youngjaes chapter

UN " Queenka" V.S. "Kingka"
( doing the Same thing here is i did for zelo i feel like Youngjae is bring left out.) Your POV______ i woke up the next morning from a dream i wasnt to sure wither i was happy to be having, all my daehyun dreams started out good and then they would turn for the worse and rendition into nightmares. I couldn't get my feelings for him straight. I had been having these dreams for the past few days since my little trip with zelo. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I trudged downstairs to here clinking in the kitchen and the smell of foods. Oppa? He shouldn't be home. I walked around the corner into the kitchen to see a Blonde haired boy with head phones hanging around his neck. " Youngjae?!" I said UN believing. He turned around and smiled that signature smile of his at me. " oh ae sook your finally up!, i made you breakfast." He said pointing to the plate of hot cakes sitting on the counter. My mouth watered at the delicious smell. Forgetting myself i quickly sat down and started eating. Then i remembered Youngjae was in my house. " , Yah!" I said around a hot cake. " why are you in my house?" He leaned down on the counter and looked at Me. " well i came by this morning but you where asleep your Oppa was just leaving he let me in and said i could wait for you as long as i made you breakfast." I nodded. Darn lee joon. " ok but why did you come over." He shrugged returning to the dishes he was washing. " because everyone else seems to Get the chance to befriend youyou and take care of you and i feel bad for Leaving you in that cage and get hurt even worse,i should have let you out." He seemed sad about it and it made me feel bad it wasn't his fault. I took up a hot cake in my hand and called his name, when he turned i tossed it at him and it stuck flatly to his face he just stood there not removing it. " Yah don't blame yourself ok it want your fault if any one is to blame its only me and daehyun for this stupid prank game we are paying..." I said he nodded without moving the hot cake i smiled at the way he looked. "....... Now hand me back my hotcake." I mumbled. He laughed peeling it off his face. " your face its clean right?" I asked a he placed it back on my plate. " as a whistle" he said smiling. After breakfast Youngjae refused to leave, we say around my house just hanging out playing video games and he even sung a song for me he had a beautiful voice. After a while we just wound up sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv. " ae sook... Do you and daehyun like each other?" I stopped watching TV and looked at him, my heart sped at the mention of daehyun the dreams all flooding back. " what no! He's a Kingka!" Youngjae looked a little hurt. " so are me Jong up and zelo, so you don't like us either?" He caught me off guard with the question. " i uh that well you see that's not the same thing you guys are..." I couldn't make an excuse,the truth was i did like them all and i felt myself changing but i couldn't admit it to him or anyone.because this prank war was still going on and i wouldn't be made a fool of. " no i like you guys your all great." He smiled at me. " because i think daehyun actually likes you alot but won't admit it because of who you are to us, the supposed enemy, he acts differently around you." " yea exactly he acts." I mumbled. " ,hmmm?" Youngjae said not hearing mme ," nothing. Do Youngjae how did you guys even get into this whole Kingka group thing?" I asked curiously. " i mean zelo and jung up don't seen really cut from the same cloth." He smirked and grabbed up his drink from the table. " well as you can tell me himchan and yongguk got into because we loved threw attention and the women, zelo only joined because he was really close with yongguk and do he wound up bringing in Jong up do he wasn't alone." I nodded that all made since. " and daehyun?" I asked curious. Youngjae shrugged. " only yongguk knows why he came into it, and he won't tell anyone to me he didn't seen to like it but he stays for the rest of us." I nodded. Me and Youngjae say around for the rest of the day until lee Joon came home. I walked Youngjae to the door. " see i tolls you e would become good friends, and do me a favor give daehyun a chance hmmm i want you both around for a while." He smiled waving goodbye and left. I went upstairs and crawled into bed that night i didn't have any dreams .
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Lovex2254 #1
Lol OMG when you said "looks like he has nothin upstairs" I kinda died. I don't have time to read this now, but I definitely will!!!
Chapter 16: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it was amazing~! :D
Jong up and Cho He <3
Daehyun and Ae Sook <3
Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan and YoungJae <3 + Lee Joon <3 Everyone was amazing and had his own charisma :)
Thank you for your hard work :) I hope that in future you will gain more inspiration :) GOOD LUUUCK <3
It was really, really enjoyable story :) Fighting <3
kpopholicc #3
Chapter 9: when cho he talks to aesook. it should be unni not noona...(:
amanda_bapluv #4
im sorry to all my readers and people who still are subscribing for the shotty spelling and grammar it have finally gotten around to it and am making my way through each chapter fixing the spelling and grammatical errors.
kpopholicc #5
Chapter 4: so far its really good but you might want to reread and proofread before you post it :D
kojafan #6
Chapter 16: The story itself was really good but there was some difficultly while reading it but overall,but overall it was so cute^^
alianord143 #7
Chapter 16: Love this story but kinda hard to read ;) Love this story and Daehyun is so good at pranks huh ?
Anyway ,, this story is AMAZING ,, JJANG <3
Chapter 16: Awwww... What a cute story! I knew there was something wrong with that Jae Hwa girl.. Smh.

Btw, we're u updating using an iPhone? Cuz it looks like you've been autocorrected a lot. Don't worry, I understand it very clearly (since it happens to me a lot xD)
Chapter 16: Your story is amazing ;) Seriously i like it ^^