Hwa girl.. Smh.

Btw, we're u updating using an iPhone? Cuz it looks like you've been autocorrected a lot. Don't worry, I understand it very clearly (since it happens to me a lot xD)
Chapter 16: Your story is amazing ;) Seriously i like it ^^