Chapter Nine

I Don't Want To Be


Chapter Nine

His head hurt, and he felt slightly off.

Obviously, he needed more sleep, but the worry and need to know what was going on made him warily open his eyes. About two things he was conscious off before his eyes fully focused and his mind could actually catch up, one he was sleeping on something comfortably soft and so warm, two, it smelled really good-and he didn’t mean food good. Deeply sighing, he blinked his heavy eyes, and then finally pushed himself to sit upward; groaning when his head felt like it was swimming with slight pain.

“You should sleep more,”

Top turned his head, towards the sound of the melodious voice, only to come slightly face to face with a smiling G-dragon. Unearthly beautiful was one of his first thoughts but God, for a moment he had forgotten that he had to deal with this thief. Sighing again, he turned away and gently massaged his temples. “How long have I been out?” he asked, his voice sounding heavy with sleep, but to G-dragon it just sounded y.

“Just a few hours, and it’s only going to be dawn now, you should get more rest,” G-dragon insisted, worry sounding clearly in his voice.

Top shook his head. “No,” he said and looked up to see that G-dragon was still driving. He frowned slightly, “You on the other hand, might need a break. Let me take over” As he said this, he caught the way that G-dragons hands tightened around the steering wheel, and he turned to look at him, only to find the white blond haired boy pouting angrily at the road ahead of him. Top couldn’t help but chuckle at the expression, “Do you always wear your heart on your sleeve?” he wondered aloud, although not really meaning to. The reality of it all was that he had never met someone so free, passionate, and so pure as G-dragon before.

G-dragon turned to slightly look at him before scoffing and looking forward again, “Are you always such an uncaring ?”

“I didn’t used to be, but when you’re an assassin life really doesn’t give you a choice. If I wore my heart the way you did, I be dead a long time ago,” Top leaned back against his side of the seat, tiredly sighing for what seemed the fifth time since he woke up. G-dragon bit into his lower lip and tried to keep himself from showing his worry in his eyes.

“I never could do that,” he admitted, “It’s just part of who I am. I’m…soft,”

“You’re a thief; you can’t say that you haven’t done something as terrible as I have.”

“Stealing, kidnapping people, beating them are a lot different from actually taking their life.” G-dragon grumbled. “That man you killed earlier could have been going home to his wife and kids. He probably has family who are still waiting for him,”

“You’re funny,” Top said, and G-dragon made a face as he turned to glare at him, only to find that Top had fallen asleep again. G-dragon sighed, and looked at him longingly. Did it bother Top that his heart was so easy to get hurt? It was not like G-dragon intentionally made it to be that way, it really was who he was. But he didn’t want to seem weak in front of Top. Guess he needed to be stronger if he wanted him to recognize him or even think of him as someone great.

This was his flaw and weakness, which he was very used to covering by acting like a child, having a strong upfront personality, and getting his way. Since he met Top, the man had not given into his childishness, hadn’t even batted an eye at his tantrums, and now he had even seen him cry and he could feel he cared really little for that.

At this rate, Top was never going to fall for him.

As crazy as it was, and it seemed, G-dragon did believe in love at first sight. He believed in cupid and arrows, romance and chivalry. He dreamt of the day that he would find someone that would make his heart race, and make his skin melt. Top had already accomplish at making his heart stutter, and he knew that was a great start to something-but G-dragon was also cautious about never liking someone based on just their looks. Sure looks mattered, they were what had first attracted him to Top, but now, he was trying to see his personality and all Top’s words, actions, his personality had only accomplished to make him cry.

G-dragon wasn’t used to crying so much, but it seemed like Top’s words mattered because they hit home right into his heart. Now he needed comfort, and he was lost, with no real thought yet a wonder in if Top could comfort him with words, the way he hurt him with words.

Why was he feeling so high in emotions when it came to Top anyways? In the past few days he had gone from complaining, to crying, fearing, happy, angry, upset, and the emotions just kept washing away at him, draining him of his energy. Maybe he did need some more sleep. Maybe the lack of sleep was making him overly sensitive. That had to be it. There was no other way to explain why he felt so tired.

They needed to stop somewhere.

In the next twenty-four hours, G-dragon had driven them to a cheap motel and had signed them in. Top had woken up and seemed to wonder off on his own for a while. Seungri was just happy to get something to eat and a real bed to sleep in. And Daesung, he seemed pretty happy about having a roof over his head as well, but it seemed like something was also on his mind.

