chapter four

UN " Queenka" V.S. "Kingka"

I quickly ran up the walk to my house. That jerk made me late! I quietly opened the door to the house hoping Oppa wasn't up yet. When i stepped in i heard some clinking in the kitchen. I dropped my head and walked into the kitchen. Oppa was standing at the counter dishing food out onto two plates.\

" oppaaa! I'm so sorry i didn't mean to be late are you going to be late for work now?" He smiled at me gently pushing me a plate. I sat at the counter across from him.

" don't worry I'll only be a few minutes late. Now eat up and then go do your homework." He said reaching across to ruffle my hair. " your blue is fading you want to go Get it redone?" ,he asked quickly shoveling the food into his mouth. Aigoo! My Oppa was so cute even when he ate like a pig no wonder girls swooned for him. I laughed nodding.

" yea i was thinking of getting choo he to do it tomorrow during lunch." He nodded reaching into his pocket and handing me some money.

"for the dye" ,i smiled reaching over to give him a hug. We finished eating and i sent him off as he left for work. I walked up stairs and took a long shower to get all the molasses of me....where did he even get molasses!!! Sighing i dressed and crawled into bed falling quickly asleep. The next morning i ran to the store to grab some hair dye and made my way to school. I watched carefully as i approached the school not wanting another prank.

" watching for me?" I heard a muffled voice call from behind me. I turned quickly to see daehyun leaning against a wall. I looked around for any sign of a prank. When i looked back at him i started laughing his hair was tented red. He glared at me. " I'm glad you think this is funny do you know how long it took to get my hair that blonde. " i covered my mouth as i kept laughing. He walked over to me pulling down his mask and leaning in close. My laughing stopped right away. " you'll regret that prank." He said pulling his mask back up and walking away. I gulped feeling a tad bit scared. The day went by uneventful though i kept a look out but he pulled no pranks. Neithier did i, i was to tired last night to plan anything out. The bell rang signaling lunch and i quickly went to find cho he.

" i need you to dye my hair." I said catching her coming from class. She nodded and we headed towards the bathroom. I sat on the sink letting the dye sink in, but cho he kept looking at me wierd. It was making me a tad uncomfortable. After the time was up i bent over the sink and rinsed. When i flipped back up i thought i was about to dye. My hAir wasnt blue it was a blonde that matched prefect to the queenkas. I whipped around at cho he who stared wide eyed.

" oh no ae sook it must have been bleach! Your a blonde now. !" Angrily i whipped from the bathroom and trudged to the class where daehyun ate lunch. He was sitting there with a little kid with the same color blue hair i should have right now. And another little kid who had a not all there look on his face. I walked over and slammed my hands down on the desk in front of daehyun making the two kids jump up. Daehyun looked at me smiling, but when he saw my hair he faltered slightly but returned to his smug look.

" you get no point for this! It included cho he!" I says angrily. He smiled leaning back on his chair.

" i didn't do this one for points just pure satisfaction of getting rid of that annoying blue hair." I glared at him with ice.

"sookie Noona don't be mad you look really pretty now." Said the guy with the stupid smile. I looked at him weird.

"its ae sook not sookie." i said angrily. " and i looked fine with blue hair!" The blue haired boy nodded.

" i agree with sookie Noona i liked her blue hair." Daehyun looked dumbfounded at the boys.

" zelo" he said looking at the blue haired boy. " Jong up!" He said looking at the stupid smiled boy. " don't encourage her!" He said sighing. They looked at him Pouting.

" you'll regret this daehyun...... You made me look like those queenkas, you'll regret you made this prank war challenge, now not only will i win and send you guys from this school I'll humiliate you so no school will make you Kingka again." I turned to leave. I stopped and whirled back grabbing up his bag. He jumped trying to grab it. I ripped it open pouring all its contents on the floor spotting my hair dye i grabbed it up and tossed his back pack at his feet and left to fix my hair.

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Lovex2254 #1
Lol OMG when you said "looks like he has nothin upstairs" I kinda died. I don't have time to read this now, but I definitely will!!!
Chapter 16: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it was amazing~! :D
Jong up and Cho He <3
Daehyun and Ae Sook <3
Zelo, Yongguk, Himchan and YoungJae <3 + Lee Joon <3 Everyone was amazing and had his own charisma :)
Thank you for your hard work :) I hope that in future you will gain more inspiration :) GOOD LUUUCK <3
It was really, really enjoyable story :) Fighting <3
kpopholicc #3
Chapter 9: when cho he talks to aesook. it should be unni not noona...(:
amanda_bapluv #4
im sorry to all my readers and people who still are subscribing for the shotty spelling and grammar it have finally gotten around to it and am making my way through each chapter fixing the spelling and grammatical errors.
kpopholicc #5
Chapter 4: so far its really good but you might want to reread and proofread before you post it :D
kojafan #6
Chapter 16: The story itself was really good but there was some difficultly while reading it but overall,but overall it was so cute^^
alianord143 #7
Chapter 16: Love this story but kinda hard to read ;) Love this story and Daehyun is so good at pranks huh ?
Anyway ,, this story is AMAZING ,, JJANG <3
Chapter 16: Awwww... What a cute story! I knew there was something wrong with that Jae Hwa girl.. Smh.

Btw, we're u updating using an iPhone? Cuz it looks like you've been autocorrected a lot. Don't worry, I understand it very clearly (since it happens to me a lot xD)
Chapter 16: Your story is amazing ;) Seriously i like it ^^