chapter thirteen

UN " Queenka" V.S. "Kingka"
Daehyun POV______ i frantically ran around the house getting ready to go to ae sooks for dinner. Yongguk and himchan sat on the couch watching me amused. Zelo pouted in the corner because he wasnt d invited. Youngjae was the only one of j help because he knew my nervousness.i couldn't understand why i was nervous but it was there. Slipping in My mask feeling better as soon as it was in place. I finished dressing and hurried out not wanting to be Late, ignoring the cheers and comments from the guys inside my house._______ your POV____ i fiddled around with the dinner setting d i waited nervously for daehyun to get there. I set a glass down and find myself starring into space rendering the conversation with jae hwa earlier. Ether was a knock at the door shaking me out of my tr ance. I quickly straightened my hair and ran to the door flinging it open j saw daehyun standing in front of me, his handsome face always caught NE buy surprise. i invited him in. " wowwow it smells great in here." I smiled. " thank you cone on dinnersits done lets eat." He nodded following me into the kitchen e say down and i served him some food. He smiled at me as he removed his mask. I thought about my conversation with Youngjae a while ago and thought there was something i wanted to knew before anything went wrong tonight. " do daehyun how did you become a pary of the kingkas?" He dropped his chopstick shocked. " come on don't you trusty me?" I said.i wanted to know for sure if hew was playing me our not if hew told me this he wouldn't still be playing me would he? He clearedd his throat. " its a long story" he said. I kept quiet waiting for him to continue. He cleared his throat again. " well i came here in Mt second year because i kept getting into a lot of trouble at my old school, it was always because of girls to. Thus one time though the girl was obsesed with me because of my face, her boyfriend was furious and we got into a fight, well i shoved him and he felll down the stairs died in impact. The court was giving me a chance saying if u moved here on pro Batoin and kept good hashes and out of trouble i wouldn't go to jail. Well part of my probation was to be in a school group but none of the f groups here wanted a wierd new kid who didn't talk and always where a mask. One day yongguk came up to me and we started takings i wound up telling hum my story and he said i could join the kingkas and would count as a grouo so o did and I've stayed eversince because of that. " he said. I felt so bad poor daehyun how could something like that happen to him, it wad so heartbreaking. I wanted to reach overt and hold him. Somehow during the story i HadHad gotten closer we where almost done with dinner now he looked me in the eyes us both locked inon each other. He leaned closer.wad thus it wad he going to kiss me wad i going to let him,? _____ daehyun POV_______ i looked up and Saw her watching me with sad eyes. I had never told anyone that other then yongguk and now she knew. I looked at her beautify eyes UN able to look away and my heart started spending in a good way. Something clicked with me then during there staring at her, i knew why now why i always wanted to be around her, why i missed her when we where on weekends, why everything reminded me of her, why now my favorite color happens to be blew why she wad always on my mind. I was in love with this girl with the stupid blue hair. This stupid girl, this annoying girl who hates kingkas, this stupig girl who made a group to annoy kingkas this stupid blue haired girl.....had stolen my untouchable heart. ______ your POV_____ i watched as daehyun started at me, he started leaning in closer i froze this was it he was about to Kiss me, was i going to let him, did i trust him, he was almost at my lips now i could feel his breath on them, without thinking my hand shoot up and covers his moth before he kissed me. I couldn't let him Kiss me, not because i didn't trust him because good knows i did,i wanted him to kiss me more then anything i wanted to be with him more then anything. But i couldn't because jae hwas conversation early today had been nagging in the back of my head all night, and i knew that this couldn't happen, if i loved him like i knew i did i Had to do this i Had to letlet him go before jae hwa did something,i wouldn't let her hurt bap i wouldn't let her hurt daehyun. I Had to make him hate me for his own good, a tear welled up in my eye. " gotcha" , i said with a withering voice. " his eyes widened with shock i stood up releasing his moth. Daehyun abruptly stood up anger and betrayal written all over his face. It broke my heart shattered it to pieces to see those looks shot toward me. " you tricked me?" He said softly. I smirked. " i only did what you said." I hopped that he would remember he saidfor me to fall in love with him, hoping he would get an inkling of my feelings for him, but he was to angry. " you betrayed me! After everything i Told you! After everything that had happened you still wanted to go with this stupid game!" My composure almost crumpled as i saw a tear roll down his face. I wanted to apologize and say everything was jae hwa but i had to end this right now before i ruined everything.what o did next hurt me that i felt like i would die. " its your fault for believing it was more then it was a prank. Friends close enemies closer daehyun dukes of war." I said coldly. He nodded " enemies. You know ae sook i thought you where different, but really your worse then any of those queenkas, you put this together to stop then because they where so evil well you're more evill them all of them your lie and despicable already they don't hide what they really are." Another tear rolled down his cheek and i felt the last piece of my heart just die away. He turned and stormed out slamming the door behind him. I turned and walked to my phone i dialed jar hwa. She answers on the first ring. " hello?" " its done." I said flatly and hung up. I dialed cho he next. "ae sookk!" She said cheerfuly. " cho he go to school tomorrow and disband UN queenkas we are done,i won't be there fir awhile Ive got yo go somewhere.," i said flat. " ae sook?? Are you ok you find wierd.?" L I'm fine bye." I said dead. I Hong up and walked to my room in a daze falling face Down on my bed i just lay there not moving and not thinking just sitting.
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Lovex2254 #1
Lol OMG when you said "looks like he has nothin upstairs" I kinda died. I don't have time to read this now, but I definitely will!!!
Chapter 16: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it was amazing~! :D
Jong up and Cho He <3
Daehyun and Ae Sook <3
Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan and YoungJae <3 + Lee Joon <3 Everyone was amazing and had his own charisma :)
Thank you for your hard work :) I hope that in future you will gain more inspiration :) GOOD LUUUCK <3
It was really, really enjoyable story :) Fighting <3
kpopholicc #3
Chapter 9: when cho he talks to aesook. it should be unni not noona...(:
amanda_bapluv #4
im sorry to all my readers and people who still are subscribing for the shotty spelling and grammar it have finally gotten around to it and am making my way through each chapter fixing the spelling and grammatical errors.
kpopholicc #5
Chapter 4: so far its really good but you might want to reread and proofread before you post it :D
kojafan #6
Chapter 16: The story itself was really good but there was some difficultly while reading it but overall,but overall it was so cute^^
alianord143 #7
Chapter 16: Love this story but kinda hard to read ;) Love this story and Daehyun is so good at pranks huh ?
Anyway ,, this story is AMAZING ,, JJANG <3
Chapter 16: Awwww... What a cute story! I knew there was something wrong with that Jae Hwa girl.. Smh.

Btw, we're u updating using an iPhone? Cuz it looks like you've been autocorrected a lot. Don't worry, I understand it very clearly (since it happens to me a lot xD)
Chapter 16: Your story is amazing ;) Seriously i like it ^^