“I’ going off to bed,” Seungri said, and G-dragon nodded.

He stayed out in the hallway, his hand in his pocket wondering where Top had gone to as he the white slick diamond.

The sudden high-class clicking of stiletto high heels made him raise his head and looked to the side. He was met by a petite girl with deep black short hair, and an aloof look on her face that despite the heavy eyeliner around her eyes, he could easily recognize her “Ga In,” he mumbled.

She paused just in front of him and looked at her, “G-dragon,” she said, and then a little smirk pulled on the side of her lips. “What are you doing here?” she curiously asked.

“A new job, but nothing that will concern you,” he said, turning away from her and moving towards his room. He didn’t want to end up messing around with a thief like her. Ga In had started as a good girl, but ever since, she had met Miryo she had become a bad girl. So bad, that she was practically nothing but bad news.

Once he was inside the room, he glanced at Seungri whom seemed to still be sleeping and silently made his way to his bag. He started to look through all his clothing, and finally got out enough clothes to make a new outfit. He glanced at Seungri once more, and then took out the King’s diamond out to place it inside of his bag.

What he had not noted that the moment he took it out, Seungri had opened his eyes and nearly gasped at what he saw. G-dragon grabbed his clothes and decided to go take a quick shower and change.

As soon as he was gone, Seungri waited about a minute to make sure he would not return and then got up from the bed. He went to G-dragon’s bag, taking everything out and feeling anger rise in him when he saw the Kings Diamond there.

“I can’t believe they lied to us about not finding it,” he muttered to himself. He stuffed the diamond into his pocket, and grabbed his shoes as he moved to leave. His plan now, seeing that he was mad, was to get Daesung and both of them take off without these two criminals. He was no longer sure what was safe. But he couldn’t stay here with someone that had lied to him.

Seungri held the kings Diamond in his hand as he left the room, looking at it with a frown on his face as he thought back to his father’s death. It was all this diamonds fault, just a piece of rock-that was all it took for people to kill each other.

Seungri found himself holding the shinny rock up to the sun as he walked outside.

Pocketing the diamond, he started to walk down the road. He walked aimlessly for about half an hour, when all of a sudden a girl whom was running came barreling right into him.  Seungri gasped, and immediately went to check if she was alright. “Are you hurt?” he worriedly asked as he helped her up to her feet.  She clung to him, acting all dizzy and confused.

“What, Oh I’m so sorry!” the girl said. She was cute, with short brown hair, and dazzling brown eyes. “I’m such a klutz, did I hurt you?” she asked, returning the worry.

“No, no, I’m fine,” Seungri smiled at her reassuringly.

The girl sigh, placing a hand over her chest. “I’m glad,” then she looked worried, “Oh no, I’m late for my date,” and she ran off once again.

Seungri watched her go, wondering whom she was before he resumed to wondering around, trying to find Daesung.

 Meanwhile, G-dragon returned back to the bedroom, freshly dressed, and feeling better than he had before. But that feeling is short lived as he enters the room and finds the contents of his back pack strewn across the bed. One quick glance at the bed where Seungri had been, and he knew it had to be the prince the one that had gone through his things. G-dragon looked over his stuff and his eyes widened slightly when he noted that the Kings Diamond was gone. “That idiot,” he hissed under his breath, packing up everything and moving back to the door to leave in search of him-only to bump into Top on his way out. “Tabi…” he said, feeling his heart sink.

“What’s wrong?” Top asked, in that deep voice of his when he saw the look of dread on G-dragons face.

“Um,” G-dragon shifted, looking down to Top’s chest. Bringing one finger up, he poked him on the ribs, “Well you know,” he stalled as Top flinched away from his touch.

Narrowing his eyes at the evasive thief, Top asked again, “What’s going on? Where were you going?” 

G-dragon sighed, “You’re no fun,”

“G-dragon,” Top warned.

“Fine,” G-dragon said as he took a deep breath, “Seungri went through my things, and found the Kings Diamond. Seeing as he is not here I thought I’d go and find him before he did anything stupid.” G-dragon found himself explaining.

Top’s eye twitched in slight anger, “What?”

“Look, why are we wasting time, we have to go and find him!” G-dragon urged.

“,” Top hissed, and moved away from the door, turning to leave. G-dragon gasped, and closed the door behind him before following after Top.

“Where are you going?” G-dragon asked.

“The only place an idiot who has never been here will end up at,” Top said, in a calm tone and G-dragon looked up at him with a slightly confused look. Either way, he followed Top to wherever it was that they were headed. Soon, they ended up in a small beach. G-dragon couldn’t remember the last time that he had gone to a beach and even then it had never been for fun.

Right now though, a little twinge of envy entered his heart as he thought how lucky all those people and families were to enjoy such a place. “So, the beach,” he said in a slightly questioning tone.

“Wherever it is that you are headed, it seemed like somehow you would always end up here,” Top said, “At least that is how it felt like when I was taking my walk. I just figured it was a good place to start, so look around and see if you can see him.”

G-dragon nodded his head and both of them looked around.

“Over there!” G-dragon said after ten minutes of searching. Sure enough, Seungri was down at the beach, at the water shore with his shoes and socks off. He looked like he was playing with the water.

“Let’s go,” Top said as he stepped into the sandy beach. G-dragon looked around him, spotting all the mothers, the fathers, and especially the small children. He hoped Top would not pull out his gun and end any lives here. Trudging through the sand, both criminals reached Seungri, and Top stood in front of him, while G-dragon moved in to hug Seungri around the shoulder, tightly holding him in a threatening manner that would allow him to snap his neck in half if he dared try something stupid.

“You’ve been a bad boy, Seungri.” G-dragon said in a salacious tone that made Top glare at him for a second before turning his glare at Seungri who was blushing, and sputtering. At least he was smart enough to not try and get away from G-dragon’s grasp.

“Where’s the Diamond,” Top demanded.

Seungri glanced down and bit his lower lip. “I don’t know what you are talking about!” he snapped.

Top scoffed, “Look in his pockets,” and G-dragon reached one hand carefully down while tightening the one around Seungri’s neck. As he searched each pocket, he shook his head.

“Nothing,” he confirmed.

Seungri gasped. “It had to be there!” he said, worry sounding in his voice.

“It’s not there,” G-dragon hissed and released Seungri as a tidal wave of water moved close to them, and moved to stand besides Top.

“You know the only thing keeping you alive was that diamond!” Top snapped at Seungri, making the young male feel like a complete idiot. “How could you lose it!”

“Sorry,” Seungri said in a low tone. “I thought I had it,”

“I should kill you right here,” Top snapped, fighting the urge to pull his gun out at Seungri. Of course, that urge completely died when G-dragon grabbed his hand, and got close to him, practically pressed into him. It made him turn to look at him, part of him wanting to get away and another part wanting to pull him even closer, until he was tightly pressed against him.

“Well, there is another way we can keep him alive,” G-dragon said, “And we can still make a hefty amount of money.”

Seungri looked at them shocked. “Money?” he questioned.

“Money,” Top said, pulling his hand away from G-dragon and placing some space between them.

“Money,” G-dragon nodded, in confirmation.

Seungri gapped. “Is that all you people care about?”

“Let’s not talk about this here,” Top said, moving away to leave he beach. G-dragon quickly followed after him, and Seungri hesitated before he rushed to follow them.

“Wait, what about the Kings Diamond, are we not even going to try and get it back?” he demanded.

“Well, you lost it, so we can only ask you where you think you left it.” G-dragon retorted in reply, making Top want to get away from their bickering.

“I had it in my pocket! I swear,”

“Are you sure you weren’t holding it in your hand and you placed it down somewhere?”

“Where in this place would I stop to set it down! I’m sure that  I would not have let it go!”

“Then where is it if not in your pocket!”

“Well, I don’t know!”

“Then think about it!”

“I” Seungri struggled in thinking, “I…I took the diamond out of your bag, and rushed out the door. I was looking at it, watching it shine in the sun and then I placed it in my pocket. I…then a girl bumped into me, and I helped her. Then I started walking again…and somehow ended up at the beach, I had never been to one so I thought I could. That’s it! So…” Seungri sighed. For the life of him, where was the diamond? As he reached into his pockets he knew it was not there. 

“What did the girl look like?” G-dragon suddenly asked.

“Um…short hair, cute, and she had pretty brown eyes, and she was really pretty I guess,” Seungri said, “What does what she look like have anything to do with anything?” he asked.

“Ga In,” G-dragon muttered, turning to look at Top whom he was sure was ignoring him and Seungri. “Tabi, if we move now we can get the diamond back from Ga In,” he said.

“Who’s Ga In?” Top asked.

“Ga In is a thief, like me, but she has a partner, Miryo and both of them are good at what they do. If Ga In did take the diamond, I can assure you that they are back in their way to returning it to the prince’s uncle,”

Top frowned, “That could still mean that we will be behind. In the end, all he will care about is the Diamond and he would kill Seungri on the spot.” Top said, reminding G-dragon as to why they had hid the diamond in the first place.

“Right,” G-dragon said, “but we can turn him in as I mentioned. We could leave both him and Daesung at this place” he assured.

Seungri listened to them talk, feeling fear well up on him.

“I still do wan the diamond,”’

“And so do many others,” G-dragon and Top both snapped at him.

“Alright,” Top said, “Change of course, so long as I’m getting paid. We’ll leave Seungri and Daesung behind and then go after the Diamond,”

G-dragon nodded.

“Oh, where is Daesung?” Top paused and asked as he looked at G-dragon and Seungri. The two of them shrugged.

“Probably back at the hotel,” G-dragon offered.

Top sighed.

All three of them headed back to the hotel, and collected the last of their things, and when they were packed, Daesung walked in, claiming that he found a park. He had also mentioned that they should go and hang out there together, as normal friends, but of course his words were ignored as a bag was shoved to his face and he was pushed out the door.

“Where are we going?” Daesung asked.

“Away,” Top said, “G-dragon, you have the directions right?”

“Yes, Tabi,” G-dragon nodded his head as they got into their large truck. The truck had been hidden behind an abandoned factory building.

Top was at the driver seat, with G-dragon next to him. Daesung and Seungri both got onto their side, and hoped that Top wouldn’t crazy drive or crash.

“Turn left as we get out of here,” G-dragon said, looking around him.

Top nodded, and turned.

It wouldn’t be long now.


Dong Young Bae smiled as the meeting ended, and he bowed to his co-workers offering them a good day. Just as he walked down the hall towards his office, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out as he walked in, and closed the door behind him.

The text message sender read that it was from G. Otherwise known as the thief G-dragon.

He quickly opened the message, and smirked before stuffing the phone back into his pocket, and moving to his desk to collect his things, and call this a day.

The message had been simple.

I shall be arriving within three days


Aish, this Story has been driving my mind crazy. It's like it can go any direction now >< I just hope that I can keep it interesting. Plus school has started :( 

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 20: that was amazing!!!!! i loved every single part of this, and i especially admired the way you described jiyong and seunghyun :D
i also liked that jiyong and seunghyun revealed themselves to each other at the end,,, it was so good!!!!
authornim,, i really love your writing skills, and i hope you write other great stories like this one!!!!
thank you so much for this beautiful touching fanfic!!! :D :D :D i support you!!!!
Chapter 19: OMG, I'm lucky seven the assasin!! XD
Mii-yoh #3
Chapter 20: Omooo so awesome *___*
I love action and romance together kkk and a little bit of magic~ it was a really amazing story, I read it as a one-shot... hell I don't have life :O
but the storyline was so interesting, planned (?), and without needless events... ahh really great, I enjoyed it~
phiiee #4
Chapter 20: Oh wow this is amazing! I love how action filled this story is and still be romantic with a dash of fantasy here and there. Wow. And totally loving GD's character. And TOP's too! This is definitely a great read. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 20: Omo! That was beautiful ending of that amazing story !!! T.T I looove this :) You are brilliant author :) Thanks for this story :))))
llvip59 #6
Chapter 20: T3T soooo BEAUTIFUL OMG !!! I can't believe I'm crying haha ....i really really loved your story n how u wrote it it was absolutely wonderful!! Aaah GOOD JOB!!
Chapter 20: I cried ...
oh God, i cried ..
It finished, i cried more .. ;;;;;
Chapter 20: Oh it finished :( this was a really good fic^^ i thoroughly enjoyed it :D
Chapter 20: ONE that is so beautiful!!! so everything is right where they should be!!! I'm a little sad that this had to end ( but the new one seems even more promising) anyway Thank you so much for writing & sharing!!!

"I don't want to be alone" ;~;
Omg you have no idea how much I actually cried reading this ending. It's so hopeful. I just. Tears. Like legit. When Jiyong was rambling on, telling him his name and age and everything else-- I started sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing.

I think you know by now how much I love Tabi and GD in this verse and I love you so much for creating it. This story will stay with me for a very long time. Maybe forever <333